This directory contains a Monte Carlo study of the BCAL timing resolution based on detailed conversion of individual GEANT steps for every shower particle into a cumulative electronic pulse shape. This repeats and builds on the initial study in the 2011.08.01 directory. Changes include: 1. Dark pulses are now individually distributed throughout the time window. Previously, all dark hits in a single SiPM were placed at the same time 2. Cross-talk for dark hits are calculated for each primary dark hit and placed at the same time. Because the cross-talk fraction increased ~5-fold in measurements taken over the last 6 months (up to 15.7%), a second cross-talk hit probability is also sampled and applied. 3. The number of photons per MeV per side was changed from 75 to 145. This is due to newer measurements that indicated the long range part of the attenuation factor gave 290 photons/MeV out of the fiber. The light guides cut this down by approx. a factor of 2 giving the 145. This is manifest by the number 0.668 MeV/PE being changed to 0.346 MeV/PE. 4. Added smearing of the threshold voltage by 2mV (sigma) to account for baseline voltage shifts 5. Added electronic noise (1mV) to baseline The directories with names like 12degrees_clean have studies with the main stochastic effects turned off so as to study the effects of leakage and threshold.