SUBROUTINE GUOUT * * Author: Rafael Hakobyan * ************************************************************************ * Include geant system common blocks ************************************************************************ INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcflag' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcuser' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gckine' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gctrak' INCLUDE 'gcommon/ggenr8' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gextra' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gntcwn' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gccuts' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gctime' Integer t t=0 * Put end of event histogram increments here (e.g. calorimetry) if (mod(idevt,1).eq.0) then C print *,idevt,' events have been simulated' timlast=timnow CALL TIMEX(TIMNOW) tmean=(TIMNOW - TIMLAST)/1. tsum=(tsum+tmean) left=(nevent-idevt)*tsum/idevt*1.60 C print "(F10.2,A)",left,' minutes left',TIMNOW if(idevt.eq.nevent) print *,'Finished successfully' endif ntr=ntrk call HFNT(999) nmod=48 * call HFNT(1000) do i=1,48 share(i)=0. pbshare(i)=0. scishare(i)=0. glueshare(i)=0. enddo CALL HFILL(1,EDPB(1),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(2,EDSCI(1),0.,1.) ETOTAL=0. CALL HFILL(24,PMOM,ESCORE(10),1.) CALL HFILL(25,PMOM,(ESCORE(10)/PMOM),1.) DO 100 i=1,10 * Energy Deposit in the Lead and SciFis. CALL HFILL(I,ESCORE(I),0.,1.) ETOTAL=ETOTAL+ESCORE(I) if(i.eq.1) then CALL HFILL(22,PMOM,ESCORE(1),1.) CALL HFILL(26,PMOM,(ESCORE(1)/PMOM),1.) endif if (i.eq.2) then CALL HFILL(18,ESCORE(2)/ESCORE(1),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(19,(ESCORE(2)/(ESCORE(1)+ESCORE(2))),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(27,PMOM,(ESCORE(2)/PMOM),1.) CALL HFILL(28,PMOM,((PMOM-ESCORE(1)-ESCORE(2))/PMOM),1.) * CALL HFILL(20,(ESCORE(2)/PMOM),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(21,PMOM,(ESCORE(2)/PMOM),1.) CALL HFILL(23,PMOM,ESCORE(2),1.) CALL HFILL(29,PMOM,ESCORE(1),1.) CALL HFILL(30,PMOM,ESCORE(2),1.) CALL HFILL(31,PMOM,(PMOM-ESCORE(1)-ESCORE(2)),1.) ESCORE(I)=0. ESCORE(I-1)=0. endif if(i.eq.4) CALL HFILL(94,ESCORE(i),0.,1.) if(i.eq.5) CALL HFILL(95,ESCORE(i),0.,1.) if(i.eq.9) CALL HFILL(99,ESCORE(i),0.,1.) if(i.eq.9) CALL HFILL(98,ESCORE(i)/PMOM,0.,1.) if ( ESCORE(I)=0. 100 CONTINUE do i=1,25 CALL HFILL(1100+i,EDSTEP(i),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(1200+i,PBSTEP(i),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(1300+i,SCSTEP(i),0.,1.) CALL HFILL(1400+i,BCSTEP(i),0.,1.) EDSTEP(i)=0. PBSTEP(i)=0. SCSTEP(i)=0. BCSTEP(i)=0. enddo CALL HFILL(11,ETOTAL,0.,1.) do k=1,20 IDP(k)=0 enddo CALL VZERO (PM,20) CALL VZERO (PCH,20) CALL VZERO (PPX,20) CALL VZERO (PPY,20) CALL VZERO (PPZ,20) CALL VZERO (PE,20) CALL VZERO (EDPB,20) CALL VZERO (EDSCI,20) CALL VZERO (EDBC,20) CALL VZERO (EDH2,20) CALL VZERO (EDST,20) CALL VZERO (EDCDC,20) CALL VZERO (EDAL,20) CALL VZERO (xpos,20) CALL VZERO (ypos,20) CALL VZERO (zpos,20) CALL VZERO (bnc2,1) CALL VZERO (bnc21,1) CALL VZERO (bnc22,1) CALL VZERO (vect1,1) CALL VZERO (vect2,1) CALL VZERO (vect3,1) CALL VZERO (vect4,1) CALL VZERO (vect5,1) CALL VZERO (vect6,1) CALL VZERO (vect7,1) CALL VZERO (tofg,1) CALL VZERO (tagE,5) k=0. do j=1,48 do i=1,25 do l=1,5 * if (rscore(i).gt.0) then * CALL HFILL(3000+i,RSCORE(i),0.,1.) * endif k=k+1 !histogram 3351 an up are Edep for tracks do t=1,ntr if (scirscore(t,j,i,l).gt.0) then !fill hist only if edep>0 *fill track cells CALL HFILL(3100+k+250+125*(t-1),(SCIRSCORE(t,j,i,l)*1000),0.,1.) C CALL HFILL(9100+k+250+125*(t-1),photscore(t,j,i,l),0.,1.) * print *,SCIRSCORE(j,i,l)*1000 *fill regardless of track CALL HFILL(3100+k,(SCIRSCORE(t,j,i,l)*1000),0.,1.) if (photscore1(t,j,i,l).gt.0) then CALL HFILL(9100+k,photscore1(t,j,i,l),0.,1.) endif if (photscore2(t,j,i,l).gt.0) then CALL HFILL(9100+k+125,photscore2(t,j,i,l),0.,1.) endif endif scirscore(t,j,i,l)=0. rscore(j,i,l)=0. photscore1(t,j,i,l)=0. photscore2(t,j,i,l)=0. enddo enddo enddo *setting k=0 here will fill the histograms for the first module with the info for all the rest of the modules which should be ok, since the reactions are isotropic k=0 enddo * first_crossing=.true. C** generated cerenkov tracking CALL GTRIGC END *********Histogram Detail*************** * 3101 - 3225 is cell with hits only * 3226 - 3350 is cell with zeros as well * 3351 - 3475 is cell for track 1 * 3376 - 3600 is cell for track 2, etc...