/* * hddm_s.h - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE * * This file was generated automatically by hddm-c from the file * event.xml * This header file defines the c structures that hold the data * described in the data model (from event.xml). * * The hddm data model tool set was written by * Richard Jones, University of Connecticut. * * For more information see the following web site * * http://zeus.phys.uconn.edu/halld/datamodel/doc * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef char* string_t; // use this alias for string-valued attributes /* Note to users: The option MALLOC_FREE_WITH_MEMCHECK * was created for debugging this hddm library, but it * is also useful for finding memory leaks in user * code. To use it, replace malloc(n) everywhere in * your code with MALLOC(n,"some descriptive string") * and free(p) with FREE(p) and include this header * and compile with -DMALLOC_FREE_WITH_MEMCHECK set. * Any attempt to malloc memory already malloc'ed or * to free memory that has not yet been malloc'ed is * immediately flagged with an error message. A call * to checkpoint() anywhere in the user code reports * any memory that has been malloc'ed not freed. */ #if defined MALLOC_FREE_WITH_MEMCHECK # include # define MALLOC(N,S) (checkin(malloc(N),S)) # define FREE(P) (checkout(P),free(P)) #else # define MALLOC(N,S) malloc(N) # define FREE(P) free(P) #endif #ifndef SAW_s_Momentum_t #define SAW_s_Momentum_t typedef struct { float E; float px; float py; float pz; } s_Momentum_t; #endif /* s_Momentum_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Properties_t #define SAW_s_Properties_t typedef struct { int32_t charge; float mass; } s_Properties_t; #endif /* s_Properties_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Beam_t #define SAW_s_Beam_t typedef struct { Particle_t type; s_Momentum_t* momentum; s_Properties_t* properties; } s_Beam_t; #endif /* s_Beam_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Target_t #define SAW_s_Target_t typedef struct { Particle_t type; s_Momentum_t* momentum; s_Properties_t* properties; } s_Target_t; #endif /* s_Target_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Product_t #define SAW_s_Product_t typedef struct { int32_t decayVertex; int32_t id; int32_t mech; int32_t parentid; int32_t pdgtype; Particle_t type; s_Momentum_t* momentum; s_Properties_t* properties; } s_Product_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_Product_t in[1]; } s_Products_t; #endif /* s_Product_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Origin_t #define SAW_s_Origin_t typedef struct { float t; float vx; float vy; float vz; } s_Origin_t; #endif /* s_Origin_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Vertex_t #define SAW_s_Vertex_t typedef struct { s_Products_t* products; s_Origin_t* origin; } s_Vertex_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_Vertex_t in[1]; } s_Vertices_t; #endif /* s_Vertex_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Random_t #define SAW_s_Random_t typedef struct { int32_t seed1; int32_t seed2; int32_t seed_mcsmear1; int32_t seed_mcsmear2; int32_t seed_mcsmear3; } s_Random_t; #endif /* s_Random_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Reaction_t #define SAW_s_Reaction_t typedef struct { int32_t type; float weight; s_Beam_t* beam; s_Target_t* target; s_Vertices_t* vertices; s_Random_t* random; } s_Reaction_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_Reaction_t in[1]; } s_Reactions_t; #endif /* s_Reaction_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CdcStrawHit_t #define SAW_s_CdcStrawHit_t typedef struct { float d; float dE; int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float t; } s_CdcStrawHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CdcStrawHit_t in[1]; } s_CdcStrawHits_t; #endif /* s_CdcStrawHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CdcStrawTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_CdcStrawTruthHit_t typedef struct { float d; float dE; int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float t; } s_CdcStrawTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CdcStrawTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_CdcStrawTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_CdcStrawTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CdcStraw_t #define SAW_s_CdcStraw_t typedef struct { int32_t ring; int32_t straw; s_CdcStrawHits_t* cdcStrawHits; s_CdcStrawTruthHits_t* cdcStrawTruthHits; } s_CdcStraw_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CdcStraw_t