
GlueX Tutorial 2011 Virtual Machine Download

Below are the files for the virtual machine created for the GlueX Software Tutorial in 2011. This was made using VirtualBox so you will need to get the appropriate VirtualBox Installer. Both the .ovf and .vmdk files are needed.

There is a single user account "guest". Both the guest account and root account have the password "123456".

  • Installation: Start up VirtualBox and select Import Appliance ... from the File menu. Navigate to the Xubuntu10.10.ovf file on your hard disk and import it.

    (caution: some web browsers will append a .xml suffix to the .ovf file which must be removed in order for VirtualBox to allow the file to be imported)

    Note that this will make a copy of the hard disk image file to another part of your actual hard disk and (on OS X at least) do some kind of conversion that increases the copy by 2 or 3-fold. Make sure you have around 8GB of free space on the hard drive that you are installing the VM to.

  • Note to Fedora Users: While installing on Fedora 13, 32-bit one user reported needing to do the following:

    sudo yum install dkms
    sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

    These or similar steps may be required on other Linux installations as well.

(you want both files from v1.1)
Version Files

The OS installed in the virtual machine is Xubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). It has all of the Hall-D offline software installed as well as all of the dependencies. These include:

  • ROOT 5.27
  • CERNLIB 2006
  • Xerces-C 2.8
  • cMsg rev9063
  • EVIO rev8689
  • JANA 0.6.2
  • RootSpy 0.0.1
  • AmpTools 0.2
  • hdds-1.1
  • sim-recon rev7165 (Dec. 16, 2010 + updates from Jan. 4th, 2011)

Once you've got the virtual machine up and running, you can go into the Tutorial2011 directory (/home/guest/Tutorial2011) and read the README file there to get started on the hands-on sections of the tutorial.