Example using POA namelist, part 1 Sets the potential on a previously defined boundary This example shows procedure only, not a real magnet. Procedure is as follows: 1. Run Automesh on POA1.AM to get coordinates assigned along arc. 2. Copy coordinates from OUTAUT.TXT to file POA2.AM 3. Create POA namelist for each point XA,YA and add potential ASET ® KPROB=0, ; Poisson problem DX=1, ; mesh size MODE=0, ; variable permeability MAT=1 & ; air region &PO X= 0.0000, Y=0.0000 & &PO X= 10.000, Y=0.0000 & &PO NT=2, R=10.0, THETA=30 & &PO NT=2, R=10.0, THETA=90 & &PO X= 0.0000, Y=0.0000 & ® MAT=2 & ; iron region &PO X= 0.0000, Y= 2.7500 & &PO X= 5.5000, Y= 2.7500 & &PO X= 7.7000, Y= 5.0000 & &PO R=10.0, THETA=30 & &PO NT=2, R=10.0, THETA=90 & &PO X= 0.0000, Y= 2.7500 &