#include #include // // August 25, 2010 David Lawrence davidl@jlab.org // // // The macros in this file can be used to add some standard labels to ROOT // plots in the upper right hand corner. To use this, you should #include // this file and then call StandardLabels(TH1*) passing in the currently // displayed histogram (the one defining the axes). Here's an example: // // #include "StandardLabels.C" // // void MyMacro(void) // { // ... // TH2D *hist = new TH2D("axes", ... // // // ... fill histogram ... // // hist->Draw(); // StandardLabels(hist, "#gammap#rightarrow#b_{1}#pi"); // second argument is optional // } // // The labels include the date, creators initials, and svn revision number. // The date and creator initials are generated automatically, but one may // wish to replace that with static strings in the routines below. Similarly // for the svn revision string which is always statically defined. // // WARNING: I've experienced problems with ROOT giving errors after running // this a couple of times in the same session. Specifically, I've seen the following: // // !!!Fatal Error: Interpreter memory overwritten by illegal access.!!! // !!!Terminate session!!! // // Oddly enough, this message came up on the 3rd invocation, but subsequent // invocations in the same session gave no errors and everything seemed to // work OK(??) //---------------- // GetRevision //---------------- const char* GetRevision(void) { return "svn revsion 10316"; } //---------------- // GetDate //---------------- string GetDate(void) { // uncomment the following line to use a static string for the date //return string("January 4, 1970"); clock_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); char str[256]; strftime(str, 256, "%B %e, %Y", tm); return string(str); } //---------------- // GetInitials //---------------- string GetInitials(void) { // uncomment the following line to use a static string for the creator's initials return string("DL"); string initials; const char *cmd = "finger $USER |grep \"Name:\" | awk '{print substr($4,1,1)substr($5,1,1)}' > .initials"; system(cmd); ifstream ifstr(".initials"); ifstr >> initials; ifstr.close(); return initials; } // <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> // ( you probably don't want to edit below here! ) // <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> //---------------- // DateLabel //---------------- void DateLabel(char *date_lab) { sprintf(date_lab,"%s %s", GetDate().c_str(), GetInitials().c_str()); } //---------------- // StandardLabels //---------------- void StandardLabels(TH1 *h, string mess1="", string mess2="", string mess3="", string mess4="") { TH2D *h2d = dynamic_cast(h); if(h2d){ StandardLabels2D(h2d, mess1, mess2, mess3, mess4); return; } TH1D *h1d = dynamic_cast(h); if(h1d){ StandardLabels1D(h1d, mess1, mess2, mess3, mess4); return; } } //---------------- // StandardLabels2D //---------------- void StandardLabels2D(TH2D *axes=NULL, string mess1="", string mess2="", string mess3="", string mess4="") { // This will draw a label or two on the // current plot using the NDC coordinates. // It is put here to make sure all plots have // a consistent labeling. char date_lab[256]; DateLabel(date_lab); const char* rev_lab = GetRevision(); // Date, Author TLatex *lab = new TLatex(0.725, 0.7, date_lab); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(33); lab->SetTextColor(kBlue); lab->Draw(); // SVN Revision lab = new TLatex(0.725, 0.645, rev_lab); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.02); lab->SetTextAlign(31); lab->SetTextColor(kBlue); lab->Draw(); // mess1 - upper right if(mess1!=""){ lab = new TLatex(0.7, 0.61, mess1.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(31); lab->Draw(); } // mess2 - top, right of center if(mess2!=""){ lab = new TLatex(0.0, 0.60, mess2.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(22); lab->Draw(); } // mess3 - top left if(mess3!=""){ lab = new TLatex(-0.575, 0.60, mess3.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.025); lab->SetTextAlign(12); lab->Draw(); } // mess4 - on right hand side at 90 degrees if(mess4!=""){ lab = new TLatex(0.65, 0.0, mess4.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC2D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.035); lab->SetTextAlign(22); lab->SetTextAngle(270.0); lab->Draw(); } } //---------------- // StandardLabels1D //---------------- void StandardLabels1D(TH1D *axes=NULL, string mess1="", string mess2="", string mess3="", string mess4="") { // This will draw a label or two on the // current plot using the NDC coordinates. // It is put here to make sure all plots have // a consistent labeling. char date_lab[256]; DateLabel(date_lab); const char* rev_lab = GetRevision(); // Date, Author TLatex *lab = new TLatex(0.7, 0.7, date_lab); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(33); lab->SetTextColor(kBlue); lab->Draw(); // SVN Revision lab = new TLatex(0.7, 0.645, rev_lab); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.02); lab->SetTextAlign(31); lab->SetTextColor(kBlue); lab->Draw(); // mess1 - upper right lab = new TLatex(0.7, 0.61, mess1.