# # Material map generated with src/programs/Utilities/mkMaterialMap # generated: Tue Apr 24 17:02:29 2012 # # Generated with the following parameters: # Nr = 2 # Nz = 2 # rmin = 0 # rmax = 1.5 # zmin = 64.986 # zmax = 65.014 # # sampling points per cell: # n_r = 5 # n_z = 5 # n_phi = 10 # # r z A Z density radlen rhoZ_overA rhoZ_overA_logI chi2c_factor chi2a_factor chi2a_corr #% 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 0.375 64.993 207.2 82 11.35 0.561732 4.4918 -62.0971 58.5326 0.000378812 1.19593 0.375 65.007 207.2 82 11.35 0.561732 4.4918 -62.0971 58.5326 0.000378812 1.19593 1.125 64.993 207.2 82 11.35 0.561732 4.4918 -62.0971 58.5326 0.000378812 1.19593 1.125 65.007 207.2 82 11.35 0.561732 4.4918 -62.0971 58.5326 0.000378812 1.19593