Rem File Run_RF.BAT runs Poisson Superfish in each of the Rem RadioFrequency subdirectories. Run from a Windows tool Rem such as My Computer. Running from DOS windows will not Rem work because of long filenames. Rem Copyright 1998, by the University of California. Rem Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited. Rem Remove "Rem" from the next line to prevent codes from opening display windows. Rem set screenoutput=no cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\Cfish" START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" dirod START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" dirod copy outaut.txt outaut1.txt copy outfis.txt outfis1.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" dirod.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" coaxwg START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" coaxwg START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" coaxwg START /W " " "%SFDIR%SF7" coaxwg copy outaut.txt outaut2.txt copy outfis.txt outfis2.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" coaxwg.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" splitter START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" splitter copy outaut.txt outaut3.txt copy outfis.txt outfis3.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" splitter.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" qztube START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" qztube START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" qztube START /W " " "%SFDIR%SF7" qztube if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" qztube.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\FerriteCavity" START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" ftest START /W " " "%SFDIR%fish" ftest if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" ftest.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\FrequencyScan" Rem Delete any old plot file, then do frequency scan. if exist fishscan.tbl del fishscan.tbl START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" scan START /W " " "%SFDIR%fish" scan copy outfis.txt outfis1.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%Tablplot" fishscan.tbl 3 Rem Run Autofish to find the higher-frequecy mode near 825 MHz. START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" mode825 copy outfis.txt outfis2.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" mode825.t35 3 Rem Run Autofish to find the lower-frequecy mode near 763 MHz. START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" mode763 copy outfis.txt outfis3.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" mode763.t35 3 Rem Plot fields on segments 2 through 7 for the 763-MHz mode. START /W " " "%SFDIR%segfield" mode763 if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%Tablplot" Segs.tbl 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\PillboxCavities" START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" pill1 copy outaut.txt outaut1.txt copy outfis.txt outfis1.txt copy pill1.sfo pill1a.sfo Rem Here we use different names for the SFO input files Rem It is usually simpler to make sure the SEG file has the Rem same name as the T35 solution file because then SFO" can Rem be STARTed with either one of the files. It will find Rem the other file automatically. START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" pill1.t35 pill1b.seg copy pill1.sfo pill1b.sfo START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" pill1.t35 pill1c.seg copy pill1.sfo pill1c.sfo START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" pill1.t35 pill1d.seg copy pill1.sfo pill1d.sfo START /W " " "%SFDIR%SFO" pill1.t35 pill1e.seg copy pill1.sfo pill1e.sfo if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" pill1.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" pill2 copy outaut.txt outaut2.txt copy outfis.txt outfis2.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" pill2.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" modpill if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" modpill.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\QuarterWaveResonator" START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" qwave if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" qwave.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\RFQCavity" START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" 4thrfq copy outaut.txt outaut1.txt copy outfis.txt outfis1.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" 4thrfq.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" 8thrfq if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" 8thrfq.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\SphericalCavity" START /W " " "%SFDIR%autofish" sphere if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" sphere.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency\Waveguides" START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" wr2300 START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" wr2300 copy outaut.txt outaut1.txt copy outfis.txt outfis1.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" wr2300.t35 3 START /W " " "%SFDIR%automesh" wghex START /W " " "%SFDIR%cfish" wghex copy outaut.txt outaut2.txt copy outfis.txt outfis2.txt if (%1)==(p) START /W " " "%SFDIR%WSFplot" wghex.t35 3 cd "%SFDIR%Examples\RadioFrequency"