mkdir figEachRun mkdir figPhiP mkdir figsComp mkdir figsCutsTSB mkdir figsbkgIncMC mkdir figsomega #EachRun QC root -l -q -b drawEachRun.C #draw distributions Comparing Data and MC root -l -q -b drawCompare_Cuts.C #draw the plot phip vs IM2g for perp and para of data root -l -q -b drawphipIM2g.C #draw the plots with Total/Randoms/Total-Randoms comparing between data and MC root -l -q -b drawTrueSideBand.C #draw the plots for pi0/eta main channel background with one openned cut root -l -q -b drawbackground.C root -l -q -b drawbackgroundlog.C #draw the beam asymmetry for Total/Randoms/Total-Randoms of pi0/eta root -l -q -b drawAsym.C #draw the beam asymmetry for eta with binned -t root -l -q -b drawpi0AsysBkgTSubRbin.C #draw the beam asymmetry for eta with binned -t root -l -q -b drawetaAsysBkgTSubRbin.C #draw the beam asymmetry for pi0/eta/omega with binned m_2g root -l -q -b drawomegaAsysBkgTSubRbin.C #draw the invariant mass of 2gamma normalized in omega mass peak #get the beam asymmetry of eta corrected from omega background root -l -q -b drawomega.C