Setting up for CPP simulation/reconstruction --------------------------------------------- This file gives instructions for setting up a sim-recon build for use with the charged pion polarizability simulation studies. Because the geometry is slightly different and we want to enforce vertex constraints due to this, there are a few changes that must be made. I've done this a few times and usually have to re-invent a few wheels in the process so I'm hoping this document will help make it easier the next time I start from scratch. 1.) Make a directory in the repository to hold files for the special study. This is worthwhile for numerous reasons. > cd /work/halld/home/davidl > svn mkdir -m "Directory for special cpp study." > svn co > cd 2013.03.27.cpp_kinfit 2.) Copy the sim-recon and hdds directories into the special studies directory > svn cp . > svn cp . 3.) Copy farm job scripts, macros, and anything else that we'll need from previous study > svn cp . > svn cp . > svn cp . > svn cp . 4.) Commit all of the copies to the repository > svn commit -m "Shallow copies of various things for special cpp study" 5.) Set up some environment variables > setenv HDDS_HOME $PWD/hdds > setenv HALLD_HOME $PWD/sim-recon > setenv JANA_GEOMETRY_URL xmlfile://$HDDS_HOME/main_HDDS.xml > setenv JANA_CALIB_URL sqlite:///group/halld/Software/calib/ccdb_sqlite/ccdb_2013-01-17.sqlite > setenv CCDB_CONNECTION $JANA_CALIB_URL 6.) Record the environment in a setenv script. Source it now to make sure your environment is set based on this file. > /group/halld/Software/scripts/mk_setenv.csh > source setenv.csh 7.) Checkout some plugins (don't copy them into the special directory in the repository) > svn co > svn co > svn co 8.) Build the software > make -C hdds > make -C sim-recon/src 9.) Tips on running: a.) Specify the vertex location of the generated events using genr8_2_hddm genr8_2_hddm -V"0 0 1 1" 2pi_5.5GeV.ascii b.) Use the XML_GEOM directory when running hdgeant like this: hdgeant -xml=XML_GEOM/main_HDDS.xml c.) No geometry specification is needed for mcsmear d.) Use the jana.conf file when running DANA programs. This will set the vertex constraint on.