REAL FUNCTION XSEC_JPSI(EB) C--- J/psi photoproduction cross section (nb) near threshold: S.Brodsky et al PLB 498 (2001) C--- The normalization is fit to the data at E>12 GeV (1 parameter) C--- Calculates the cross_section * kineam_factor (phase space and tmin dependence) C--- for 3 diagrams: C 0) (s-s_thres)**0 C 1) (s-s_thres)**2 C 2) (s-s_thres)**4 C IMPLICIT NONE REAL EB REAL PHASE_V C VECTOR PKIN_PSI(15) C VECTOR CROSS_P(10,2) C C INTEGER idiag REAL e0,fkin,bsig,pow,s,s_thres,s0,am1,am2,am3,xx,xx0,scal + ,tt,tslfac,xsec C REAL xsecfac(3) ! cross section factors for 3 diagrams (=cross section at E0=11 GeV) C XSEC_JPSI=0. xsecfac(1)=0. ! 3-gluon exchange (1-x)**0 xsecfac(2)=0.36 ! 2-gluon exchange (1-x)**2 xsecfac(3)=0. ! 1-gluon exchange (1-x)**4 e0=11. ! Reference beam energy in GeV - this value was used in the fit (initially it was an arbitrary value) C am1=0.938 ! target mass am2=3.1 ! J/psi mass am3=0.938 ! recoil mass tslfac=1.13 ! t-slope - the initial factor C s= am1**2+2.*am1*EB s0=am1**2+2.*am1*e0 s_thres=(am2+am3)**2 IF(s.LE.s_thres.OR.s0.LE.s_thres) GO TO 999 C xx= (s_thres-am1**2)/(s-am1**2) xx0=(s_thres-am1**2)/(s0-am1**2) C C-- Comment: Mark Srtikman defines x=1-(E_final-P_z_final)/M C where E,P,M - parameters of the recoil C xsec=0. DO idiag=1,3 scal=xsecfac(idiag) IF(scal.GT.1.E-10) THEN pow=0. tt=tslfac IF(idiag.EQ.2) THEN pow=2. tt=tslfac*9./4. ELSE IF(idiag.EQ.3) THEN pow=4. tt=tslfac*9./1. ENDIF fkin=PHASE_V(EB,am1,am2,am3,tt)/PHASE_V(e0,am1,am2,am3,tt) C bsig=1. IF(idiag.GT.1) THEN bsig=(1.-xx)**pow/(1.-xx0)**pow ENDIF bsig=bsig*(s-am1**2)**2/(s0-am1**2)**2 ! photon - ccbar coupling (from J.-M.Laget) C xsec=xsec+fkin*bsig*scal ENDIF ENDDO XSEC_JPSI=xsec C 999 RETURN END C REAL FUNCTION PHASE_V(EB,AM1,AM2,AM3,TT) * phase space * photoproduction: gamm+A-->Psi+A * IMPLICIT NONE REAL EB,AM1,AM2,AM3,TT INTEGER ifl C REAL s,ss,tmin,tmax,dsdt,b,pcm(2),ecm(2) C C PHASE_V=1. c return s=am1**2+2.*am1*EB C ss=SQRT(s) dsdt=1./16/3.1415/(s**2+am1**4-2.*s*am1**2) ecm(1)=(s-am1**2)/2./ss ecm(2)=(s+am2**2-am3**2)/2./ss pcm(1)=ecm(1) pcm(2)=SQRT(ecm(2)**2-am2**2) tmin=2.*(ecm(1)*ecm(2)-pcm(1)*pcm(2))-am2**2 tmax=2.*(ecm(1)*ecm(2)+pcm(1)*pcm(2))-am2**2 PHASE_V=dsdt/tt*(EXP(-tt*tmin)-EXP(-tt*tmax)) C C write(6,*) ss,dsdt,ecm,pcm,tmin,tmax,PHASE_V END