in[1]; } s_CdcStraws_t; #endif /* s_CdcStraw_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CdcTruthPoint_t #define SAW_s_CdcTruthPoint_t typedef struct { float dEdx; float dradius; float phi; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float r; float t; int32_t track; float z; } s_CdcTruthPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CdcTruthPoint_t in[1]; } s_CdcTruthPoints_t; #endif /* s_CdcTruthPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CentralDC_t #define SAW_s_CentralDC_t typedef struct { s_CdcStraws_t* cdcStraws; s_CdcTruthPoints_t* cdcTruthPoints; } s_CentralDC_t; #endif /* s_CentralDC_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcAnodeHit_t #define SAW_s_FdcAnodeHit_t typedef struct { float d; float dE; int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float t; } s_FdcAnodeHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcAnodeHit_t in[1]; } s_FdcAnodeHits_t; #endif /* s_FdcAnodeHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcAnodeTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_FdcAnodeTruthHit_t typedef struct { float d; float dE; int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float t; float t_unsmeared; } s_FdcAnodeTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcAnodeTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_FdcAnodeTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_FdcAnodeTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcAnodeWire_t #define SAW_s_FdcAnodeWire_t typedef struct { int32_t wire; s_FdcAnodeHits_t* fdcAnodeHits; s_FdcAnodeTruthHits_t* fdcAnodeTruthHits; } s_FdcAnodeWire_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcAnodeWire_t in[1]; } s_FdcAnodeWires_t; #endif /* s_FdcAnodeWire_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcCathodeHit_t #define SAW_s_FdcCathodeHit_t typedef struct { int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float q; float t; } s_FdcCathodeHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcCathodeHit_t in[1]; } s_FdcCathodeHits_t; #endif /* s_FdcCathodeHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcCathodeTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_FdcCathodeTruthHit_t typedef struct { int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float q; float t; } s_FdcCathodeTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcCathodeTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_FdcCathodeTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_FdcCathodeTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcCathodeStrip_t #define SAW_s_FdcCathodeStrip_t typedef struct { int32_t plane; int32_t strip; s_FdcCathodeHits_t* fdcCathodeHits; s_FdcCathodeTruthHits_t* fdcCathodeTruthHits; } s_FdcCathodeStrip_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcCathodeStrip_t in[1]; } s_FdcCathodeStrips_t; #endif /* s_FdcCathodeStrip_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcTruthPoint_t #define SAW_s_FdcTruthPoint_t typedef struct { float E; float dEdx; float dradius; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_FdcTruthPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcTruthPoint_t in[1]; } s_FdcTruthPoints_t; #endif /* s_FdcTruthPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FdcChamber_t #define SAW_s_FdcChamber_t typedef struct { int32_t layer; int32_t module; s_FdcAnodeWires_t* fdcAnodeWires; s_FdcCathodeStrips_t* fdcCathodeStrips; s_FdcTruthPoints_t* fdcTruthPoints; } s_FdcChamber_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FdcChamber_t in[1]; } s_FdcChambers_t; #endif /* s_FdcChamber_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ForwardDC_t #define SAW_s_ForwardDC_t typedef struct { s_FdcChambers_t* fdcChambers; } s_ForwardDC_t; #endif /* s_ForwardDC_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_StcHit_t #define SAW_s_StcHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; } s_StcHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_StcHit_t in[1]; } s_StcHits_t; #endif /* s_StcHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_StcTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_StcTruthHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; } s_StcTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_StcTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_StcTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_StcTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_StcPaddle_t #define SAW_s_StcPaddle_t typedef struct { int32_t sector; s_StcHits_t* stcHits; s_StcTruthHits_t* stcTruthHits; } s_StcPaddle_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_StcPaddle_t