GroupEventStoreToolkit description

GroupEventStoreToolkit is a set of python modules and scripts grouped together in a single package. It's a prototype of administrative tools necessary to manage EventStore. Currently is uses three 3d party python modules: MySQLdb, sqlitem bsddb3 (for Berkeley DB support). The BerkeleyDB support is abandoned in favor of SQLite.

GroupEventStoreToolkit API

The GroupEventStoreToolkit consists from the following modules:

Here we will discuss high-level API highlighed in blue color. The low-level modules are format dependent file utilities with self-exaplaining names.

The python module consists of a single class ESManager. It should be initialized with the following set of parameters:
- data base connector
  no default 
- location of output key/location files
  default: location of input data files
- specific version name
  default is composed as:
- administrative version (or grade)
  default: physics
- time stamp
  default: 0
- view
  default: all
- flag to generate key files
  default: yes
- verbose flag
  default: quiet
- flag indicating which DB to use.
  This flag is necessary since SQL-syntax is slightly
  different for MySQL and SQLite.
  default: use MySQL
The ESManager class has two high-level API methods:

int updateDB(genMode, fileList):
genMode informs if key file generation is enabled fileList is a list of files to be added to DB Returns status upon completion. Failure status allow parent code to perform necessary actions, such as rollback transaction. It uses the following low-level API methods:

int updateXXXXDB(args):
update methods for XXXX DB table, e.g. LocationDB. The args is a set of arguments which form this table

int updateDBUsingGroupList(groupList):
int updateDBUsingFileList(generationMode, fileList):
int updateDBWithoutKeyFile(fileName):
int updateDBFromIDXA(fileName):
run-condition update methods

int moveFilesInES(fileIn,fileOut):
fileIn could be a single file or directory name. In last case all files from that directory are considered to be moved in EventStore. fileOut either file or directory name. The following logic has been applied: check if fileIn exists in DB, check permission for fileOut to be written, perform DB update, move files. Returns status upon completion. The status information can be used by main applications to monitor this transaction and invoke necessary actions.

int deleteGrade(delVer,delTime):
deleteGrade is used to remove data from EventStoreDB. The process identifies valid data/key/location files for removal. Key/location files are removed from ESDB and associative data files are marked as orhpans in OrphanFileIDDB.

The module (SQLUtil class) provides high-level routines to manipulate EventStore DB tables. It should be initialized by
- db cursor
- db type
- verbose flag
It has the following API:
list dbNames():
return names of EventStore DB tables

list dbContent():
return a list of table fields in EventStoreDB

void dropTable():
drop table from EventStoreDB

void createTables():
create all EventStore DB tables

void printDBContent(table):
print the content of given table

Main applications (command-line tools):

The is in charge of collecting input information from users, keeping log of users actions with EventStoreDB and transaction log (need to be implemented). It uses MySQL or SQLite transactions for all actions.

The provides information about EventStore DB tables.

The prints content of supporting file formats (pds, binary, key, pds location, binary location). The details of output can be controlled by verbose option.

The converts one DB to another (MySQL<->SQLite)

The provides high-level format independent API to parse and build data and key/location files. It consists from the following methods:

list fileParser(fileName,what=""):
parse input file with optional parameter what=(run,uid,syncValue,proxies). Return a combined list of fields.

void build_key(fileIn,fileOut,oFileID):
build key file for given data file and its file ID. Output file written to fileOut.

void build_location(fileIn,fileID,fileOut,tagList=[]):
build location file for given data file, its file id and tagList which vetoes events. Output file written to fileOut.

string fileType(fileName):
return file type (pds, bin, key, lpds, lbin).


Right now toolkit is capable of doing the following tasks:
- create a new EventStore
- add file and/or set of files to DB based on path/fileName/pattern
- create key and location files for PDS and binary file data formats
- add data from event list based on input IDXA file
- move file inside EventStore 
- delete grade from EventStore
- performs necessary updates in EventStore tables
- physically move file
- keeps history of user commands
- print content of underlying DB tables
- print content data/key/location files
- the following formats are supported: 
  PDS, binary, key, PDS location, binary location
- convert BerkeleyDB<->MySQL<->SQLite
It also has the following features:
- transaction log
- history log, to keep history of users requests

Web interface

The web interface is written in python as CGI module. It consists of the following modules:

The module provides the web form interface with Information/Administration/Expert pages to perform various tasks.

Information page performs the following queries:
- Number of events for give grade/view/runRange
- List of data (proxies) stored for date/grade
- Version details for date/grade/view/run
- Comparison of two date stamps; For each date it summarize
  runRange, number of events, specific version, difference in
  runRange and data
Administrative page generates set of arguments for command-line tool and performs administrative tasks with EventStore DB.

Expert page allows to look at table contents, location of files, form event list for given grade/view/run.

Below you can find links to EventStore web interface and user documentation:
Web interface
User documentation

Last revised: Fri Jul 16 10:17:13 EDT 2004
Maintainer: Valentin Kuznetsov