Rem This procedure deletes all OUTxxx and TAPExx files created by the Rem Run_MAG.BAT run in each directory. Run from a Windows tool such Rem as My Computer. Running from DOS windows will not work because of Rem long filenames. Rem Copyright 1998, by the University of California. Rem Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited. cd "%SFDIR%Examples\Magnetostatic" del /s /q *.inf del /s /q *.t35 del /s /q out*.* del /s /q *.log del /s /q *.sfo del /s /q *.hgl del /s /q tape*.* del /s /q *.prf del /s /q *.tbl del /s /q *.qkp del /s /q *.t7 del /s /q wsfprf.txt del /s /q ?plotprf.txt