SUBROUTINE BG_EVE(IPRI) C C--- Simulates one BG event C IPRI>0 - print this event C IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER IPRI C INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' C REAL HRNDM1 LOGICAL HEXIST C INTEGER i,j,ip,ierr,lout,idnt REAL ebeam CHARACTER cent(2)*6,cproc*16 C REAL ptmp1(4,2),ptmp2(4,MXTRA) ! auxill. arrays to simplify the HDDM mapping INTEGER ifl1(6,2),ifl2(6,MXTRA) C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C lout=6 IEVPROC=-1 INDUM(1)=0 INDUM(2)=0 cent(1)='beam ' cent(2)='target' C C--- Beam energy C IF(IDBEAM.EQ.0.OR..NOT.HEXIST(IDBEAM)) GO TO 999 C ebeam=HRNDM1(IDBEAM) C C--- Beam/target definitions C c ITPIN(1,1)=1 ! beam GEANT type c ITPIN(1,2)=14 ! beam target type ITPIN(1,1)=IPINIT(1) ! beam GEANT type ITPIN(1,2)=IPINIT(2) ! beam target type ITPIN(2,1)=IPLUND(ITPIN(1,1)) ! KF types ITPIN(2,2)=IPLUND(ITPIN(1,2)) C DO i=1,2 AMIN(i)=AM_PART(ITPIN(1,i)) ENDDO DO i=1,3 PIN(i,1)=0. PIN(i,2)=0. ENDDO PIN(3,1)=ebeam C NTRA=0 C C--- Choose the package C ierr=0 IF(ISIMUL.EQ.0) THEN IF(ebeam.LT.EPYMIN) THEN C CALL LOWEN_EVE(ierr) IF(IEVPROC.GT.0) cproc=CNPROC(IEVPROC) C ELSE C CALL PYTH_EVE(ierr) cproc='PYTHIA' C ENDIF C ELSEIF(ISIMUL.EQ.1) THEN CALL REAC_EVE(ierr) ENDIF IF(ierr.NE.0) GO TO 999 C C--- Remove the GEANT type for the decaying particles (KF type is retained) C needed to avoid copying these particles into GEANT C DO i=1,NTRA IF(ITPTRA(2,i).NE.1.AND.ITPTRA(3,i).NE.0) ITPTRA(1,i)=0 ENDDO C C--- Print the event C IF(IPRI.NE.0) THEN WRITE(lout,1000) IEVENT,IEVPROC,cproc 1000 FORMAT(' Event ',I6,' Process=',I4,3X,A16) WRITE(lout,1005) + (cent(i),(ITPIN(j,i),j=1,2),AMIN(i),(PIN(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,2) 1005 FORMAT(1X,A6,3X,I3,2X,I5,3X,4X,F8.4,3X,3F8.3) WRITE(lout,1010) + (i,(ITPTRA(j,i),j=1,6),AMTRA(i),(PTRA(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,NTRA) 1010 FORMAT(1X,I3,3X,I3,I6,2X,I5,3X,3I4,4X,F8.4,3X,3F8.3) ENDIF C C--- Output file for HDDM C IF(IWROUT(1).NE.0) THEN DO i=1,2 DO j=1,6 ifl1(j,i)=0 ENDDO ifl1(1,i)=ITPIN(1,i) ifl1(3,i)=ITPIN(2,i) DO j=1,3 ptmp1(j,i)=PIN(j,i) ENDDO ptmp1(4,i)=SQRT(ptmp1(1,i)**2+ptmp1(2,i)**2+ptmp1(3,i)**2 + +AMIN(i)**2) ENDDO DO i=1,NTRA DO j=1,6 ifl2(j,i)=ITPTRA(j,i) ENDDO C DO j=1,3 ptmp2(j,i)=PTRA(j,i) ENDDO ptmp2(4,i)=SQRT(ptmp2(1,i)**2+ptmp2(2,i)**2+ptmp2(3,i)**2 + +AMTRA(i)**2) ENDDO CALL WRITE_HDDM_EVENT(RUNNO, IEVENT,IEVPROC + ,ifl1(1,1),ptmp1(1,1) + ,NTRA,ifl2(1,1),ptmp2(1,1)) C write(6,1010) (i,(ifl1(j,i),j=1,6),(ptmp1(j,i),j=1,4),i=1,2) C write(6,1010) (i,(ifl2(j,i),j=1,6),(ptmp2(j,i),j=1,4),i=1,NTRA) ENDIF C C--- Sequential output file C IF(IWROUT(2).NE.0) THEN WRITE(LUNWR(2)) IEVENT,IEVPROC + ,(( ITPIN(j,i),j=1,2), AMIN(i),( PIN(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,2) + ,NTRA,((ITPTRA(j,i),j=1,6),AMTRA(i),(PTRA(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,NTRA) ENDIF C C--- NTUPLE C IF(IWROUT(3).NE.0) THEN idnt=9 CALL HFNT(idnt) ENDIF C 999 CONTINUE C write(6,*) ebeam,IEVPROC,ibin,xstot,xssum,NTRA C END C