import os, re, os.path, imp, sys import ccdb.cmd import logging #from ccdb.ccdb_pyllapi import MySQLDataProvider from ccdb.MySQLProvider import MySQLProvider from Theme import Theme import colorama import readline from Globals import get_verbose, VerboseModes import posixpath log = logging.getLogger("ccdb.cmd.ccontext") class ConsoleContext: """ Class to manage console commands This class uses console_utitilities from utils directories """ _utils = {} _verbose = VerboseModes.No _connectionString = "mysql://ccdb_user@localhost" _provider = MySQLProvider() _current_path="/" anononymous_user_name = "anonymous" _user_name = anononymous_user_name _is_interactive = False _current_run = 0 prefix = None words = [] def __init__(self): self.verbose = get_verbose() self._prov = MySQLProvider() self._is_interactive = False #prop verbose #_______________________ def _get_verbose(self): """Sets or gets verbose behaviour for this class""" return self._verbose def _set_verbose(self, isTrue): self._verbose = isTrue; verbose = property(_get_verbose, _set_verbose) @property def utils(self): return self._utils @property def connection_string(self): return self._connectionString @connection_string.setter def connection_string(self, str): self._connectionString = str @property def provider(self): return self._prov @property def current_path(self): return self._current_path @current_path.setter def current_path(self, newPath): self._current_path = newPath ##property current_run #_______________________ def _get_current_run(self): """Sets or gets verbose behaviour for this class""" return self._current_run def _set_current_run(self, isTrue): self._current_run = isTrue; current_run = property(_get_current_run, _set_current_run) @property def user_name(self): return self._user_name @user_name.setter def usef_name(self, name): self._user_name = name self._prov.SetUserName(name) @property def is_interactive(self): return self._is_interactive @is_interactive.setter def is_interactive(self, value): self._is_interactive = value # #-------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN MANAGEMENT #-------------------------------------------------- # def register_utilities(self, path = None): """ Function to auto find and registe utilites""" if path == None: path = os.path.join(ccdb.cmd.__path__[0],"utils") modules = [] modules = self.search_utils(path) for module in modules: try: registerFunc = getattr(module, "create_util_instance") util = registerFunc() if util: self._utils[util.command]=util; util.context = self except AttributeError, ex: if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print " " + repr(ex) if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print "Utils registred in directory %s are:"%(path,) print "%-10s %-15s %s:"%("(command)", "(name)", "(description)") print "\n".join(["%-10s %-15s %s" % (command,, util.short_descr) for command, util in self._utils.items()]) def search_utils(self, path): """Load plugin from directory and return list of modules""" #>oO debud output if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print Theme.Title + "searching modules in dircory:" print " " + Theme.Directories + path #get list of files and module names files = os.listdir( path ) test = re.compile(".py$", re.IGNORECASE) files = filter(, files) filenameToModuleName = lambda f: os.path.splitext(f)[0] moduleNames = sorted(map(filenameToModuleName, files)) modules = [] for m in moduleNames: # skip any files starting with '__', such as if m.startswith('__'): continue try: f, filename, desc = imp.find_module(m, [path]) modules.append( imp.load_module(m, f, filename, desc)) except ImportError, ex: if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print "error importing module: " print " " + repr(ex) continue return modules def process(self, args, startIndex=1): #check if there is enough argumens... if len(args) < (startIndex+1): self.print_general_usage() return #get working arguments list workargs=args[startIndex:] #parse loop i=0 while i < len(workargs): token = workargs[i] i+=1 if token.startswith('-'): #it is some command, lets parse what is the command if (token == "-c" or token == "--connection") and (i < len(workargs) ): #connection string self.connection_string = workargs[i] i+=1 elif (token == "-I" or token == "--interactive"): #it is an interactive mode self._is_interactive = True elif (token == "-r" or token == "--run"): #working run try: self.current_run = int(workargs[i])"Working run is %i", self.current_run) except ValueError: log.warning("cannot read run from %s command"%(token)) i+=1 else: #looks like is is a command command = token; commandArgs = workargs[i:] return self.process_command(command, commandArgs) if self._is_interactive: self.interactive_loop() def print_general_usage(self): print "To use utilites print command and arguments" print " help" print "or" print " help ls" print " ls /" def