Los Alamos National Laboratory Poisson Superfish Program Poisson written by Ron F. Holsinger in collaboration with Klaus Halbach The original Poisson Superfish codes were developed by Ron F. Holsinger in collaboration with Klaus Halbach. These programs are provided as a service to the accelerator community by the Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group (LAACG). (c) Copyright 1985-2005, by the Regents of the University of California. This software was produced under U. S. Government contract W-7405-ENG-36 by Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the U. S. Department of Energy. Neither the Government nor the University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for its use, or represents that use of this software would not infringe privately owned rights. Unpublished - rights reserved under Copyright Laws of the United States. Program Poisson 7.17 released 1-13-2006 Starting from file C:\LANL\Examples\Magnetostatic\Solenoids\SOLL1.T35. Program file: C:\LANL\POISSON.EXE SF.INI file: C:\LANL\SF.INI 8-13-2009 6:09:50 Memory used for SOLL1.T35 arrays: 207.216 K Memory used for other Poisson arrays: 219.888 K Problem description: Permanent-Magnet Solenoid (for PANDIRA) Originally appeared in 1987 Reference Manual B.12.3 Problem file: C:\LANL\EXAMPLES\MAGNETOSTATIC\SOLENOIDS\SOLL1.AM 2-13-2006 11:53:42 Problem file length: 1790 bytes Originating program: Automesh Problem type: Magnetostatic Coordinates and lengths have dimensions of centimeters. Problem constants and variables. Letter A in the code column indicates a value supplied in the Automesh input file. Variable Code Value Description ANGLE 0.0 Extent of arc for interpolating potential ANGLZ 0.0 Initial point on arc for interpolation CLIGHT 2.997924580E+10 Exact speed of light in cm/sec CONV 1.00000000 Length conversion (number of units per cm) DIAGDLL 0 If 1, DLL writes diagnostics to DiagDLL.txt DX1 0.102285714 First X mesh interval (at XMIN) DXMIN 0.102000000 Minimum X mesh interval (found by Automesh) DYMIN 7.800000000E-02 Minimum Y mesh interval (found by Automesh) EPS0 8.854187818E-12 Permittivity of free space EPSILA 5.000000000E-07 Convergence PARAMETER: air, interface points EPSILI 5.000000000E-07 Convergence parameter for iron points EPSO 1.000000000E-05 Convergence parameter in mesh optimization FIXEPS 9.00000000 Permittivity when MODE=-1 FIXGAM 4.000000000E-03 Reluctivity when MODE=-1 FMU0 1.256637061E-06 Permeability of free space ICAL 0 Type of formula for currents near coils ICCC 1 1 in Poisson/Pandira problems (all real arrays) ICYLIN A 1 0 for X,Y problems, 1 for Z,R problems ICYSEN 0 If zero, do not print boundary integrals IENERGY 0 If 1, calculate stored energy IHDL 100000 Cycles between H*dl integrals IMAX 53 KMAX+2 IPERM 1 0 = real currents, 1 = no real currents IPIVOT 1 Pivoting in matrix inversion routines IPRFQ 0 Print frequency during Poisson iterations IRMAX 25 Used in optimization of RHOXY ISKIP 1 Cycles between calculation of reluctance ITOT 2862 (KMAX+2)*(LMAX+2) IVERG 10 Number of cycles between convergence tests KBZERO 1 Logical K coordinate where B = BDES KMAX 51 Number of horizontal logical mesh points KMIN 1 Lower K bound for computing field KPROB A 0 Problem type indicator (Poisson) KTOP A 1 Upper K bound