//some set of macros for better testing #ifndef TESTS_INIT #include "DConsole.h" #include "DStopWatch.h" using namespace std; using namespace ccdb; extern DConsole gConsole; extern std::string gConnectionString; //must be called once per function that performs tests #define TESTS_INIT(title) bool testtmp; bool testSetpsPassed;gConsole.WriteLine(); gConsole.WriteLine(DConsole::cBrightYellow, (title)); gConsole.WriteLine(); //render test title #define TITLE(title) gConsole.Write("%-50.50s",(title)); //Do tests and leave function #define TEST(condition) testSetpsPassed = testtmp = (condition); gConsole.PrintCondition(testtmp); if(!testtmp) return false; //Do tests and NOT leave function #define TEST_STEP(condition) testtmp = (condition); testSetpsPassed = testSetpsPassed && testtmp; gConsole.PrintCondition(testtmp); //"link" to objects that test is passed #define TEST_PASSED testSetpsPassed //"link" to objects that last test is passed #define STEP_PASSED testtmp //must be called once per function that performs tests #define BENCHMARK_INIT(title) DConsole gConsole; DStopWatch stopwatch; gConsole.WriteLine(DConsole::cBrightYellow, (title)); gConsole.WriteLine(); //must be called once per function that performs tests #define BENCHMARK_START(title) gConsole.WriteLine(DConsole::cBrightWhite,"\n[ %s ]", (title)); stopwatch.Start(); //must be called once per function that performs tests #define BENCHMARK_FINISH(title) stopwatch.Stop(); gConsole.WriteLine(DConsole::cBrightWhite, " %s %f", (title), stopwatch.GetDuration()); //"gets" test gConsole #define CONSOLE gConsole #ifndef WIN32 #define TESTS_CONENCTION_STRING "mysql://root:MnogonOjekU40nojek!@ ccdb" #else #define TESTS_CONENCTION_STRING "mysql://root:asdasd@ ccdb" #endif #endif //#ifndef TESTS_INIT