Import('env') #TODO move to normal debug\release modes #debugcflags = ['-W1', '-GX', '-EHsc', '-D_DEBUG', '/MDd'] #extra compile flags for debug #releasecflags = ['-O2', '-EHsc', '-DNDEBUG', '/MD'] #extra compile flags for release #env.Append(CCFLAGS='-g') #Configure environment to create ccdb_library lib_target = "ccdb" lib_sources = [ #some global objects "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", #model and provider "Model/", "Model/", "Model/", "Model/", "Model/", "Model/", "Model/", "Providers/", "Providers/", "Providers/", "Providers/", #web "Web/", "Web/", #user api "UserAPI/", "UserAPI/", "UserAPI/", "UserAPI/" ] env.ParseConfig('mysql_config --libs --cflags') #Making library lib = env.SharedLibrary(target = lib_target, source = lib_sources) env.Install('#lib', lib) #Configure environment to create tests test_sources = [ "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "Tests/", "" ] #Making tests ccdb_tests_program = env.Program('ccdb_tests', source = test_sources, LIBS=[lib_target], LIBPATH='#lib') env.Install('#bin', ccdb_tests_program) #Making web cgi sctipt ccdb_web_program = env.Program('ccdb_cgi', source = [""], LIBS=[lib_target], LIBPATH='#lib') env.Install('#web/cgi-bin', ccdb_web_program)