process_command(self, command, commandArgs): #>oO debug if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print "Processing command: ", command print " commandArgs: " print "\n".join([" " + arg for arg in commandArgs]) #try to find function... util = None try: util = self._utils[command] except KeyError: print "command ", command," is unknown! please use help to see avalable commands" if not util: return 1; #check connection and connect if needed if util.uses_db and (not self.provider.is_connected): if not self.check_connection(util): return False #execute command return util.process(commandArgs) def check_connection(self, util): if(self.verbose): print + " uses the database and there is no connection yet. Trying to connect..." print " Connection string is: " + Theme.Accent, self.connection_string #connecting result = self._prov.connect(self.connection_string) if not result: #not connected print "CCDB provider unable to connect. Aborting command" return False else: #connected if(self.verbose): print " Connection " + Theme.Success + " successfull " return True def interactive_loop(self): import shlex self.print_interactive_intro() #initialise autocomplete self.words = self._utils.keys() #completer = Completer(words) colorama.pause() #make colorama to release stderr and stdout readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(self.complete) try: readline.read_history_file() except: pass #eat it #readline..set_completion_display_matches_hook(self.show_completions) #readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook([function]) #Set or remove the completion display function. If function is specified, it will be used as the new completion display function; if omitted or None, any completion display function already installed is removed. The completion display function is called as function(substitution, [matches], longest_match_length) once each time matches need to be displayed. #begin user commands read loop command = "" while 1: colorama.pause() #read command from user user_input="" try: user_input=raw_input( self.current_path +"> ") except EOFError: if self.verbose: print "EOF sequence recieved. Ending interactive loop" break except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.verbose: print "Break sequence recieved. Ending interactive loop" break if user_input in ("quit", "q", "exit"): #quit! break tokens = shlex.split(user_input) if len(tokens) > 0: command = tokens[0] if self.verbose >= VerboseModes.Debug: print "command is : ", command print tokens arguments = [] if len(tokens) > 1: arguments = tokens[1:] colorama.resume() self.process_command(command, arguments) #loop ended try: readline.write_history_file() except: log.warn("unable to write history file") # #--------------------------------- C O M P L E T I O N -------------------------------------------------- # ## # show_completions # def show_completions(self, substitution, matches, longest_match_length): print self print substitution print matches print longest_match_length #-------------------------------- # complete #-------------------------------- def complete(self, prefix, index): #print "prefix ", prefix, " index ", index #readline.insert_text("bla bla bla") #colorama.resume() #print "ha ha ha" #colorama.pause() if prefix != self.prefix: # we have a new prefix! # find all words that start with this prefix self.matching_words = [ w for w in self.words if w.startswith(prefix)] self.prefix = prefix else: #print "prefix the same, matching:", len(self.matching_words) #print " ".join([word for word in self.matching_words]) #readline.redisplay() pass try: return self.matching_words[index] except IndexError: return None # #-------- GETTING OBJECTS ----------------- def prepare_path(self, path): #correct ending / if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] #local or absolute path? if not path.startswith("/"): path = posixpath.join(self.current_path , path) #normalize path = posixpath.normpath(path) return path def parse_run_range(self, run_range_str): assert isinstance(run_range_str, str) if not "-" in run_range_str: return None (str_min, str_max) = run_range_str.split("-") run_min = 0 run_min_set = False run_max = ccdb.INFINITE_RUN run_max_set = False try: run_min = int(str_min) run_min_set = True except ValueError as error: self.run_min = 0 try: run_max = int(str_max) run_max_set = True except ValueError as error: self.run_max = ccdb.INFINITE_RUN return (run_min, run_max, run_min_set, run_max_set) # #--------------- HELP AND INFO ------------------------- # def print_interactive_intro(self): print """ +--------------------------+ CCDB shell v.0.0.1 HallD JLab +--------------------------+ """ print Theme.Title + "Interactive mode" print "print " + Theme.Accent + "help" + Theme.Reset + " to get help" print "print " + Theme.Accent + "quit" + Theme.Reset + " or " + Theme.Accent + "q" + Theme.Reset +" to exit" print "print ! to execute shell command" print