subroutine sigmag(a,z,egamma,sigma) ******************************************************** * Routine to compute gN xsections * Bothers nobody else * Author: A. Snyder * version 1.00 - Wed Nov 22 17:57:32 PST 1995 * version 1.01 - Wed Jan 24 16:34:07 PST 1996 * modified to give 0 xsection for A<1 (vaccuum) ******************************************************* implicit none * * input: real *4 a !atomic number (number of n+p) real *4 z !number of ps real *4 egamma !photon energy (gev) * * output: real *4 sigma !cross-section in mb * * internal: real *4 l !levinger factor * sigma=0.0 if( return !no material sigma=0.2 !a fixed but fairly meaning less value if( return if( then !quasi-deutron region call sigmatf(egamma,sigma) !thorlacius&fearing l=7 if( l=a sigma=sigma*l*(a-z)*z/a return else call sigmapdg(egamma,sigma) sigma=0.5*sigma*a endif !( * return end * subroutine sigmatf(e,sigma) !thorlacius&fearing parameterization real *4 e,sigma real *4 fourpi/12.566371/ real *4 c1/261.0/ real *4 c2/-110.0/ real *4 c3/24.6/ real *4 c4/-17.1/ real *4 c5/5.76/ real *4 c6/-2.05/ real *4 c7/0.267/ real *4 c8/113.0/ sigma=c1*exp(c2*e)+c3*exp(c4*e)+(c5+c6*e)/(1.0+c8*(e-c7)**2) sigma=sigma*fourpi/1000.0 !4pi and ->mb return end * subroutine sigmapdg(eg,sigma) !D2 xsections from pdg real *4 eg,sigma real *4 e(14) /.20,.238,.258,.316,.341,.419,.543,.570,.706,.940 >,.975,1.11,1.22,17.5/ real *4 s(14)/0.24,0.40,0.82,0.90,0.90,0.56,0.35,0.4,0.5,0.34 >,0.35,0.33,0.29,0.2/ real *4 le(14) !log table energy integer *4 i,up,lo logical init/.false./ save init,le * if(.not.init) then do 10 i=1,14 le(i)=alog(e(i)) 10 continue init=.true. endif !.not.init * * handle off table sigma=0.0 if( return sigma=s(14) if( return * * look up position in table do 1000 i=2,14 if( go to 1000 up=i goto 1099 1000 continue 1099 continue * * interpolate between values in table lo=up-1 sigma=s(lo)+(s(up)-s(lo))*(alog(eg)-le(lo))/(le(up)-le(lo)) * return end