for computing field KTYPE 2 Symmetry indicator for harmonic analysis LAST35 1 Code for last program to update T35 file LBZERO 1 Logical L coordinate where B = BDES LCYCLE 29 Iteration number LMAX 52 Number of vertical logical mesh points LMIN A 1 Lower L bound for computing field LTOP A 46 Upper L bound for computing field MAP 1 Conformal mapping parameter MAXCY 100000 Maximum number of cycles (-1: use default) MAXPPR 204 Maximum points per region MODE A 0 Material property indicator NAIR 926 Number of air points NAMAX 0 Number of points for recalculating couplings NBND 202 Number of Dirichlet boundary points NBSLF 0 Left-side boundary condition NBSLO A 0 Lower boundary condition NBSRT 0 Right-side boundary condition NBSUP 0 Upper boundary condition NEGAT 0 Zero-area triangle indicator NFE 1360 Number of iron points NGMAX 1540 Number of points for recalculating gammas NGSAM 1390 Number of points for reluctivity when NM6=NM1 NINTER 164 Number of interface points NMATR 1 Number of material records in T35 file NOTE 1 Determines relaxation order NPBOUND 796 Total number of boundary points in the mesh NPINP 2652 Total points in problem NPONTS 2184 Number of unknown relaxation points NPTC 0 Number of arc points for interpolation NREG 8 Number of regions NSEG 38 Number of boundary segments NSPL 0 Number of special-potential points NTERM 0 Number of coefficients in harmonic analysis NWMAX 1575 Number of points for recalculating couplings OMEGAM 1.000000000E-03 Used in optimization of RHOXY OMEGAP 1.000000000E-03 Optimization parameter for RHOAIR in Poisson PI 3.14159265 The number pi to machine precision RATIO 0.0 BZERO/XJFACT for air solution RHOAIR 1.90000000 Over-relaxation factor: air, interface points RHOFE 1.00000000 Over-relaxation factor for iron points RHOGAM 8.000000000E-02 Under-relaxation parameter for reluctivity RHOPT1 1.90000000 If = RHOAIR, causes optimization of RHOAIR RHOXY 1.60000000 Over-relaxation factor for mesh optimization RINT 0.0 Radius of arc for interpolating potential RNORM 0.0 Aperture radius in harmonic analysis RZERO 1.00000000 Scaling factor for conformal transformation SNEGG 0.0 Total negative current at generation SPOSG 0.0 Total positive current at generation STACK 1.00000000 Stacking factor STOTG 0.0 Total current in problem at generation TNEGC 0.0 Negative current after conformal transformation TPOSC 0.0 Positive current after conformal transformation TRIAVG 6.450980392E-03 Average area of all triangles TRIMAX 2.220407721E-02 Area of the largest positive-area triangle TRIMIN 2.326778170E-03 Area of the smallest positive-area triangle VOLUME 680.098261 Cavity volume (cylindrical symmetry only) XJFACT 1.00000000 Factor multiplying currents XJFEND 1.00000000 Ending XJFACT for a range of multipliers XJSTEPS 0 Number of steps from XJFACT to XJFEND XJTOL 5.000000000E-07 Tolerance on XJFACT XMAXF 0.0 Upper X bound for computing field XMAXG 6.58000000 Upper X bound of the problem geometry XMINF 0.0 Lower X bound for computing field XMING 0.0 Lower X bound of the problem geometry XORG 0.0 X coordinate center of harmonic analysis circle XYAREA 32.9000000 Total cross sectional area YMAXF 0.0 Upper Y bound for computing field YMAXG 5.00000000 Upper Y bound of the problem geometry YMINF 0.0 Lower Y bound for computing