# This will set the prompt for the tsch shell and then attempt # to set the BMS_OSNAME envar and source the setenv.csh for # sim-recon build for this platform, but only if it exsts. # # For this to work, docker must mount the appropriate "builds" # directory in /builds of the container. For example: # # docker run --rm -it -v ${HOME}/HallD/builds:/builds centos7:halld # # This is installed by the Dockerfile when the image is built into # the root home directory as ".tcshrc" so that it's automatically # set prompt='docker:%c>' if ( -e /builds/sim-recon/src/BMS/osrelease.pl ) then setenv BMS_OSNAME `/builds/sim-recon/src/BMS/osrelease.pl` endif if ( $?BMS_OSNAME ) then if ( -e /builds/sim-recon/$BMS_OSNAME/setenv.csh ) then source /builds/sim-recon/$BMS_OSNAME/setenv.csh endif endif