@Misc{CSinclair98, author="C. Sinclair", institution="SLAC", note="Private Communication"} @Misc{Saliev, author="V. Saliev", institution="DESY", note="Private Communication"} @Misc{Dolgoshein, author="B. Dolgoshein", institution="MEPHI/Moscow", note="Private Communication"} @Misc{Glasgow, author="J. Kellie", institution="University of Glasgow", note="Private Communication" } @Misc{cpt1, title={{See, for example, R.G. Sachs, The Physics of Time Reversal (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987).}} } @Misc{cpt2, title={See, for example, R.M. Barnett et al., Review of Particle Properties, Phys. Rev. D\textbf{54}, 1 (1996).} }