% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} } @unpublished{analysis_note_oct2008, author ="Gavalian, G. and others", title ="First observation of narrow strange baryon resonance structure via interference with $\phi$-meson in photoproduction reaction $\gamma + p \rightarrow pK_sKL$ on hydrogen target with CLAS", year = "2008", month ="October", note ="Original analysis note" } @unpublished{gagik_data, author ="Gavalian, G.", title ="Ascii data for histograms", year = "2009", note ="Data binned in 5 MeV, July 31" } @unpublished{gagik_tk, author ="Gavalian, G.", title ="Significance estimation for observed signal from g11 data", year = "2009", note ="Response to committee, Sep 13" } @unpublished{tphi_tks, author ="Amaryan, M.", title ="Correlation plot of $-t_{\phi}$ vs $-t_{Ks}$", year = "2009", note ="Figure provided by Moskov on April 23" } @unpublished{vpk_data, author ="Kubarovsky, V.", title ={Ascii data for histograms, vpk\_11.hbook (``vpk" selection) moskov\_11.hbook (``moskov" selection)}, year = "2009", note ="Data binned in 5 MeV, July 24" } @unpublished{genphi, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Background shape in {MM(K$_s$)} from $\phi$ production", year = "2009", month ="April", note ="DRAFT" } @unpublished{phithe_signif, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Empirical backgrounds and estimated signal significance", year = "2009", month ="August", note ="DRAFT" } @unpublished{gen_phithe, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Study of the dependence of the estimated signal significance on signal-to-background", year = "2009", month ="August", note ="DRAFT" } @Article{Rolke:2004mj, author = "Rolke, Wolfgang A. and Lopez, Angel M. and Conrad, Jan", title = "{Confidence Intervals with Frequentist Treatment of Statistical and Systematic Uncertainties}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A551", year = "2005", pages = "493-503", eprint = "physics/0403059", archivePrefix = "arXiv", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2005.05.068", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHYSICS/0403059;%%" }