in[1]; } s_StcPaddles_t; #endif /* s_StcPaddle_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_StcTruthPoint_t #define SAW_s_StcTruthPoint_t typedef struct { float E; float dEdx; float phi; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float r; int32_t sector; float t; int32_t track; float z; } s_StcTruthPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_StcTruthPoint_t in[1]; } s_StcTruthPoints_t; #endif /* s_StcTruthPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_StartCntr_t #define SAW_s_StartCntr_t typedef struct { s_StcPaddles_t* stcPaddles; s_StcTruthPoints_t* stcTruthPoints; } s_StartCntr_t; #endif /* s_StartCntr_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalSiPMUpHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalSiPMUpHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_BcalSiPMUpHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalSiPMUpHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalSiPMUpHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalSiPMUpHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalSiPMDownHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalSiPMDownHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_BcalSiPMDownHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalSiPMDownHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalSiPMDownHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalSiPMDownHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; float zLocal; } s_BcalHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalCell_t #define SAW_s_BcalCell_t typedef struct { int32_t layer; int32_t module; int32_t sector; s_BcalSiPMUpHits_t* bcalSiPMUpHits; s_BcalSiPMDownHits_t* bcalSiPMDownHits; s_BcalHits_t* bcalHits; } s_BcalCell_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalCell_t in[1]; } s_BcalCells_t; #endif /* s_BcalCell_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalIncidentParticle_t #define SAW_s_BcalIncidentParticle_t typedef struct { int32_t id; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float x; float y; float z; } s_BcalIncidentParticle_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalIncidentParticle_t in[1]; } s_BcalIncidentParticles_t; #endif /* s_BcalIncidentParticle_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalSiPMSpectrum_t #define SAW_s_BcalSiPMSpectrum_t typedef struct { float Etruth; float bin_width; int32_t end; int32_t incident_id; int32_t layer; int32_t module; int32_t sector; float tstart; string_t vals; } s_BcalSiPMSpectrum_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalSiPMSpectrum_t in[1]; } s_BcalSiPMSpectrums_t; #endif /* s_BcalSiPMSpectrum_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalfADCUpHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalfADCUpHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_BcalfADCUpHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalfADCUpHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalfADCUpHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalfADCUpHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalfADCDownHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalfADCDownHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_BcalfADCDownHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalfADCDownHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalfADCDownHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalfADCDownHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalfADCCell_t #define SAW_s_BcalfADCCell_t typedef struct { int32_t layer; int32_t module; int32_t sector; s_BcalfADCUpHits_t* bcalfADCUpHits; s_BcalfADCDownHits_t* bcalfADCDownHits; } s_BcalfADCCell_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalfADCCell_t in[1]; } s_BcalfADCCells_t; #endif /* s_BcalfADCCell_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalTDCHit_t #define SAW_s_BcalTDCHit_t typedef struct { int32_t end; int32_t layer; int32_t module; int32_t sector; float t; } s_BcalTDCHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalTDCHit_t in[1]; } s_BcalTDCHits_t; #endif /* s_BcalTDCHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BcalTruthShower_t #define SAW_s_BcalTruthShower_t typedef struct { float E; float phi; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float r; float t; int32_t track; float z; } s_BcalTruthShower_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_BcalTruthShower_t in[1]; } s_BcalTruthShowers_t; #endif /* s_BcalTruthShower_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_BarrelEMcal_t #define SAW_s_BarrelEMcal_t typedef struct { s_BcalCells_t* bcalCells; s_BcalIncidentParticles_t* bcalIncidentParticles; s_BcalSiPMSpectrums_t* bcalSiPMSpectrums; s_BcalfADCCells_t* bcalfADCCells; s_BcalTDCHits_t* bcalTDCHits; s_BcalTruthShowers_t* bcalTruthShowers; } s_BarrelEMcal_t; #endif /* s_BarrelEMcal_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_GcalHit_t #define SAW_s_GcalHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; float zLocal; } s_GcalHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_GcalHit_t in[1]; } s_GcalHits_t; #endif /* s_GcalHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_GcalCell_t #define SAW_s_GcalCell_t typedef struct { int32_t module; s_GcalHits_t* gcalHits; } s_GcalCell_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_GcalCell_t in[1]; } s_GcalCells_t; #endif /* s_GcalCell_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_GcalTruthShower_t #define SAW_s_GcalTruthShower_t typedef struct { float E; float phi; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float r; float t; int32_t track; float z; } s_GcalTruthShower_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_GcalTruthShower_t in[1]; } s_GcalTruthShowers_t; #endif /* s_GcalTruthShower_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_GapEMcal_t #define SAW_s_GapEMcal_t typedef struct { s_GcalCells_t* gcalCells; s_GcalTruthShowers_t* gcalTruthShowers; } s_GapEMcal_t; #endif /* s_GapEMcal_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CereHit_t #define SAW_s_CereHit_t typedef struct { float pe; float t; } s_CereHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CereHit_t in[1]; } s_CereHits_t; #endif /* s_CereHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CereSection_t #define SAW_s_CereSection_t typedef struct { int32_t sector; s_CereHits_t* cereHits; } s_CereSection_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CereSection_t in[1]; } s_CereSections_t; #endif /* s_CereSection_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CereRichHit_t #define SAW_s_CereRichHit_t typedef struct { float t; float x; float y; float z; } s_CereRichHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CereRichHit_t in[1]; } s_CereRichHits_t; #endif /* s_CereRichHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CereTruthPoint_t #define SAW_s_CereTruthPoint_t typedef struct { float E; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_CereTruthPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CereTruthPoint_t in[1]; } s_CereTruthPoints_t; #endif /* s_CereTruthPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Cerenkov_t #define SAW_s_Cerenkov_t typedef struct { s_CereSections_t* cereSections; s_CereRichHits_t* cereRichHits; s_CereTruthPoints_t* cereTruthPoints; } s_Cerenkov_t; #endif /* s_Cerenkov_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofMCHit_t #define SAW_s_FtofMCHit_t typedef struct { float E; float dist; int32_t itrack; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float x; float y; float z; } s_FtofMCHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofMCHit_t in[1]; } s_FtofMCHits_t; #endif /* s_FtofMCHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofNorthTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_FtofNorthTruthHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; s_FtofMCHits_t* ftofMCHits; } s_FtofNorthTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofNorthTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_FtofNorthTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_FtofNorthTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofSouthTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_FtofSouthTruthHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; s_FtofMCHits_t* ftofMCHits; } s_FtofSouthTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofSouthTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_FtofSouthTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_FtofSouthTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofNorthHit_t #define SAW_s_FtofNorthHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; } s_FtofNorthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofNorthHit_t in[1]; } s_FtofNorthHits_t; #endif /* s_FtofNorthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofSouthHit_t #define SAW_s_FtofSouthHit_t typedef struct { float dE; float t; } s_FtofSouthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofSouthHit_t in[1]; } s_FtofSouthHits_t; #endif /* s_FtofSouthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofCounter_t #define SAW_s_FtofCounter_t typedef struct { int32_t bar; int32_t plane; s_FtofNorthTruthHits_t* ftofNorthTruthHits; s_FtofSouthTruthHits_t* ftofSouthTruthHits; s_FtofNorthHits_t* ftofNorthHits; s_FtofSouthHits_t* ftofSouthHits; } s_FtofCounter_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofCounter_t in[1]; } s_FtofCounters_t; #endif /* s_FtofCounter_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FtofTruthPoint_t #define SAW_s_FtofTruthPoint_t typedef struct { float E; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_FtofTruthPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FtofTruthPoint_t in[1]; } s_FtofTruthPoints_t; #endif /* s_FtofTruthPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ForwardTOF_t #define SAW_s_ForwardTOF_t typedef struct { s_FtofCounters_t* ftofCounters; s_FtofTruthPoints_t* ftofTruthPoints; } s_ForwardTOF_t; #endif /* s_ForwardTOF_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FcalHit_t #define SAW_s_FcalHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_FcalHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FcalHit_t in[1]; } s_FcalHits_t; #endif /* s_FcalHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FcalTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_FcalTruthHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_FcalTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FcalTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_FcalTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_FcalTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FcalBlock_t #define SAW_s_FcalBlock_t typedef struct { int32_t column; int32_t row; s_FcalHits_t* fcalHits; s_FcalTruthHits_t* fcalTruthHits; } s_FcalBlock_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FcalBlock_t in[1]; } s_FcalBlocks_t; #endif /* s_FcalBlock_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_FcalTruthShower_t #define SAW_s_FcalTruthShower_t typedef struct { float E; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_FcalTruthShower_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_FcalTruthShower_t in[1]; } s_FcalTruthShowers_t; #endif /* s_FcalTruthShower_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ForwardEMcal_t #define SAW_s_ForwardEMcal_t typedef struct { s_FcalBlocks_t* fcalBlocks; s_FcalTruthShowers_t* fcalTruthShowers; } s_ForwardEMcal_t; #endif /* s_ForwardEMcal_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CcalHit_t #define SAW_s_CcalHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_CcalHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CcalHit_t in[1]; } s_CcalHits_t; #endif /* s_CcalHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CcalTruthHit_t #define SAW_s_CcalTruthHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_CcalTruthHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CcalTruthHit_t in[1]; } s_CcalTruthHits_t; #endif /* s_CcalTruthHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CcalBlock_t #define SAW_s_CcalBlock_t typedef struct { int32_t column; int32_t row; s_CcalHits_t* ccalHits; s_CcalTruthHits_t* ccalTruthHits; } s_CcalBlock_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CcalBlock_t in[1]; } s_CcalBlocks_t; #endif /* s_CcalBlock_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_CcalTruthShower_t #define SAW_s_CcalTruthShower_t typedef struct { float E; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_CcalTruthShower_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_CcalTruthShower_t in[1]; } s_CcalTruthShowers_t; #endif /* s_CcalTruthShower_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ComptonEMcal_t #define SAW_s_ComptonEMcal_t typedef struct { s_CcalBlocks_t* ccalBlocks; s_CcalTruthShowers_t* ccalTruthShowers; } s_ComptonEMcal_t; #endif /* s_ComptonEMcal_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_UpvLeftHit_t #define SAW_s_UpvLeftHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_UpvLeftHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_UpvLeftHit_t in[1]; } s_UpvLeftHits_t; #endif /* s_UpvLeftHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_UpvRightHit_t #define SAW_s_UpvRightHit_t typedef struct { float E; float t; } s_UpvRightHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_UpvRightHit_t in[1]; } s_UpvRightHits_t; #endif /* s_UpvRightHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_UpvPaddle_t #define SAW_s_UpvPaddle_t typedef struct { int32_t layer; int32_t row; s_UpvLeftHits_t* upvLeftHits; s_UpvRightHits_t* upvRightHits; } s_UpvPaddle_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_UpvPaddle_t