import sys import posixpath import logging from ccdb.ccdb_pyllapi import Directory, ConstantsTypeTable from ccdb import MySQLProvider from ccdb.cmd import ConsoleUtilBase from ccdb.cmd import Theme from ccdb.cmd import is_verbose, is_debug_verbose log = logging.getLogger("") def create_util_instance(): log.debug(" registring Dump") return Dump() class Dump(ConsoleUtilBase): command = "dump" name = "Dump" short_descr = "Dumps datat table to a file" uses_db = True #variables for each process rawentry = "/" #object path with possible pattern, like /mole/* parent_path = "/" #parent path parent_dir = None # @type parent_dir DDirectory pattern = "" #pattern on the end of parent path like file?* def process(self, args): log.debug("Dump is gained a control over the process.") log.debug("Arguments: " + " ".join(args)) assert self.context != None provider = self.context.provider; assert isinstance(provider, MySQLProvider) print "Dump is not implemented now" def print_directory_tree(self, directory, printFullPath, level): """prints a full tree of directories This is recursive function""" #print this directory if not printFullPath: print "".join([" " for i in range(0, level)]) + else: print directory.full_path #print subdirectories recursively subDirs = directory.subdirs if len(subDirs)>0: for subDir in subDirs: self.print_directory_tree(subDir, printFullPath, level+1) def print_help(self): "Prints help of the command" print "Dumps datat table to a file"