Rem File Run_TC.BAT runs Poisson Superfish tuning programs Rem in each of the CavityTuning subdirectories. Run from Rem a Windows tool such as My Computer. Running from DOS Rem windows will not work because of long filenames. Rem Copyright 1998, by the University of California. Rem Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited. Rem Remove "Rem" from the next line to prevent codes from opening display windows. Rem set screenoutput=no cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\CCDTL" START /W " " "%SFDIR%cdtfish" 1dtfc START /W " " "%SFDIR%cdtfish" 2dthc cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\CCL" START /W " " "%SFDIR%cclfish" 805ccl START /W " " "%SFDIR%cclfish" 805er START /W " " "%SFDIR%cclfish" 805wr START /W " " "%SFDIR%cclfish" 3ghz START /W " " "%SFDIR%cclfish" 425ew cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\DTL" START /W " " "%SFDIR%dtlfish" dtltest START /W " " "%SFDIR%dtlfish" rgfish START /W " " "%SFDIR%sfotable" rgdtl.sft cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\EllipticalCavity" START /W " " "%SFDIR%ellfish" 82b START /W " " "%SFDIR%ellfish" 82be START /W " " "%SFDIR%ellcav" 82be00 START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" 8c82be1 START /W " " "%SFDIR%sfo" 8c82be1.seg START /W " " "%SFDIR%segfield" segfld.sgf cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\MulticellDTL" START /W " " "%SFDIR%mdtfish" mdttest cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\RFQ" START /W " " "%SFDIR%rfqfish" rfqtest START /W " " "%SFDIR%rfqfish" lansce cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning\SideCouplingCell" START /W " " "%SFDIR%sccfish" 805cc START /W " " "%SFDIR%sccfish" lf cd "%SFDIR%Examples\CavityTuning"