in[1]; } s_UpvPaddles_t; #endif /* s_UpvPaddle_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_UpvTruthShower_t #define SAW_s_UpvTruthShower_t typedef struct { float E; bool_t primary; int32_t ptype; float px; float py; float pz; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_UpvTruthShower_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_UpvTruthShower_t in[1]; } s_UpvTruthShowers_t; #endif /* s_UpvTruthShower_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_UpstreamEMveto_t #define SAW_s_UpstreamEMveto_t typedef struct { s_UpvPaddles_t* upvPaddles; s_UpvTruthShowers_t* upvTruthShowers; } s_UpstreamEMveto_t; #endif /* s_UpstreamEMveto_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_TaggerHit_t #define SAW_s_TaggerHit_t typedef struct { float t; } s_TaggerHit_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_TaggerHit_t in[1]; } s_TaggerHits_t; #endif /* s_TaggerHit_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_MicroChannel_t #define SAW_s_MicroChannel_t typedef struct { float E; int32_t column; int32_t row; s_TaggerHits_t* taggerHits; } s_MicroChannel_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_MicroChannel_t in[1]; } s_MicroChannels_t; #endif /* s_MicroChannel_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Tagger_t #define SAW_s_Tagger_t typedef struct { s_MicroChannels_t* microChannels; } s_Tagger_t; #endif /* s_Tagger_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_McTrajectoryPoint_t #define SAW_s_McTrajectoryPoint_t typedef struct { float E; float dE; int32_t mech; int32_t part; int32_t primary_track; float px; float py; float pz; float radlen; float step; float t; int32_t track; float x; float y; float z; } s_McTrajectoryPoint_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_McTrajectoryPoint_t in[1]; } s_McTrajectoryPoints_t; #endif /* s_McTrajectoryPoint_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_McTrajectory_t #define SAW_s_McTrajectory_t typedef struct { s_McTrajectoryPoints_t* mcTrajectoryPoints; } s_McTrajectory_t; #endif /* s_McTrajectory_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_HitView_t #define SAW_s_HitView_t typedef struct { s_CentralDC_t* centralDC; s_ForwardDC_t* forwardDC; s_StartCntr_t* startCntr; s_BarrelEMcal_t* barrelEMcal; s_GapEMcal_t* gapEMcal; s_Cerenkov_t* Cerenkov; s_ForwardTOF_t* forwardTOF; s_ForwardEMcal_t* forwardEMcal; s_ComptonEMcal_t* ComptonEMcal; s_UpstreamEMveto_t* upstreamEMveto; s_Tagger_t* tagger; s_McTrajectory_t* mcTrajectory; } s_HitView_t; #endif /* s_HitView_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ErrorMatrix_t #define SAW_s_ErrorMatrix_t typedef struct { int32_t Ncols; int32_t Nrows; string_t type; string_t vals; } s_ErrorMatrix_t; #endif /* s_ErrorMatrix_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t #define SAW_s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t typedef struct { int32_t Ncols; int32_t Nrows; string_t type; string_t vals; } s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t; #endif /* s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_Tracktimebased_t #define SAW_s_Tracktimebased_t typedef struct { float FOM; int32_t Ndof; int32_t candidateid; float chisq; int32_t id; int32_t trackid; s_Momentum_t* momentum; s_Properties_t* properties; s_Origin_t* origin; s_ErrorMatrix_t* errorMatrix; s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t* TrackingErrorMatrix; } s_Tracktimebased_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_Tracktimebased_t in[1]; } s_Tracktimebaseds_t; #endif /* s_Tracktimebased_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_ReconView_t #define SAW_s_ReconView_t typedef struct { s_Tracktimebaseds_t* tracktimebaseds; } s_ReconView_t; #endif /* s_ReconView_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_PhysicsEvent_t #define SAW_s_PhysicsEvent_t typedef struct { int32_t eventNo; int32_t runNo; s_Reactions_t* reactions; s_HitView_t* hitView; s_ReconView_t* reconView; } s_PhysicsEvent_t; typedef struct { unsigned int mult; s_PhysicsEvent_t in[1]; } s_PhysicsEvents_t; #endif /* s_PhysicsEvent_t */ #ifndef SAW_s_HDDM_t #define SAW_s_HDDM_t typedef struct { s_PhysicsEvents_t* physicsEvents; } s_HDDM_t; #endif /* s_HDDM_t */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif s_HDDM_t* make_s_HDDM(); s_PhysicsEvents_t* make_s_PhysicsEvents(int n); s_Reactions_t* make_s_Reactions(int n); s_Beam_t* make_s_Beam(); s_Momentum_t* make_s_Momentum(); s_Properties_t* make_s_Properties(); s_Target_t* make_s_Target(); s_Vertices_t* make_s_Vertices(int