SUBROUTINE UGEOM *'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''* * Author: R. Hakobyan, Z. Papandreou, B. Leverington * * * * Date: 25 January 2005 * * Modified: 11/10/05 by B.L. * Modified: Dec 2006 Elton trim for use with Bcal outer pmt light guides * *'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''* * Local variables ******************************************************************* INCLUDE 'gcommon/gckine' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gccuts' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gcuser' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gconsp' INCLUDE 'gcommon/gntcwn' * Local variables real dx0siz, dy0siz, dxspot, dyspoy, bcxbox, bcybox real firad, rbcrad, bcring integer nx, ny, nz, ix, iy, iz, nscfi, geomfl integer ivol1, ivol2, ivol3, ivol integer imtsci, tmtsci, tmtpb, tmtair, ipbscb DIMENSION PAR(10), AMAT(10), ZMAT(10), WMAT(10) CHARACTER*20 CHNAMA, NATMED, NAMATE CHARACTER*4 CHNAME, CHSHAP, CHMOTH, CHONLY C Scintillator REAL DSCI real ASCI(2), ZSCI(2), WSCI(2) DATA DSCI/1.032/ DATA ASCI,ZSCI,WSCI/12.01,1.01,6.,1.,8.,9./ * Optical Glue BC-600 real DBC600 real ABC600(4), ZBC600(4), WBC600(4) DATA DBC600/1.18/ DATA ABC600,ZBC600,WBC600 +/12.01,1.01,16.,14.01,6.,1.,8.,7.,60.,79.,3.,2./ C Air in the grooved lead for the SciFi real HALAIR(3) DATA HALAIR/0.,0.05,195./ C** Light Guide real LGVOL(11) DATA LGVOL/3.5,0.,0.,2.0,2.00,2.00,0.00,2.0, ,2.0,2.0,0./ ** aluminum wrapping * real ALWRAP(11) * DATA ALWRAP/10.0,0.,0.,2.01,2.14,2.31,2.434,2.1, * ,2.1,2.1,0./ ** rounding the edges real AIRCON(5) DATA AIRCON/4.7065,1.4142,1.4142,0.2456,1.4142/ * real TAPSQ(5) * DATA TAPSQ/1.0,0.7071,1.0,0.7071,0.85355/ real TAPSQ(11) DATA TAPSQ/2.000,26.56505,90.0,2.0,2.00,2.00,0.00,0.0, ,2.0,2.0,0./ integer irot REAL THETB(3),PHB(3) DATA THETB/90.0,180.0,90.0/ !initial rotation angles for irot matrix DATA PHB/0.0,90.0,90.0/ c tpsq1=0. tpsq1=tapsq(1) LGVOL(1)=5-TAPSQ(1) lgvol1=0. lgvol1=lgvol(1) CALL GIDROP ************************************************************************* * Store standard particle and material constants ************************************************************************* * basic particles CALL GPART * heavier ions CALL GPIONS * standard materials CALL GMATE CALL GSMATE(18,'ARGON$',39.948,18.,0.00166,11762.31,46024.1,0,0) ******************************************************************* c c call routine to setup properties of light guides and optical photons c CALL setupCerenkov ******************************************************************* nmod = 48 !number of modules ang = 7.5 !angle between modules (360 degrees /48 modules) c position the modules in SPACe i=1 xring = brad*cos(((i-1)*ang+3.75)*degrad) yring = brad*sin(((i-1)*ang+3.75)*degrad) irot = i !number of the rotation matrix bnum = i !copy number of bcal module c rotate each module depending on position * PHB(1) = (i-1)*ang-90.+90. * PHB(2) = (i-1)*ang+90. CALL GSROTM(irot,THETB(1),PHB(1),THETB(2),PHB(2),THETB(3),PHB(3)) CALL GSROTM(2,THETB(1),PHB(1),(THETB(2)+90.), &PHB(2),(THETB(3)+90.),PHB(3)) CALL GSROTM(3,90.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.) * CALL GSPOS('AIRC',1,'SPAC',0.,0.,(10-AIRCON(1)),0,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('LTGD',1,'SPAC',0.,0.,(10-2*TAPSQ(1)-LGVOL(1)),0 &,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('TPSQ',1,'SPAC',0.,1.,(10-TAPSQ(1)),0,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('TPMR',1,'SPAC',0.,-1.,(10-TAPSQ(1)),2,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('LTGD',2,'SPAC',0.,5.,(10-TAPSQ(1)),3 &,'ONLY') CALL GGCLOS CALL GPRINT('VOLU',0) END