subroutine gpgheip(idvec,ppvec,kinergy) c c *** compute distance to next hadronic interaction point *** c *** this routine is an interface to gheisha8 *** c *** nve 06-apr-1988 cern geneva *** c c called by : guphad (user routine) c origin : f.carminati c #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" c --- gheisha commons --- #include "gelhad/ghcdes/" real *4 ppvec,kinergy integer *4 idvec c c --- initialize relevant gheisha variables at first pass --- if (ifinit(4) .eq. 0) call gheini c if (z .lt. 1.0) go to 1000 c kk=abs(q(jma+11)) if (kk .gt. 1) go to 10 c sig=ghesig(ppvec,kinergy,a,a,z,1.0,1,dens,0.0,idvec) go to 20 c 10 continue qcor=0.0 if( then lnve=lq(jtm) if (lnve .gt. 0) qcor=q(lnve+26) endif sig=ghesig(ppvec,kinergy,a,q(jmixt+1),q(jmixt+kk+1), $ q(jmixt+2*kk+1),kk,dens,qcor,idvec) c 20 continue if (sig .le. 0.0) go to 1000 shadr=zintha/sig if (nprt(9)) print 2000,kk,sig,shadr 2000 format(' *gpghei* kk,sig,shadr = ',i3,1x,2(g12.5,1x)) go to 9999 c c --- ensure no interaction in current medium --- c 1000 continue shadr=big if (nprt(9)) print 2001,kk,sig,shadr 2001 format(' *gpghei* === no interaction in current medium ==='/ $ ' kk,sig,shadr = ',i3,1x,2(g12.5,1x)) c 9999 continue end