; Here is the search order that programs use when looking for SF.INI: ; 1. The current directory. ; 2. Directory (or file) specified by environment variable SFINI. ; 3. Directory containing the executable program. ; 4. The installation directory (usually same as 3). ; The first SF.INI file found is the one that is used. ; The [Global] section is always read first. There can be only one ; section of each heading. For duplicate entries in a section, the ; last setting is used. SF.INI settings override environment settings. ; Comment (with a semicolon) settings that you don't want to use. ; Use TAPE40 to restrict searches for disk drives that have enough ; space for scratch files written by Fish, CFish, Autofish, Pandira, ; and the tuning codes. Be sure to exclude drives on which you have ; no write privileges. ; Remove the comment on StoreTempDataInRAM=No to prevent codes from ; storing scratch data in memory. This may improve performance. ; MaxMemAvailable limits the maximum amount of memory (in kilobytes) ; available to programs that either allocate arrays for temporary ; data storage or allocate memory for plotting arrays. Use this ; setting to make more memory available for other applications. ; Future installations of other LANL software and updates to the ; present software will preserve settings changed by the user and ; any comment lines added below the [Global] section heading. [Global] TAPE40=C ! Add letters of other allowed drives for scratch data TAPE35Extension=T35 ! Change only to remove conflict with other application CreateBackup=No ! If yes, save version 6 T35 file with extension T90 when opening old file AutoOpenAgeLimit=15 ! Age in minutes of solution files (open younger files without browse) AlwaysBrowse=No ! If Yes, disables automatic open of solution files ShowWarning=Default ! Example: -101,102 disables warning 101 and enables warning 102 ;StoreTempDataInRAM=No ! Forces temporary data to a disk file ArrayUsage=No ! List array lengths and percentage usage in OUTAUT.TXT [Automesh] InternalArrays=500 ! Change only if requested by an error message. SaveTAPE36=No [Fish] ; Default without a FishScan setting is to write file ; FishScan.TBL only when the scan option is used, which is ; selected by setting NSTEP to a nonzero value. ;FishScan=Always ;FishScan=Never ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data [CFish] ; Default without a FishScan setting is to write file ; FishScan.TBL only when the scan option is used, which is ; selected by setting NSTEP to a nonzero value. ;FishScan=Always ScanFormatComplex=Yes ! Initial FishScan plot is Im(dH1) versus Re(dH1) for complex arrays. CFishCirclePlot=No ! If yes, create Quikplot file CircleFit.QKP showing fitted resonance circles. ;FishScan=Never ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data [Autofish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=Yes InternalArrays=500 ! Change only if requested by an error message. BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. SaveTAPE36=No [DTLfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=Yes AllowYregInGap=Yes ! Refers to space between bore radius and drift-tube radius. InternalArrays=500 Normalization=E0 SaveTAPE35=Yes BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [CCLfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=No InternalArrays=500 Normalization=E0T SaveTAPE35=Yes WallRingLimit=15 EquatorRingLimit=15 DeleteNoRingFiles=Yes BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [ELLfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=No InternalArrays=500 Normalization=E0T SaveTAPE35=Yes BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [MDTfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=No AllowYregInGap=Yes ! Refers to space between bore radius and drift-tube radius. InternalArrays=500 ! Change only if requested by an error message. SaveTAPE35=Yes BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [CDTfish] ;Zcenter=geometric ! For transit-time factors, default Zcenter=electric ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmilaData=No InternalArrays=500 ! Change only if requested by an error message. Normalization=E0T SaveTAPE35=Yes WallRingLimit=15 EquatorRingLimit=15 DeleteNoRingFiles=Yes BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [SCCfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data InternalArrays=500 ! Change only if requested by an error message. SaveTAPE35=Yes LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files [RFQfish] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data InternalArrays=500 SaveTAPE35=Yes LogDateAndTime=Yes ! Turn Off when making file comparison on log files ; The following sections are for future use. [CCLCells] [DTLCells] [ELLCAV] [Poisson] ParmelaFields=No ParmelaWarning=Yes ComputeStoredEnergy=No ! IENERGY = 0 or 1 in the Automesh input file overrides this setting. PrintBGammaTables=No DecimalPlaces=6 ! Set precision of field data in OUTPOI.TXT (range 3 to 12) [Pandira] ;MaxMemAvailable= ! Memory (kBytes) allowed for temporary data ParmelaFields=No ParmelaWarning=Yes ComputeStoredEnergy=No ! Use variable IENERGY to override this setting. PrintBGammaTables=No DecimalPlaces=6 ! Set precision of field data in OUTPAN.TXT (range 3 to 12) [SFO] ParmilaData=Yes ;AssumedBETA=1.0 ! Use for BETA if the calculated value is unphysical. BetaTolerance=0.00001 ! If 1 < BETA < 1+BetaTolerance, set BETA = 1 for transit-time integrals. ;IncludeDirichletSegs=Yes ! List rf fields on Dirichlet boundaries. ; These keywords set whether the field interpolator returns the fitted ; value or the actual solution array value when the point is a mesh node. InterpolateNodeA=Yes ! Report fitted A for magnetostatic problems. InterpolateNodeV=Yes ! Report fitted V for electrostatic problems. InterpolateNodeH=Yes ! Report fitted H for rf problems. [Force] [SF7] ComplexFields=No MakePlotFile=No ! Create Tablplot file when interpolating on lines, arcs, and curves. X1percent=0 ! Default X1 coordinate as a percentage of the X range X2percent=100 ! Default X2 coordinate as a percentage of the X range Y1percent=0 ! Default Y1 coordinate as a percentage of the Y range Y2percent=100 ! Default Y2 coordinate as a percentage of the Y range ArcAndLineSteps=100 ! Default number of steps for interpolation on lines and arcs GridXsteps=100 ! Default number of steps in X direction for interpolation on grids GridYsteps=20 ! Default number of steps in Y direction for interpolation on grids ArcRadius=1 ! Default arc radius for interpolation on arcs RootNameLength=6 ! Number of leading characters of original filename used for output files EGUNfileMeshSize=0.1 ! Default mesh size for interpolation on a grid when creating EGUN input file MakeParmelaFile=No ! Create input file for Parmela (cylindrically symmetric problems). Force1MVperMeter=Yes ! If No, SF7 uses SFO-calculated E0 for Parmela field map. ; Set SlaterTerm = Yes to compute frequency shifts ; To plot a particular term when Tablplot starts, replace "Yes" ; with one of these keywords: "Surface, "Sphere," or "Cylinder" SlaterTerm=No ! Plot df = (f*dV/4U)(k(H)*mu*H^2 - k(E)*eps*E^2) for rf problems DecimalPlaces=6 ! Set precision of field data in OUTSF7.TXT (range 3 to 12) ExpandedTable=No ! Extra columns show field interpolator fitted coefficients. [WSFplot] UseSavedSettings=Yes SaveSettingsTo=Local Directory ! "Local Directory" "Individual File" or file or directory name CreateOutputTextFile=No WriteFieldContours=No FileIDFooter=On ! Show complete file specification and timestamp at lower right PlotOrigin=LowerLeft ! Choices: LowerLeft, LowerRight, UpperLeft, UpperRight XaxisDirection=Horizontal ! Choices: Horizontal or Vertical MeshTriangles=On ! Affects only plots containing