SUBROUTINE GUSTEP * * Author: Rafael Hakobyan * * Modified for histograming light guide profiles * 6/12/08 for WC geometries ES * ************************************************************************* * Include geant system common blocks ************************************************************************* INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcflag' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gckine' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcking' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gctmed' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gctrak' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcuser' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcvolu' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gccuts' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcphys' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gntcwn' INCLUDE 'gcommon/ggenr8' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gconsp' INCLUDE 'gcommon/cerenkov' integer k, kevent integer numed_old real xentrance, yentrance, zentrance real vx, vy, vz, vnorm, vperp, vtheta, vphi real vtheta_exit, vphi_exit real delta real running_acceptance save numed_old,xentrance, yentrance, zentrance save kevent, running_acceptance, vtheta, vphi c c define relative to center of input or exit c real x0in, y0in, z0in, x0out, y0out,z0out save x0in, y0in, z0in, x0out, y0out,z0out c c location 3 c c data x0in, y0in, z0in, x0out, y0out,z0out c + / 0., 0., -121.9, 0., 57.1, 8.0/ c c location 13 c data x0in, y0in, z0in, x0out, y0out,z0out + / 0., 0., -98.3, 0., 22.7, 7.3/ c c straight fm guides c c + / 0., 0., 10., 0., 0., -42./ c + / 0., 0., 10., 0., 0., 0./ c c leg fm guides c c + / 0., 0., -65.65, 0., 77.96, 7.125/ c + / 0., 0., -65.65, 0., 72.88, 7.125/ data numed_old /0./ data kevent /0/ data kacc /0/ ntrk=itra c kevent = kevent + 1 c print *, ' kevent=',kevent,' inwvol=',inwvol,' numed=', c + numed,' numed_old=',numed_old,' istop=',istop c c check medium c if ( .and. numed_old.eq.0) then c print *, ' kevent=',kevent,' Entrance face' c c histogram entrance plots c xentrance = vect(1) yentrance = vect(2) zentrance = vect(3) vx = vect(4) vy = vect(5) vz = vect(6) vnorm = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2) vperp = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) c c convert to positive z c c vphi = 180*atan2(vy,-vx)/pi c vtheta = 180 - 180*acos(vz/vnorm)/pi vphi = 180*atan2(vy,vx)/pi vtheta = 180*acos(vz/vnorm)/pi vx = vx/vnorm vy = vy/vnorm vz = vz/vnorm c print *, ' vx=',vx,' vy=',vy,' vz=',vz,' phi=', c + vphi,' theta=',vtheta c call hf1 (101, xentrance, 1.) call hf1 (102, yentrance, 1.) call hf1 (103, zentrance, 1.) call hf1 (104, vphi,1.) call hf1 (105, vtheta,1.) call hf2 (111, xentrance, yentrance, 1.) call hf2 (112, zentrance, yentrance, 1.) call hf2 (113, zentrance, xentrance, 1.) endif c if ( then c c entering new volume c c print *, ' kevent=',kevent,' ntrk=',ntrk,' numed_old=', c + numed_old,' numed=',numed,' ipart=',ipart,' inwvol=', c + inwvol,' vect=',vect c c remember medium c numed_old = numed endif c c check for exit out of light guide into air c if ( .and. numed.eq.7) then kacc = kacc + 1 running_acceptance = float(kacc)/float(kevent) c print *, ' kevent=',kevent,' acc=',running_acceptance, c + 'Output face' c xexit = vect(1) yexit = vect(2) zexit = vect(3) vx = vect(4) vy = vect(5) vz = vect(6) vnorm = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2) c c strainght light guides c c vperp = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) c c convert to positive z c c vphi_exit = 180*atan2(vy,-vx)/pi c vtheta_exit = 180 - 180*acos(vz/vnorm)/pi c c 90 deg bend light guides c vperp = sqrt(vx**2 + vz**2) c vphi_exit = 180*atan2(vz,vx)/pi vtheta_exit = 180*acos(vy/vnorm)/pi c c correct for refraction at light guide boundary c vtheta_exit = 180*asin(sin(vtheta_exit*pi/180.)/Rnguide)/pi c c entrance histograms if successful c check success by cuts on output plane. c delta = 0.3 c c straight light guides c c if (abs(zexit-z0out) < delta) then c c 90 deg bend light guides c if (abs(yexit-y0out) < delta) then c c success c call hf1 (121, xentrance, 1.) call hf1 (122, yentrance, 1.) call hf1 (123, zentrance, 1.) call hf1 (304, vphi_exit,1.) call hf1 (305, vtheta_exit,1.) c call hf1 (231, xexit, 1.) call hf1 (232, yexit, 1.) call hf1 (233, zexit, 1.) call hf2 (131, xentrance, yentrance, 1.) call hf2 (132, zentrance, yentrance, 1.) call hf2 (133, zentrance, xentrance, 1.) call hf2 (214, zexit, xexit, 1.) call hf2 (215, vtheta, vtheta_exit,1.) c call hf2 (221, xentrance, xexit, 1.) call hf2 (222, yentrance, xexit, 1.) call hf2 (223, xentrance, zexit, 1.) call hf2 (224, yentrance, zexit, 1.) c c print *, ' xentrance=',xentrance,' yentrance=', c + yentrance,' zentrance=',zentrance c print *, ' xexit=',xexit,' yexit=',yexit,' zexit=',zexit else c print *, ' track failed' endif c c histograms at exit c c call hf1 (201, xexit, 1.) call hf1 (202, yexit, 1.) call hf1 (203, zexit, 1.) call hf2 (211, xexit, yexit, 1.) call hf2 (212, zexit, yexit, 1.) call hf2 (213, zexit, xexit, 1.) c c terminate particle c istop = 2 endif * if ( numed_old = 0 C** generated cerenkov tracking IF (NGKINE.GT.0) THEN CALL GSKING(0) ENDIF IF (IDEBUG.NE.0) THEN CALL GDCXYZ CALL GSXYZ CALL GDEBUG ENDIF END