README.session3 for GlueX Tutorial Jan. 7, 2011 12/8/2010 DL The goals of this session are: A. Browse and display calibration constants B. View events using the hdview2 event viewer C. View events using the ded event viewer Notes: - We stick mainly to the JANA interface to the CCDB system here since the full system has not been fully deployed and tested at the time the tutorial was being prepared. =========================================================== ------------------------------------------------- A. Browse and display calibration constants ------------------------------------------------- 1. Run the jcalibread program with the "-L" command line option to see a list of available namepaths > jcalibread -L 2. Run jcalibread with a namepath as argument to see calibration constants > jcalibread TOF/tof_parms JANA >>Created JCalibration object of type: JCalibrationFile JANA >>Generated via: fallback creation of JCalibrationFile JANA >>Run:100 JANA >>URL: file:///home/guest/HallD/calib JANA >>context: default Values for "TOF/tof_parms" for run 100 -------------------- JANA ERROR>>Unable to open event source! TOF_ADC_RES_MC 50. TOF_ADC_TO_E 1.0 TOF_ATTEN_LENGTH 150. TOF_CENT_TRES -0.698970004 TOF_C_EFFECTIVE 15.0 TOF_HALFPADDLE 126. TOF_PADDLEWIDTH 6. TOF_PHE_EFF 0.2 TOF_PHOTONS_PERMEV 10000. TOF_PMT_GAIN_MC 40000000. TOF_PMT_SURFACE 19.63 TOF_POS_RES 3.0 TOF_REFLECT_EFF 0.5 TOF_TDC_MC_RES 0.06 TOF_TDC_RES_MC 0.06 TOF_THETA_MAX 50.74 3. Go to directory indicated by JANA_CALIB_URL and inspect files > printenv JANA_CALIB_URL file:///home/guest/HallD/calib > cd /home/guest/HallD/calib > cd TOF > cat tof_parms ------------------------------------------------- B. View events using the hdview2 event viewer ------------------------------------------------- 1. Run hdview2 using hddm file with smeared values from session 1 > ln -s ../HandsOnSession1/sim_rho_smeared.hddm > hdview2 sim_rho_smeared.hddm 2. Scan some events and explore some options. Note: The hdview2 event viewer will soon be deprecated in preference to a viewer with more active development (ded). As the next generation viewer is being developed however, hdview2 may still prove a useful tool during the transition. ------------------------------------------------- C. View events using the ded event viewer ------------------------------------------------- 1. Build the danaevio plugin (it is not built as part of the base Hall-D software just yet). > make -C $HALLD_HOME/src/programs/Utilities/plugins/danaevio 2. Create an evio formatted file from the simulated rho events > hd_ana -PPLUGINS=danaevio sim_rho_smeared.hddm 3. Start the ded viewer using a small wrapper script called "start_ded" that was created for this tutorial to make it easier to run the program from any directory. > start_ded Note that ded is not kept in the Hall-D repository. Instructions on downloading, installing and running ded can be found here: 4. Point ded to the input file by selecting: Events->File->Open Event File ... {Double-click "Tutorial2011"} {Double-click "HandsOnSession3"} {Double-click "dana_events.evio" (this was created in step 2)} 5. Display some thrown tracks by checking the "MCThrown" box and then typing Ctl-N several times (Ctl-N goes to the next event) 6. Scan some events and explore some options