On Monday May 18, 2009, JLAB 's mailing lists will be converted from Majordomo lists to Mailman lists. Mailman is a replacement mailing list server for Majordomo.
How does this affect you ? It will affect you in one of two ways, depending on if you are a list MEMBER or a list ADMINISTRATOR.
Most users are members of one or more lists. If you are currently a member of a majordomo mailing list, you will automatically be a member of the equivalent mailman mailing list. You will receive an email welcoming you to each new mailman list you are member of. This welcome email will include your password for that particular Mailman list. Member Passwords are a new concept in Mailman that Majordomo did not use. Each user will be assigned a random password for EACH list they are a member of. You can use this password to logon to that particular list 's web page. You can set this password to anything you like, even set all of your Mailman list to the same password. However, you can not use any important or JLAB password. Mailman passwords are considered very insecure and are EMAILED TO YOU in monthly reminders. DO NOT USE YOUR CUE PASSWORD AS A PASSWORD FOR ANY MAILMAN MAILING LIST.
Documentation for List MEMBERS is found at: http://cc/services/email/MailmanInstructions.html
Each list has one or more list ADMINISTRATORS. List Admins will receive an email as their list is being created on MailMan. This email will contain the List Admin password. List owners will use this password to logon to the admin page for their list. This admin page is where all of configuration details for the list are set.
Documentation for List Administrators is found at: http://cc/services/email/ListAdmin.html
SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT LIST ARCHIVES: Many lists have been archived on the web for many of years. These archives will be frozen and remain in their current location. However, all new messages that go to Mailman lists will be archived on the new Mailman Archives. If you are a list owner of a current list that has web archives protected with a password, please ensure that the new web archives are have similar protections.