S T E P 1 - E N V I R O N M E N T ========================================= One must have CCDB_HOME variable pointitng to the root of CCDB package. You can run script located at root of CCDB: ##RUN CODE: source environment.bash The script will determine it's path and set all needed directories to run and test ccdb. Or you can add next lines to your .bashrc ##CODE FOR .bashrc: #set CCDB environment export CCDB_HOME=/path/to/ccdb/home/directory export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$CCDB_HOME/lib":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PYTHONPATH="$CCDB_HOME/python":"$CCDB_HOME/python/ccdb/ccdb_pyllapi/":$PYTHONPATH export PATH="$CCDB_HOME/bin":$ S T E P 2 - M A K E ========================== make ccdb library for your system. scons - makes ccdb library located $CCDB_HOME/lib and test executable located in $CCDB_HOME/bin SwigPython.make - makes python wrapping of CCDB C++ api. Not moved to scons yet ##RUN CODE: cd $CCDB_HOME scons the code will produce libccdb.so in $CCDB_HOME/lib and python wrapping library for python script. It is desired design that all scripts to compile without swig installed. But on alpha stage one may need to regenerate python wrapper by swig prior making SwigPython.make. If you were unable to make without calling swig, please, email to romanov@jlab.com So if you have to regenerate swig wrappers: ##RUN CODE: swig -c++ -classic -python $CCDB_HOME/swig/ccdb_pyllapi.i S T E P 3 - M Y S Q L ============================= If You would like to install database on the local machine, you need to create a database (by default it is ment to be called ccdb). mysql script $CCDB_HOME/mysql/ccdb.mysql.sql generates schema for you. MySQL-Workbench project with mysql schema is located in the same directory. ##RUN CODE: mysql -u root -p <$CCDB_HOME/mysql/ccdb.mysql.sql Database ccdb will be created and filled with tables and some needed and semple records By default package tries to connect by using 'ccdb_user' user name with no password So You might whant to create such user or specify connection string explicitly later To create the user for development purposes use sql command like this ##RUN CODE: mysql -u root -p CREATE USER ccdb_user; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ccdb.* TO 'ccdb_user'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; exit; T E S T =========== To test the CCDB installed correctly you might go to $CCDB_HOME/bin directory and run ./test ##RUN CODE: cd $CCDB_HOME/bin ./ccdb_tests You should see ccdb unit test running and successfully complete. To test python is working you may run ccdbcmd #RUN CODE: ccdbcmd -I interactive ccdb shell should be started C O N T A C T S =================== Any questions, suggestions or discussions: Dmitry romanov JLab id: romanov 757-269-5332