Utility to generate gamp data file from a ROOT tree Author: Yi Qiang Usage: root2gamp [options] -H print help messages -B save beam information -T save target information -A append existing file -M max number of events processed (default: all) -C specify config file (default: config.txt) -O specify output filename (default: output.gamp) Configuration file: The configuration file doesn't support comments at this moment. And the input parameters have to be listed using the exact order without any empty lines: Line 1: name of the ROOT tree; Line 2: formula to evaluate the best combo from the save event to save, either with maximum or minimum values Line 3: branch for beam particle Line 4: branch for target particle Line 5: number of reconstructed particles Line 6 and so on: branches of reconstructed particles Output files: 1. GAMP file 2. Index file, first column is the event number, second column is the value of the formula used to select the combo.