Here is a list of field maps for the GlueX solenoid. The steps to create a new one and install it are: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) copy the .xlsx, .am, and .in7 files from an existing map using the current date and current in the name 2.) Modify the Excel file (.xlsx) to get the current settings for each coil and copy these into the .am file 3.) Now you probably want to copy the .am and .in7 files to a working directory along with the scripts/run_all.csh and scripts/ scripts 4.) Modify the run_all.csh script to reflect the date and current of the map. (only those two lines need to be changed). Then, run it. It will take several minutes to complete. 5.) Copy the resulting map file (named something like solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104) to: gluex@ifarm1401:/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid 6.) Create entry in CCDB for new map. To do this in the "live" version, set your JANA_CALIB_URL to "mysql://" and run jresource like this: jresource -a Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1000A_poisson_20141104 0- 7.) Add the configuration files to the subversion repository and commit them 8.) Edit this file to list the new map(s) as well as the wiki page: 9.) Send an announcement to the mailing list ----------------------------------------- README from 2009.08.14.poisson poisson_20090813_01 : Eugene's original poisson map (current is backwards) poisson_20090814_01 : same as poisson_20090813_01 but with current flipped poisson_20090814_02 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with current reduced by 1% in all coils poisson_20090814_03 : same as poisson_20090814_02 but with outermost coil blocks moved 1mm away from center of solenoid poisson_20090814_04 : same as poisson_20090814_02 but with outermost coils (all blocks) moved 5mm away from center of solenoid poisson_20090819_01 : same as poisson_20090814_02 but with double the mesh point density in the r dimension poisson_20090819_02 : same as poisson_20090814_02 but with double the mesh point density in both dimensions poisson_20090826_01 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with double the mesh point density in both dimensions poisson_20090826_02 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with quadruple the mesh point density in both dimensions poisson_20090827_01 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with coils 1,2,3,4 shifted z=-1.0,-0.5,+0.5,+1.0cm respectively poisson_20090827_02 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with coils 1,2,3,4 shifted z=-2.0,-1.0,+1.0,+2.0cm respectively poisson_20090827_03 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with coils 1,2,3,4 shifted z=-4.0,-2.0,+2.0,+4.0cm respectively poisson_20090827_04 : same as poisson_20090814_01 but with coils 1,2,3,4 shifted z=-2.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0cm respectively ----------------------------------------- Maps generated 11/23/2009 Current at 80% of nominal (i.e. 80% of 1500A) Current at 70% of nominal (i.e. 70% of 1500A) Current at 50% of nominal with last coil reversed (i.e. 50% of 1500A) ----------------------------------------- README bfield_new_magnet June 22, 2010 DL This directory contains files used to generate a B-field map based on a new magnet design for GlueX. It is based on files in the bfield_poisson directory where additional information is kept in the README file. The geometry is such that "x" is "r" in the lab system and "y" is "z". 20100622_01 Single long coil with same area and current as nominal 1500A LASS magnet 20100622_02 Babar-like configuration of 3 coils. Outer 2 are half as long as middle but all 3 carry the same amount of current (outer ones have higher current density). 20100622_03 Babar and LASS inspired coil configuration. This has one long coil with two outer coils (one on each end) to try and shape the field more. Current density and integral are kept constant with the LASS design ----------------------------------------- In 2010/2011 some efforts were made to come up with a design for a new magnet. Some came from Eugene (2010.09.20) one from MIT (2011.11.04) and one from Ettore (2011.11.30). There were also some earlier attempts (2010.07.01). Some of these have Excel files used to calculate the currents which are included in this directory. 20100701_01 20100701_02 20100701_03 20100920_01 20100920_02 mit_20111104 ettore_20111201 ----------------------------------------- In 2013, the solenoid was powered up in Hall-D and it was realized that the engineers wired it up the "right" way (field pointing in positive z direction) which was opposite of how all of the maps had the current going up until now. Also, a quenching incident caused the maximum operating current to be lowered to 1350A. (Well, the actual number management wants is 1300A, but we are pushing for 1350A). The following map reverses the current relative to previous maps os that is it consistent with what is currently wired. 20130925_1350A ----------------------------------------- August 19, 2014 Some comissioning of the detector may be done at lower fields so a request was made (by Sean D.) for a set of maps to help with this. These were made by scaling the values in the 1500A configuration using the standard procedure. 20140819_50A 20140819_100A 20140819_200A 20140819_300A ----------------------------------------- November 4, 2014 Commissioning will start with 1000A current 20141104_1000A ----------------------------------------- November 18, 2014 Simon called and said they were interested in running with a 600A field tonight and asked if I could create one. 20141118_600A ----------------------------------------- February 13, 2015 Simon stopped by and mentioned we would be running with 1300A for the Spring 2015 commissioning run so we would need this map. 20150213_1300A ----------------------------------------- March 30, 2015 Justin asked for a map that extended out to z=700cm for DIRC studies. This one just modified the .in7 file to extend the range. 20150330_1300A ----------------------------------------- April 27, 2015 We ran overnight with 800A solenoid current and so need a map to reconstruct the data. 20150427_800A ----------------------------------------- Feb. 22, 2016 The following maps were generated via a set of scripts written by Eugene C.. Some details can be found in the README files located here: The scripts and config. files themselves are in the SOL_07_01 directory. solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0050A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0100A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0150A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0200A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0250A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0300A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0350A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0400A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0450A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0500A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0550A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0600A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0650A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0700A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0750A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0800A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0850A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0900A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_0950A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1000A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1050A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1100A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1150A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1200A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1250A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1300A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1350A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1400A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1450A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1500A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1550A_poisson_20160222_long solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222 solenoid_1600A_poisson_20160222_long ----------------------------------------- May. 31, 2016 The only reference to this map seems to be in this directory: /work/2016.02.25.BfieldMaps/1345 That does not appear to be where the map was created. solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531