solution arrays. GridSpacing=3.0 ! Arrow and circle grid spacing as % of screen width. ArrowKeyStepSize=0.25 ! Cursor step size as % of screen width. ContourMinimum=0 ! Lowest contour value as percent of range. ContourMaximum=100 ! Highest contour value as percent of range. NumberOfContours=30 ! Zero value turns off contours. ContourLineWidth=1 ! Line widths on screen in pixels (range 1-10). AxisLineWidth=1 ! Also makes text bold if axis line width > 1. MeshLineWidth=1 BoundaryLineWidth=1 ArrowLineWidth=1 CircleLineWidth=1 FieldArrows=Off FieldCircles=Off PlotTitle=On CombineTitleLines=No ! Uses line 1 or lines 1 and 2 of problem title. BoundaryAxes=On ; Run program WSFColor for color numbers TitleAndAxisColor=150 BoundaryColor=150 MeshTriangleColor=240 FieldContourColor=190 ImaginaryFieldColor=100 FieldArrowColor=16 FieldCircleColor=16 ; Set SlaterTerm = Yes to compute frequency shifts SlaterTerm=No ! Display df = (f*dV/4U)(k(H)*mu*H^2 - k(E)*eps*E^2) for rf problems HardcopyDriver= ! Graphic file extension, blank for Print Manager RF_XY_PowerLaw=1 Magnetic_XY_PowerLaw=1 Electric_XY_PowerLaw=1 RF_RZ_PowerLaw=2 Magnetic_RZ_PowerLaw=1 Electric_RZ_PowerLaw=1 [Beta] IndependentVariable=Energy ! Choices: Energy, Beta, Gamma (code computes the other two) StartingValue=1.0 ! First value of IndependentVariable EndingValue=100.0 ! If equal to StartingValue, then result is single value rather than table NumberOfValues=101 ! Number of evenly spaced values from StartingValue to EndingValue MassUnit=MeV ! Choices: MeV (rest-mass energy), amu (atomic mass units) Particle=Proton ! Choices: Proton, H-minus, Deuteron, D-minus, Electron, Other OtherMass=1.0 ! In MeV, unless MassUnit = amu EnergyDigits=8 ! Maximum significant digits (3 to 15) for computed kinetic energy BetaDigits=8 ! Maximum significant digits (3 to 15) for computed beta GammaDigits=8 ! Maximum significant digits (3 to 15) for computed gamma [ConvertE] MassUnit=MeV ! Choices: MeV (rest-mass energy), amu (atomic mass units) Particle=Proton ! Choices: Proton, H-minus, Deuteron, D-minus, Electron, Other OtherMass=1.0 ! In MeV, unless MassUnit = amu LengthUnit=cm ! Starting length unit (mm, cm, or m) DivergenceUnit=rad ! Starting divergence unit (mrad or rad) PhaseUnit=deg ! Starting energy unit (deg or rad) EnergyUnit=MeV ! Starting energy unit (eV, keV, or MeV) BeamEnergy=100 ! Energy in MeV used to compute relativistic beta and gamma BunchFrequency=400 ! rf frequency of the beam bunches in MHz DistributionType=KV ! for RMS emiitance, choices: KV, 4D, Trace3D, 6D [Tablplot] MaxColumns=16 ! Maximum number of user-supplied columns MaxLines=10000 ! Table length limited only by available memory UseSavedSettings=Yes SaveSettingsTo=Local Directory ! "Local Directory" "Individual File" or file or directory name StartNewLog=No ! If Yes, create new Tablplot.log on startup, otherwise append to existing log AlwaysBrowse=Yes ! If No, open the last file automatically if it exists and no other file specified HardcopyDriver= ! Graphic file extension, blank for Print Manager AxisLineWidth=1 ! Width of axis and grid lines in pixels; makes text bold if AxisLineWidth > 1 CurveLineWidth=1 ! Width in pixels of lines connecting points [Quikplot] MaxDataSets=10 ! Maximum number of Data/EndData sections. MaxPoints=10000 ! Points per data set limited only by available memory UseSavedSettings=Yes SaveSettingsTo=Local Directory ! "Local Directory" "Individual File" or file or directory name StartNewLog=No ! If Yes, create new Quikplot.log on startup, otherwise append to existing log AlwaysBrowse=Yes ! If No, open the last file automatically if it exists and no other file specified HardcopyDriver= ! Graphic file extension, blank for Print Manager AxisLineWidth=1 ! Width of axis and grid lines in pixels; makes text bold if AxisLineWidth > 1 CurveLineWidth=1 ! Width in pixels of lines connecting points