field YMING 0.0 Lower Y bound of the problem geometry YORG 0.0 Y coordinate center of harmonic analysis circle Material properties: Material 1 corresponds to air regions. Material 2 uses the internal table for 1010 steel and Gamma = 0.004 to initialize material arrays. B(gauss) GAMMA mu H(oersted) d(GAMMA)/dB 1 0.000 0.0006137 1629.3571 0.0000 -4.47825E-08 2 1890.000 0.0005291 1890.0019 1.0000 -1.03928E-07 3 2704.400 0.0004445 2249.9162 1.2020 -5.13229E-08 4 3649.300 0.0003960 2525.4694 1.4450 -2.38762E-08 5 4680.200 0.0003714 2692.8628 1.7380 -7.89415E-09 6 5757.200 0.0003629 2755.9598 2.0890 3.73646E-09 7 6846.200 0.0003669 2725.3972 2.5120 1.35143E-08 8 7918.100 0.0003814 2621.8849 3.0200 2.35890E-08 9 8949.300 0.0004057 2464.6933 3.6310 3.52026E-08 10 9921.500 0.0004400 2272.9649 4.3650 5.00489E-08 11 10821.100 0.0004850 2061.9492 5.2480 6.97789E-08 12 11639.800 0.0005421 1844.6577 6.3100 9.68399E-08 13 12373.000 0.0006131 1631.0314 7.5860 1.34836E-07 14 13020.600 0.0007004 1427.6965 9.1200 1.88807E-07 15 13585.600 0.0008071 1238.9962 10.9650 2.65398E-07 16 14073.900 0.0009367 1067.5788 13.1830 3.73223E-07 17 14494.000 0.0010935 914.5031 15.8490 5.22541E-07 18 14856.000 0.0012826 779.6359 19.0550 7.21644E-07 19 15171.100 0.0015100 662.2341 22.9090 9.71994E-07 20 15451.400 0.0017825 561.0130 27.5420 1.26377E-06 21 15708.900 0.0021079 474.4036 33.1129 1.57231E-06 22 15955.200 0.0024952 400.7743 39.8109 1.86798E-06 23 16201.000 0.0029543 338.4874 47.8629 2.13119E-06 24 16455.600 0.0034969 285.9659 57.5439 2.36056E-06 25 16726.400 0.0041362 241.7701 69.1831 2.56790E-06 26 17018.900 0.0048873 204.6132 83.1760 2.77658E-06 27 17336.200 0.0057683 173.3619 100.0001 3.01015E-06 28 17679.100 0.0068005 147.0489 120.2260 3.30005E-06 29 18045.600 0.0080099 124.8450 144.5440 3.67255E-06 30 18431.800 0.0094283 106.0640 173.7800 4.17153E-06 31 18831.301 0.0110948 90.1323 208.9295 4.85175E-06 32 19236.000 0.0130583 76.5796 251.1895 5.79840E-06 33 19636.300 0.0153794 65.0220 301.9945 7.13339E-06 34 20022.400 0.0181336 55.1462 363.0782 9.06799E-06 35 20384.200 0.0214144 46.6975 436.5154 1.19222E-05 36 20713.200 0.0253368 39.4683 524.8062 1.62336E-05 37 21003.000 0.0300413 33.2875 630.9574 2.27720E-05 38 21251.300 0.0356956 28.0147 758.5779 3.24137E-05 39 21461.100 0.0424960 23.5316 912.0109 4.40264E-05 40 21646.400 0.0506541 19.7417 1096.4789 4.32209E-05 41 21869.100 0.0602794 16.5894 1318.2562 4.23050E-05 42 22136.600 0.0715960 13.9673 1584.8920 4.12103E-05 43 22458.100 0.0848451 11.7862 1905.4597 3.99583E-05 44 22844.400 0.1002810 9.9720 2290.8593 3.85139E-05 45 23308.700 0.1181630 8.4629 2754.2259 3.68865E-05 46 23866.600 0.1387420 7.2076 3311.2998 3.50440E-05 47 24537.300 0.1622460 6.1635 3981.0788 3.30133E-05 48 25343.400 0.1888580 5.2950 4786.3038 3.07915E-05 49 26312.400 0.2186950 4.5726 5754.3903 2.84075E-05 50 27477.200 0.2517840 3.9717 6918.3193 The fast-interpolation table generated from the above data for material 2 has maximum B of 2.74772E+04 G and 800 equal B increments of 3.43465E+01 G. For fields above the maximum B, the permeability will be generated from the equation B = Bsat + mu0*H, where Bsat = 2.05589E+04 G. Error 230 File SOLL1.T35 includes anisotropic or permanent-magnet materials. You must run Pandira on this problem.