3/10/2011 DL This test uses an ANN to multiply 2 integers from 0-3 together. A data sample used to train the ANN is made with the make_train_file program. The ANN is actually trained using the train_network program and the results written to the mult.net file. This is then read by the test_network program to actually test it by running the ANN. The ANN has 2 inputs which take the values of the 2 integers (0-3). There are 2 hdden layers with 8 and 10 neurons respectively. There are 10 ouputs representing the number that is the result (0-9). The actual value reported by the ANN for the multiplication is determined by which of the 10 outputs was over 0.7 in value. The first output exceeding that threshold is considered to be the result (e.g. if the 5th output is the first whose value is over 0.7, then the result is taken to be 4 (since the first output is taken to represent 0)).