Simple Electrostatic Quadrupole Lens (1/8th geometry) Circular poles with Radius = 1.15 * Radial Aperture Pole-tip voltages = +/- 20 KV Uses one eighth of the geometry between 0 and 45 degrees Neumann boundary along bottom; Dirichlet boundary along 45-degree line ; Copyright 1998, by the University of California. ; Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited. ® kprob=0, ! Poisson or Pandira problem xjfact=0.0, ! Electrostatic problem dx=0.05, ! Mesh interval icylin=0, ! Cartesian coordinates nbslo=1 & ! Neumann boundary condition at lower edge &po x=0.,y=0. & &po r=4.,theta=45. & &po nt=2,r=4.,theta=0.,x0=0.,y0=0. & &po x=3.3,y=0. & &po nt=2,r=1.15,theta=180.,x0=2.15,y0=0. & &po x=0.,y=0. & ® mat=0,ibound=-1,voltage=20000.0 & &po x=3.3,y=0. & &po nt=2,r=1.15,theta=180.,x0=2.15,y0=0. & ® ibound=0 & ! Set Dirichlet boundary on the 45-degree line &po x=0.,y=0. & &po r=4.,theta=45. & stop ! Voltage = 0.0 on the outer arc is the default, so the last ! REG section is not needed. ® ibound=-1,voltage=0.0 & &po r=4.,theta=45. & &po nt=2,r=4.,theta=0.,x0=0.,y0=0. &