June 1, 2018 David L. I generated a new map covering the DIRC region out to R=4m at Justin's request. This was done on my new laptop and the procedure seemed slightly different from earlier (documented further down). Below are the steps I needed to do this now. Note one big difference is that I had to run SF7.EXE and poisson2calibDB.pl manually as there were not run (at least properly) by the run_pois_all.com script. 1. brew install wine 2. cp -r ~/HallD/Subsystems/Solenoid/Poisson_OSX/LANL ~/.wine 3. cp -rp SOL_07_01 SOL_07_01.DIRC 4. cd to SOL_07_01.DIRC and edit run_pois_all.com to set cur1 and cur2 5. run run_pois_all.com 6. cp ../sf7_01.txt 1350_A/all/ sf7_DIRC.txt 7. cd to 1350_A/all and edit sf7_DIRC.txt to set grid 8. wine ~/.wine/LANL/SF7.EXE sf7_DIRC.txt MAG.T35 9. chmod +x ../../poisson2calibDB.pl 10. ../../poisson2calibDB.pl OUTSF7.TXT 11. mv solenoid_poisson solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 --- At this point I ran into issues doing some things from --- the laptop. I could not scp into the gluex account --- to copy the file to resources directory. Neither could I --- write to the CCDB. Thus, I had to copy the field map to the --- CUE and switch to ifarm1401 for the remainder of the procedure 12. scp solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 ifarm1402:/u/scratch/davidl 13. ssh ifarm1402 14. cd /u/scratch/davidl 15. scp solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 gluex@ifarm1402:/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid 16. jresource -a Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 0- https://halldweb1.jlab.org/resources 17. hd_ana -PBFIELD_MAP=Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 -PEVENTS_TO_KEEP=1 -PAUTOACTIVATE=DTrackWireBased /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run031034/hd_rawdata_031034_152.evio 18. scp solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601.evio gluex@jlabl1:/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 19. jresource -a Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 0- https://halldweb1.jlab.org/resources --- It was only at this point that I could finally plot the field since --- bfield2root now requires CCDB to access the map. I copied the macros --- from the bfield2root source and modified the canvas region. I produced --- the root file with: 20. bfield2root -Nr 400 -Rmin 0 -Rmax 400 -Nz 300 -Zmin 400 -Zmax 700 -PBFIELD_MAP=/Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1350A_DIRC_poisson_20180601 21. root -l bfield.root 22. root[0] .x Btot_vs_r_vs_z.C Feb. 22, 2016 David L. Files related to generating Solenoid field maps using Poisson. The SOL_07_01 directory contains scripts written by Eugene C. generate a series of B-field maps using an updated geometry. These superceed maps generated with config. files in the directory: https://halldsvn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/home/davidl/PoissonConfigFiles The scripts were run (by Eugene) and the generated files copied to the halld group disk here: /group/halld/Subsystems/solenoid/SOL_07_01 May 31, 2016 David L. The 1345A field map was generated by copying the SOL_07_01 directory to SOL_07_01.1345A and modifying the run_pois_all.com script. (This should be used as a template to generate other maps.) Steps to create new map: 1. Edit run_pois_all.com to reflect range of currents and step size in amps between maps. For a single map, just set both cur1 and cur2 to the same current 2. Run the run_pois_all.com script. This will take several minutes (15-20 min.) 3. For each map generated there will be a directory whose name is based on the current. In there will be a file with a name like: solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 . This is the map file that needs to be uploaded to the halldweb directory. For example: scp solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 gluex@jlabl1:/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid 4. Create a JANA resource entry in CCDB for this file. For example: jresource -a Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 0- https://halldweb1.jlab.org/resources 5. Create a fine mesh field map using the newly installed course map. NOTE: There seemed to be a problem with reading the fine mesh map on my OS X distribution. Things seemed OK on ifarm1401 though. hd_ana -PBFIELD_MAP=Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 \ -PEVENTS_TO_KEEP=1 \ -PAUTOACTIVATE=DTrackWireBased \ ~/HallD/RAWDATA/hd_rawdata_010864_002.evio 6. Copy finemesh file to halldweb, dropping the ".evio" suffix scp solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531.evio gluex@jlabl1:/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/resources/Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 7. Create a JANA resource entry in CCDB for the finemesh file jresource -a Magnets/Solenoid/finemeshes/solenoid_1345A_poisson_20160531 0- https://halldweb1.jlab.org/resources