/* * DBCALShower_factory.cc * * Created by Matthew Shepherd on 3/24/11. * */ #include "DBCALShower_factory.h" #include "DBCALCluster.h" #include "units.h" DBCALShower_factory::DBCALShower_factory(){ m_zTarget = 65*k_cm; if( ! DBCALGeometry::summingOn() ) { // in libraries/PID/DNeutralShowerCandidate.h, there are some constants used to calculate the energy uncertainty. If you are updating these constants, you might want to update that also... // these are energy calibration parameters -- no summing of cells m_scaleZ_p0 = 0.950774; m_scaleZ_p1 = 0.000483979; m_scaleZ_p2 = -2.08086e-06; m_scaleZ_p3 = 8.08534e-10; m_nonlinZ_p0 = 0.0152548; m_nonlinZ_p1 = 0; m_nonlinZ_p2 = 0; m_nonlinZ_p3 = 0; } else{ // these are energy calibration parameters -- summing //last updated for svn revision 9233 m_scaleZ_p0 = 0.992437; m_scaleZ_p1 = 0.00039242; m_scaleZ_p2 = -2.23135e-06; m_scaleZ_p3 = 1.40158e-09; m_nonlinZ_p0 = -0.0147086; m_nonlinZ_p1 = 9.69207e-05; m_nonlinZ_p2 = 0; m_nonlinZ_p3 = 0; } } jerror_t DBCALShower_factory::evnt( JEventLoop *loop, int eventnumber ){ vector< const DBCALCluster* > clusters; loop->Get( clusters ); // loop through and fill the shower structure from the cluster // right now just a simple 1 to 1 correspondence with // an overall energy correction for( vector< const DBCALCluster* >::const_iterator clItr = clusters.begin(); clItr != clusters.end(); ++clItr ){ float cosTh = cos( (**clItr).theta() ); float sinTh = sin( (**clItr).theta() ); float cosPhi = cos( (**clItr).phi() ); float sinPhi = sin( (**clItr).phi() ); float rho = (**clItr).rho(); DBCALShower* shower = new DBCALShower(); shower->E_raw = (**clItr).E(); shower->x = rho * sinTh * cosPhi; shower->y = rho * sinTh * sinPhi; shower->z = rho * cosTh + m_zTarget; //DBCALCluster::t() returns the time at the inner radius //so we need to make an adjustment so that the shower t is the time at //the shower location (x,y,z) double t = (**clItr).t(); double inner_rad = DBCALGeometry::BCALINNERRAD; t = t * sqrt( shower->x*shower->x + shower->y*shower->y )/inner_rad; shower->t = t; shower->N_cell = (**clItr).nCells(); //create matrices to rotate errors from cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates float dx_drho = sinTh * cosPhi; float dy_drho = sinTh * sinPhi; float dz_drho = cosTh; float dx_dth = rho * cosTh * cosPhi; float dy_dth = rho * cosTh * sinPhi; float dz_dth = -rho * sinTh; float dx_dphi = -rho * sinTh * sinPhi; float dy_dphi = rho * sinTh * cosPhi; float dz_dphi = 0; DMatrix rotation(3,3); DMatrix rotationT(3,3); rotation[0][0] = dx_drho; rotation[0][1] = dy_drho; rotation[0][2] = dz_drho; rotation[1][0] = dx_dth; rotation[1][1] = dy_dth; rotation[1][2] = dz_dth; rotation[2][0] = dx_dphi; rotation[2][1] = dy_dphi; rotation[2][2] = dz_dphi; rotationT.Transpose(rotation); //create covariance matrix in cylindrical coordinates //for now assume that these measurements are independent (uncorrelated) //will need to think harder to add correlations float drho = (**clItr).sigRho(); float dphi = (**clItr).sigPhi(); float dth = (**clItr).sigTheta(); DMatrix errors(3,3); errors[0][0] = drho*drho; errors[1][1] = dth*dth; errors[2][2] = dphi*dphi; //do the rotation shower->xyzCovariance.ResizeTo(3,3); shower->xyzCovariance = rotationT*errors*rotation; //fill (redundant) x/y/zErr members shower->xErr = sqrt(shower->xyzCovariance[0][0]); shower->yErr = sqrt(shower->xyzCovariance[1][1]); shower->zErr = sqrt(shower->xyzCovariance[2][2]); shower->tErr = (**clItr).sigT(); // calibrate energy: // Energy calibration has a z dependence -- the // calibration comes from fitting E_rec / E_gen to scale * E_gen^nonlin // for slices of z. These fit parameters (scale and nonlin) are then plotted // as a function of z and fit. // center of target should be a geometry lookup float zTarget = 65*k_cm; float r = sqrt( shower->x * shower->x + shower->y * shower->y ); float zEntry = ( shower->z - zTarget ) * ( DBCALGeometry::BCALINNERRAD / r ); float scale = m_scaleZ_p0 + m_scaleZ_p1*zEntry + m_scaleZ_p2*(zEntry*zEntry) + m_scaleZ_p3*(zEntry*zEntry*zEntry); float nonlin = m_nonlinZ_p0 + m_nonlinZ_p1*zEntry + m_nonlinZ_p2*(zEntry*zEntry) + m_nonlinZ_p3*(zEntry*zEntry*zEntry); shower->E = pow( (shower->E_raw ) / scale, 1 / ( 1 + nonlin ) ); shower->AddAssociatedObject(*clItr); _data.push_back( shower ); } return NOERROR; }