/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @mainpage *
 *  Copyright (c) 2012        Southeastern Universities Research Association, *
 *                            Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility  *
 *                                                                            *
 *    This software was developed under a United States Government license    *
 *    described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.     *
 *                                                                            *
 *    Authors: Bryan Moffit                                                   *
 *             moffit@jlab.org                   Jefferson Lab, MS-12B3       *
 *             Phone: (757) 269-5660             12000 Jefferson Ave.         *
 *             Fax:   (757) 269-5800             Newport News, VA 23606       *
 *                                                                            *
 * Description:
 *     Software driver for the JLab Trigger Distribution Module
*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #ifdef VXWORKS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vxCompat.h" #else #include #include #include "jvme.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "tdLib.h" /** Mutex to guard TD read/writes */ pthread_mutex_t tdMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /** Mutex Lock */ #define TDLOCK if(pthread_mutex_lock(&tdMutex)<0) perror("pthread_mutex_lock"); /** Mutex Unlock */ #define TDUNLOCK if(pthread_mutex_unlock(&tdMutex)<0) perror("pthread_mutex_unlock"); /* Global Variables */ int nTD = 0; /**< Number of TDs found with tdInit() */ volatile struct TD_A24RegStruct *TDp[MAX_VME_SLOTS+1]; /**< pointer to TD memory map */ int tdID[MAX_VME_SLOTS+1]; /**< array of slot numbers for TDs */ unsigned int tdAddrList[MAX_VME_SLOTS+1]; /**< array of a24 addresses for TDs */ unsigned long tdA24Offset=0; /**< Difference in CPU A24 Base and VME A24 Base */ int tdCrateID=0x59; /**< Crate ID */ int tdBlockLevel=0; /**< Block level for TD */ int tdFiberLatencyOffset = 0xbf; /**< Default offset for fiber latency */ unsigned int tdSlaveMask[MAX_VME_SLOTS+1]; /**< TI Slaves (mask) to be used */ #ifdef VXWORKS extern int sysBusToLocalAdrs(int, char *, char **); extern int intDisconnect(int); extern int sysIntEnable(int); IMPORT STATUS sysIntDisable(int); #endif /** * @defgroup Config Initialization/Configuration * @defgroup Status Status * @defgroup Deprec Deprecated - To be removed */ /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Initialize JLAB TD Library * * @param addr * - A24 VME Address of the TD * @param addr_inc * - Amount to increment addr to find the next TD * @param nfind * - Number of times to increment * @param iFlag - Initialization mask * - 0: Exit before board initialization (just map structure pointer) * - 1: RFU * - 2: Ignore firmware check * - 3: Use tdAddrList instead of addr and addr_inc for VME addresses * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR. */ STATUS tdInit(UINT32 addr, UINT32 addr_inc, int nfind, int iFlag) { int useList=0, noBoardInit=0, noFirmwareCheck=0; int islot, itd, TD_SLOT; int res; unsigned int rdata, boardID; unsigned long laddr, laddr_inc; unsigned int firmwareInfo=0, tdVersion=0, tdType=0; volatile struct TD_A24RegStruct *td; /* Check if we're skipping initialization, and just mapping the structure pointer */ if(iFlag&TD_INIT_NO_INIT) { noBoardInit = 1; } /* Check if we're skipping the firmware check */ if(iFlag&TD_INIT_SKIP_FIRMWARE_CHECK) { noFirmwareCheck=1; } /* Check if we're initializing using a list */ if(iFlag&TD_INIT_USE_ADDR_LIST) { useList=1; } /* Check for valid address */ if( (addr==0) && (useList==0) ) { /* Scan through valid slot -> A24 address */ useList=1; nfind=16; /* Loop through JLab Standard GEOADDR to VME addresses to make a list */ for(islot=3; islot<11; islot++) /* First 8 */ tdAddrList[islot-3] = (islot<<19); /* Skip Switch Slots */ for(islot=13; islot<21; islot++) /* Last 8 */ tdAddrList[islot-5] = (islot<<19); } else if(addr > 0x00ffffff) { /* A32 Addressing */ printf("%s: ERROR: A32 Addressing not allowed for TD configuration space\n", __FUNCTION__); return(ERROR); } else { /* A24 Addressing */ if(addr < 22) { /* First argument is a slot number, instead of VME address */ printf("%s: Initializing using slot number %d (VME address 0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__,addr,addr<<19); addr = addr<<19; // Shift to VME A24 address; /* If addr_inc is also in slot number form, shift it */ if((addr_inc<22) && (addr_inc>0)) addr_inc = addr_inc<<19; /* Check and shift the address list, if it's used */ if(useList==1) { for(itd=0; itdboardID),VX_READ,4,(char *)&rdata); #else res = vmeMemProbe((char *) &(td->boardID),4,(char *)&rdata); #endif if(res < 0) { #ifdef SHOWERRORS #ifdef VXWORKS printf("%s: ERROR: No addressable board at addr=0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,(UINT32) td); #else printf("%s: ERROR: No addressable board at VME (Local) addr=0x%x (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, (UINT32) laddr_inc-tdA24Offset, (UINT32) td); #endif #endif /* SUPPRESSERRORS */ } else { /* Check that it is a TD */ if(((rdata&TD_BOARDID_TYPE_MASK)>>16) != TD_BOARDID_TYPE_TD) { printf(" WARN: For board at 0x%x, Invalid Board ID: 0x%x\n", (UINT32) td, rdata); continue; } else { /* Check if this is board has a valid slot number */ boardID = (rdata&TD_BOARDID_GEOADR_MASK)>>8; if((boardID <= 0)||(boardID >21)) { printf(" WARN: Board Slot ID is not in range: %d (this module ignored)\n" ,boardID); continue; } else { TDp[boardID] = (struct TD_A24RegStruct *)(laddr_inc); tdID[nTD] = boardID; /* Get the Firmware Information and print out some details */ firmwareInfo = tdGetFirmwareVersion(tdID[nTD]); if(firmwareInfo>0) { printf(" User ID: 0x%x \tFirmware (type - revision): %X - %x.