The 20160222 Bfield maps were actually generated by Eugene on or before 2/10/2016. He pointed me to them on the scratch disk and I copied them and the scripts he used to make them over to the group disk. It wasn't until Feb. 22nd that I converted the OUTSF7.TXT files into our standard, course format and installed them into the halldweb resources directory and made entries into the CCDB. I used the script SOL_07_01/poisson2calibDB_all.csh for the conversion. I didn't cut and paste the jresource commands though since that requires user input for confirmation before executing ccdb commands. The cut and paste of many commands would have screwed that up so I instead did it via foreach loop just typed in at the command line. The finemesh files were generated just using hd_ana to process one event, explicitly specifying the course map. Again, this was done with a foreach loop just typed in to the command line. This was done on Feb. 23rd. The finemesh map files themselves were copied to the halldweb resources area on Feb. 25th and entries to ccdb made then. Note that there are "normal" and "long" versions of each map. The long version just extends much further downstream in z. The finemesh maps though only cover a limited range so they are actually identical for both the long and normal versions. After breifly discussing it with Mark I. though, it was decided to treat them independently (as opposed to make links).