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(31); lab->Draw(); // mess2 - top, right of center lab = new TLatex(0.35, 0.675, mess2.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.03); lab->SetTextAlign(32); lab->Draw(); // mess3 - top left if(mess3!=""){ lab = new TLatex(-0.575, 0.60, mess3.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.025); lab->SetTextAlign(12); lab->Draw(); } // mess4 - on right hand side at 90 degrees if(mess4!=""){ lab = new TLatex(0.65, 0.0, mess4.c_str()); ConvertFromNDC1D(lab, axes); lab->SetTextSize(0.035); lab->SetTextAlign(22); lab->SetTextAngle(270.0); lab->Draw(); } } //---------------- // ConvertFromNDC //---------------- void ConvertFromNDC2D(TLatex *obj, TH2D *h=NULL) { // Bugs in ROOT make it hard to plot labels consistently. // For 1D plots, the histogram axes define the coordinate // system. For 2D plots, we seem to be forced to use the // NDC. There does not seem to be an obvious way to tell // which we're using so we pass the information in in the // form of the "axes" histogram. If it is not NULL, then // we use it to define the limits. Otherwise, we do nothing. if(h==NULL)return; // Check if there is a TCanvas object named c1. If so, // assume it is what was used to plot things and we can // check on whether logy is set. TCanvas *c1 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c1"); bool is_logy = false; if(c1 != NULL)is_logy = c1->GetLogy(); TAxis *xaxis = h->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = h->GetYaxis(); // These seem to be sensitive to values set by "SetRangeUser" as well as pad margins double xmin = xaxis->GetBinCenter(xaxis->GetFirst()); double xmax = xaxis->GetBinCenter(xaxis->GetLast()); double ymin = yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(yaxis->GetFirst()); double ymax = yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(yaxis->GetLast()+1); double x = obj->GetX(); double y = obj->GetY(); x = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*(0.5+x/1.15); // Calculate "y" based on whether y-axis is log or not if(is_logy){ double log_ymin = ymin!=0.0 ? log(ymin):1.0; double log_ymax = log(ymax); double a = log_ymin + (log_ymax-log_ymin)*(0.5+y/1.15); y = exp(log_ymin + (log_ymax-log_ymin)*(0.5+y/1.15)); }else{ y = ymin + (ymax-ymin)*(0.5+y/1.15); } obj->SetX(x); obj->SetY(y); } //---------------- // ConvertFromNDC1D //---------------- void ConvertFromNDC1D(TLatex *obj, TH1D *h=NULL) { // Bugs in ROOT make it hard to plot labels consistently. // For 1D plots, the histogram axes define the coordinate // system. For 2D plots, we seem to be forced to use the // NDC. There does not seem to be an obvious way to tell // which we're using so we pass the information in the // form of the "axes" histogram. If it is not NULL, then // we use it to define the limits. Otherwise, we do nothing. // // caveat: When plotting on a log axis, there is no way to // pull the lower limit from the histogram. Instead, we // detect try and detect whether the y-axis is log scale // by looking for a "c1" object and assuming it is a TCanvas. // We then use it to determine if logy is set and if so, // to get the limits of the histogram from gPad. if(h==NULL)return; // Check if there is a TCanvas object named c1. If so, // assume it is what was used to plot things and we can // check on whether logy is set. TCanvas *c1 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c1"); bool is_logy = false; if(c1 != NULL)is_logy = c1->GetLogy(); TAxis *xaxis = h->GetXaxis(); double ymin = h->GetMinimum(); double ymax = h->GetMaximum()*1.05; // If y-axis is log scale then try and get limits from gPad if(c1 != NULL){ if(is_logy){ c1->Update(); // force gPad to update ymin = pow(10.0, gPad->GetUymin()); ymax = pow(10.0, gPad->GetUymax()); }else{ c1->Update(); ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); ymax = gPad->GetUymax(); } } // These seem to be sensitive to values set by "SetRangeUser" as well as pad margins double xmin = xaxis->GetBinCenter(xaxis->GetFirst()); double xmax = xaxis->GetBinCenter(xaxis->GetLast()); //double ymin = yaxis->GetBinCenter(yaxis->GetFirst()); //double ymax = yaxis->GetBinCenter(yaxis->GetLast()); double x = obj->GetX(); double y = obj->GetY(); x = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*(0.5+x/1.15); // Calculate "y" based on whether y-axis is log or not if(is_logy){ double log_ymin = ymin!=0.0 ? log(ymin):1.0; double log_ymax = log(ymax); double a = log_ymin + (log_ymax-log_ymin)*(0.5+y/1.15); y = exp(log_ymin + (log_ymax-log_ymin)*(0.5+y/1.15)); }else{ y = ymin + (ymax-ymin)*(0.5+(y-ymin)/1.15); } obj->SetX(x); obj->SetY(y); }