%x\n", (firmwareInfo&TD_FIRMWARE_ID_MASK)>>16, (firmwareInfo&TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_MASK)>>12, (firmwareInfo&TD_FIRMWARE_MAJOR_VERSION_MASK)>>4, firmwareInfo&TD_FIRWMARE_MINOR_VERSION_MASK); tdVersion = firmwareInfo&0xFFF; tdType = (firmwareInfo&TD_FIRMWARE_TYPE_MASK)>>12; if((tdVersion < TD_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE) || (tdType!=TD_SUPPORTED_TYPE)) { if(noFirmwareCheck) { printf("%s: WARN: Type %x Firmware version (0x%x) not supported by this driver.\n Supported: Type %x version 0x%x (IGNORED)\n", __FUNCTION__, tdType,tdVersion,TD_SUPPORTED_TYPE,TD_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE); } else { printf("%s: ERROR: Type %x Firmware version (0x%x) not supported by this driver.\n Supported Type %x version 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, tdType,tdVersion,TD_SUPPORTED_TYPE,TD_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE); TDp[boardID]=NULL; continue; } } } else { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid firmware 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__,firmwareInfo); return ERROR; } printf("Initialized TD %2d Slot # %2d at address 0x%08lx (0x%08x) \n", nTD, tdID[nTD],(unsigned long) TDp[(tdID[nTD])], (UINT32)((unsigned long)TDp[(tdID[nTD])]-tdA24Offset)); } } nTD++; } } #ifndef SHOWERROR #ifndef VXWORKS vmeSetQuietFlag(0); #endif #endif tdInitPortNames(); if(noBoardInit) { if(nTD>0) { printf("%s: %d TD(s) successfully mapped (not initialized)\n", __FUNCTION__,nTD); return OK; } } if(nTD==0) { printf("%s: ERROR: Unable to initialize any TD modules\n", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR; } /* Do some module initialization here */ for(itd=0; itd=nTD) { printf("%s: ERROR: Index (%d) >= TDs initialized (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__,i,nTD); return ERROR; } return tdID[i]; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Return the VME Slot mask of initialized TDs * * @return Slot Mask if successful * */ unsigned int tdSlotMask() { int itd=0; unsigned int dmask=0; for(itd=0; itdboardID; offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->trigsrc) - base; expected = 0x20; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->triggerSource not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->syncWidth) - base; expected = 0x80; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->syncWidth not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->adr24) - base; expected = 0xD0; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->adr24 not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->reset) - base; expected = 0x100; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->reset not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->fpBusy) - base; expected = 0x128; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->fpBusy not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->trigTable[0]) - base; expected = 0x140; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->trigTable[0] not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->master_tiID) - base; expected = 0x1F0; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->master_tiID not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->JTAGPROMBase[0]) - base; expected = 0x10000; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->JTAGPROMBase[0] not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); offset = ((unsigned long) &TDr->JTAGFPGABase[0]) - base; expected = 0x20000; if(offset != expected) printf("%s: ERROR TDp->JTAGFPGABase[0] not at offset = 0x%lx (@ 0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__,expected,offset); return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Print some status information of the TD to standard out * * @param pflag * - >0: print out raw registers * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ void tdStatus(int id, int pflag) { unsigned int boardID, fiber, intsetup, trigDelay; unsigned int adr32, blocklevel, vmeControl, trigsrc, sync; unsigned int busy, fiber_busy, blockBuffer; unsigned int tsInput; unsigned int output; unsigned int livetime, busytime; unsigned int inputCounter; unsigned int blockStatus[5], iblock, nblocksReady, nblocksNeedAck; unsigned int ifiber, fibermask; unsigned long TDBase; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return; } /* Latch live and busy timers */ tdLatchTimers(id); TDLOCK; boardID = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->boardID); fiber = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber); intsetup = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->intsetup); trigDelay = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigDelay); adr32 = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->adr32); blocklevel = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blocklevel); vmeControl = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->vmeControl); trigsrc = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigsrc); sync = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->sync); busy = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); fiber_busy = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber_busy); blockBuffer = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockBuffer); tsInput = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->tsInput); output = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->output); livetime = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->livetime); busytime = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busytime); inputCounter = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigCount); for(iblock=0;iblock<4;iblock++) blockStatus[iblock] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockStatus[iblock]); blockStatus[4] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->adr24); TDUNLOCK; TDBase = (unsigned long)TDp[id]; printf("\n"); #ifdef VXWORKS printf("STATUS for TD %2d at base address 0x%08x \n", id, (unsigned int) TDp[id]); #else printf("STATUS for TD %2d at VME (USER) base address 0x%08x (0x%08lx) \n", id, (unsigned int)((unsigned long) TDp[id] - tdA24Offset), (unsigned long) TDp[id]); #endif printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if(pflag>0) { printf(" Registers (offset):\n"); printf(" boardID (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->boardID) - TDBase, boardID); printf(" fiber (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->fiber) - TDBase, fiber); printf(" intsetup (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->intsetup) - TDBase, intsetup); printf(" trigDelay (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->trigDelay) - TDBase, trigDelay); printf(" adr32 (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->adr32) - TDBase, adr32); printf(" vmeControl (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->vmeControl) - TDBase, vmeControl); printf(" trigsrc (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->trigsrc) - TDBase, trigsrc); printf(" sync (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->sync) - TDBase, sync); printf(" busy (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->busy) - TDBase, busy); printf(" blockBuffer (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->blockBuffer) - TDBase, blockBuffer); printf(" output (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->output) - TDBase, output); printf(" livetime (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->livetime) - TDBase, livetime); printf(" busytime (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->busytime) - TDBase, busytime); } printf("\n"); printf(" Crate ID = 0x%02x\n",boardID&TD_BOARDID_CRATEID_MASK); printf(" Block size = %d\n",blocklevel & TD_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK); fibermask = fiber & TD_FIBER_MASK; if(fibermask) { printf(" HFBR enabled (0x%x)= \n",fibermask); for(ifiber=0; ifiber<8; ifiber++) { if( fibermask & (1<>8; } else { nblocksReady = (blockStatus[(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY1)>>16; nblocksNeedAck = (blockStatus[(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1)>>24; } printf(" Fiber %d : Blocks ready / need acknowledge: %d / %d\n", ifiber+1,nblocksReady, nblocksNeedAck); } } printf(" Trigger counter = %d\n",inputCounter); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\n"); } static char portName[TD_MAX_VME_SLOTS][TD_MAX_FIBER_PORTS+1][TD_MAX_PORTNAME_CHARS]; /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Initialize portName array with default names in the form: * Slot%2d - Port%d * - This routine is called in tdInit(...) */ void tdInitPortNames() { int islot=0, iport=0; for(islot=0; islotTD_MAX_VME_SLOTS) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid Slot Number (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(iport>TD_MAX_FIBER_PORTS) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid Port Number (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,iport); return ERROR; } if(name!=NULL) { if(strlen(name)>TD_MAX_PORTNAME_CHARS) { printf("%s: WARN: Truncating name (size = %d)\n",__FUNCTION__,strlen(name)); } strncpy(portName[id][iport],name,TD_MAX_PORTNAME_CHARS); } else { printf("%s(%d): ERROR: Invalid input name\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Get the current specified port name * @param id Slot Number * @param iport Port Number * @param name Where to return port name * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR. */ int tdGetPortName(int id, int iport, char **name) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(iport>TD_MAX_FIBER_PORTS) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port number (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,iport); return ERROR; } if(name!=NULL) { strncpy((char *)name, portName[id][iport], TD_MAX_PORTNAME_CHARS); } else { printf("%s: Invalid pointer to return name\n", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR; } return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Save the current port names to a file (with file name: filename) * * Format is the same which is expected by * tdLoadPortNames(...) * @param filename Name of output file * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR. */ int tdSavePortNames(char *filename) { FILE *outFile; int islot=0, iport=0; char name[TD_MAX_PORTNAME_CHARS+1]; outFile = fopen(filename,"w"); if(!outFile) { printf("%s: ERROR: Unable to open %s for writting\n", __FUNCTION__,filename); return ERROR; } for(islot=0; islot2)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid pflag (%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,pflag); return; } /* Grab all of the register info we need */ TDLOCK; for(itd=0; itdfiber); trigsrc[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigsrc); sync[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->sync); busy[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); fiber_busy[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber_busy); blockBuffer[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockBuffer); livetime[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->livetime); busytime[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busytime); inputCounter[id] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigCount); for(iblock=0;iblock<4;iblock++) blockStatus[id][iblock] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockStatus[iblock]); blockStatus[id][4] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->adr24); } TDUNLOCK; printf("\n"); if((pflag==0) || (pflag==1)) { printf("TD Module Status