set style data line set label "theta = 8 degrees" at 2,0.0400 set label "B = 2.0 T" at 2,0.0390 set label "pos. res. = 150 microns" at 2,0.0380 set label "pion mass" at 2,0.0370 set label "length of detector = 3.57 - 1.90 m" at 2,0.0360 set label "no. of pos. meas. = 24" at 2,0.0350 set xrange [0.00:4.0] set yrange [0.00:0.06] set grid plot "march.txt" using 2:4 title "March 2007", "now.txt" using 2:4 title "February 2008", "wires.txt" using 2:4 title "wires only"