n); s_Products_t* make_s_Products(int n); s_Origin_t* make_s_Origin(); s_Random_t* make_s_Random(); s_HitView_t* make_s_HitView(); s_CentralDC_t* make_s_CentralDC(); s_CdcStraws_t* make_s_CdcStraws(int n); s_CdcStrawHits_t* make_s_CdcStrawHits(int n); s_CdcStrawTruthHits_t* make_s_CdcStrawTruthHits(int n); s_CdcTruthPoints_t* make_s_CdcTruthPoints(int n); s_ForwardDC_t* make_s_ForwardDC(); s_FdcChambers_t* make_s_FdcChambers(int n); s_FdcAnodeWires_t* make_s_FdcAnodeWires(int n); s_FdcAnodeHits_t* make_s_FdcAnodeHits(int n); s_FdcAnodeTruthHits_t* make_s_FdcAnodeTruthHits(int n); s_FdcCathodeStrips_t* make_s_FdcCathodeStrips(int n); s_FdcCathodeHits_t* make_s_FdcCathodeHits(int n); s_FdcCathodeTruthHits_t* make_s_FdcCathodeTruthHits(int n); s_FdcTruthPoints_t* make_s_FdcTruthPoints(int n); s_StartCntr_t* make_s_StartCntr(); s_StcPaddles_t* make_s_StcPaddles(int n); s_StcHits_t* make_s_StcHits(int n); s_StcTruthHits_t* make_s_StcTruthHits(int n); s_StcTruthPoints_t* make_s_StcTruthPoints(int n); s_BarrelEMcal_t* make_s_BarrelEMcal(); s_BcalCells_t* make_s_BcalCells(int n); s_BcalSiPMUpHits_t* make_s_BcalSiPMUpHits(int n); s_BcalSiPMDownHits_t* make_s_BcalSiPMDownHits(int n); s_BcalHits_t* make_s_BcalHits(int n); s_BcalIncidentParticles_t* make_s_BcalIncidentParticles(int n); s_BcalSiPMSpectrums_t* make_s_BcalSiPMSpectrums(int n); s_BcalfADCCells_t* make_s_BcalfADCCells(int n); s_BcalfADCUpHits_t* make_s_BcalfADCUpHits(int n); s_BcalfADCDownHits_t* make_s_BcalfADCDownHits(int n); s_BcalTDCHits_t* make_s_BcalTDCHits(int n); s_BcalTruthShowers_t* make_s_BcalTruthShowers(int n); s_GapEMcal_t* make_s_GapEMcal(); s_GcalCells_t* make_s_GcalCells(int n); s_GcalHits_t* make_s_GcalHits(int n); s_GcalTruthShowers_t* make_s_GcalTruthShowers(int n); s_Cerenkov_t* make_s_Cerenkov(); s_CereSections_t* make_s_CereSections(int n); s_CereHits_t* make_s_CereHits(int n); s_CereRichHits_t* make_s_CereRichHits(int n); s_CereTruthPoints_t* make_s_CereTruthPoints(int n); s_ForwardTOF_t* make_s_ForwardTOF(); s_FtofCounters_t* make_s_FtofCounters(int n); s_FtofNorthTruthHits_t* make_s_FtofNorthTruthHits(int n); s_FtofMCHits_t* make_s_FtofMCHits(int n); s_FtofSouthTruthHits_t* make_s_FtofSouthTruthHits(int n); s_FtofNorthHits_t* make_s_FtofNorthHits(int n); s_FtofSouthHits_t* make_s_FtofSouthHits(int n); s_FtofTruthPoints_t* make_s_FtofTruthPoints(int n); s_ForwardEMcal_t* make_s_ForwardEMcal(); s_FcalBlocks_t* make_s_FcalBlocks(int n); s_FcalHits_t* make_s_FcalHits(int n); s_FcalTruthHits_t* make_s_FcalTruthHits(int n); s_FcalTruthShowers_t* make_s_FcalTruthShowers(int n); s_ComptonEMcal_t* make_s_ComptonEMcal(); s_CcalBlocks_t* make_s_CcalBlocks(int n); s_CcalHits_t* make_s_CcalHits(int n); s_CcalTruthHits_t* make_s_CcalTruthHits(int n); s_CcalTruthShowers_t* make_s_CcalTruthShowers(int n); s_UpstreamEMveto_t* make_s_UpstreamEMveto(); s_UpvPaddles_t* make_s_UpvPaddles(int n); s_UpvLeftHits_t* make_s_UpvLeftHits(int n); s_UpvRightHits_t* make_s_UpvRightHits(int n); s_UpvTruthShowers_t* make_s_UpvTruthShowers(int n); s_Tagger_t* make_s_Tagger(); s_MicroChannels_t* make_s_MicroChannels(int n); s_TaggerHits_t* make_s_TaggerHits(int n); s_McTrajectory_t* make_s_McTrajectory(); s_McTrajectoryPoints_t* make_s_McTrajectoryPoints(int n); s_ReconView_t* make_s_ReconView(); s_Tracktimebaseds_t* make_s_Tracktimebaseds(int n); s_ErrorMatrix_t* make_s_ErrorMatrix(); s_TrackingErrorMatrix_t* make_s_TrackingErrorMatrix(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifndef s_DocumentString #define s_DocumentString extern char HDDM_s_DocumentString[]; #ifdef INLINE_PREPEND_UNDERSCORES #define inline __inline #endif #endif /* s_DocumentString */ #ifndef HDDM_STREAM_INPUT #define HDDM_STREAM_INPUT -91 #define HDDM_STREAM_OUTPUT -92 struct popNode_s { void* (*unpacker)(XDR*, struct popNode_s*); int inParent; int popListLength; struct popNode_s* popList[99]; }; typedef struct popNode_s popNode; typedef struct { FILE* fd; int iomode; int lerrno; char* filename; XDR* xdrs; popNode* popTop; } s_iostream_t; #endif /* HDDM_STREAM_INPUT */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif s_HDDM_t* read_s_HDDM(s_iostream_t* fp); int skip_s_HDDM(s_iostream_t* fp, int nskip); int flush_s_HDDM(s_HDDM_t* this1,s_iostream_t* fp); s_iostream_t* open_s_HDDM(char* filename); s_iostream_t* init_s_HDDM(char* filename); void close_s_HDDM(s_iostream_t* fp); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if !defined HDDM_NULL extern int hddm_s_nullTarget; # define HDDM_NULL (void*)&hddm_s_nullTarget #endif