Summary\n"); /* printf(" Ports SyncSrc BusySrc Busy Status Waiting For \n"); */ /* printf("Slot (Connected, TrigSrcEn) (V15FL) (PLT12345678) (PL12345678) Trigger Ack\n"); */ printf(" Ports SyncSrc BusySrc Busy Status Triggers TrgAck\n"); printf("Slot (Connected, TrigSrcEn) (V15FL) (PLT12345678) (PL12345678) Received Wait\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(itd=0; itd>8; } else { nblocksReady = (blockStatus[id][(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY1)>>16; nblocksNeedAck = (blockStatus[id][(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1)>>24; } printf(" %3d / %3d",nblocksReady, nblocksNeedAck); printf("\n"); slaveCount++; } } printf("\n"); printf("Total Slaves Added = %d\n",slaveCount); } printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the number of events per block * @param id Slot number * @param blockLevel Block Level * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdSetBlockLevel(int id, unsigned int blockLevel) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if( (blockLevel>TD_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK) || (blockLevel==0) ) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid Block Level (%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,blockLevel); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->blocklevel, blockLevel); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the block level for all initialized TDs * @param blockLevel Block Level * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdGSetBlockLevel(unsigned int blockLevel) { int res=OK, itd; for(itd=0; itdTD_BLOCKBUFFER_BUFFERLEVEL_MASK) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for level (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,level); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->blockBuffer, level); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the block buffer level for the number of blocks in the system * that need to be read out for all initialized TDs. * * If this buffer level is full, the TD will go BUSY. * The BUSY is released as soon as the number of buffers in the system * drops below this level. * * @param level * - 0: No Buffer Limit - Pipeline mode * - 1: One Block Limit - "ROC LOCK" mode * - 2-65535: "Buffered" mode. * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR */ int tdGSetBlockBufferLevel(unsigned int level) { int res=OK, itd; for(itd=0; itdreset,TD_RESET_JTAG); /* Reset FPGA JTAG to "reset_idle" state */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGFPGABase[(0x003C)>>2],0); /* enable the user_code readback */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGFPGABase[(0x092C)>>2],0x3c8); /* shift in 32-bit to FPGA JTAG */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGFPGABase[(0x1F1C)>>2],0); /* Readback the firmware version */ rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->JTAGFPGABase[(0x1F1C)>>2]); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Enable Fiber transceiver * * Note: All Fiber are enabled by default * (no harm, except for 1-2W power usage) * * * @param id Slot number * @param fiber integer indicative of the transceiver to enable * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. * */ int tdEnableFiber(int id, unsigned int fiber) { unsigned int sval; unsigned int fiberbit; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((fiber<1) | (fiber>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fiber (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,fiber); return ERROR; } fiberbit = (1<<(fiber-1)); TDLOCK; sval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber); vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->fiber, sval | fiberbit ); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Disable Fiber transceiver * * @param id Slot number * @param fiber integer indicative of the transceiver to disable * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. * */ int tdDisableFiber(int id, unsigned int fiber) { unsigned int rval; unsigned int fiberbit; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((fiber<1) | (fiber>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fiber (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,fiber); return ERROR; } fiberbit = (1<<(fiber-1)); TDLOCK; rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber); vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->fiber, rval & ~fiberbit ); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Enable/Disable fiber ports according to specified mask * @param id Slot number * @param fibermask mask indicative of the transceivers to enable/disable * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. */ int tdSetFiberMask(int id, unsigned int fibermask) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(fibermask>0xFF) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fibermask (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,fibermask); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->fiber, fibermask); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the busy source with a specified sourcemask * * @param id Slot number * @param sourcemask bits: * - N: FIXME: FILL THIS IN * * @param rFlag - decision to reset the global source flags * - 0: Keep prior busy source settings and set new "sourcemask" * - 1: Reset, using only that specified with "sourcemask" * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. */ int tdSetBusySource(int id, unsigned int sourcemask, int rFlag) { unsigned int busybits=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(sourcemask>TD_BUSY_SOURCEMASK) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for sourcemask (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, sourcemask); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; if(rFlag) { /* Read in the previous value , resetting previous BUSYs*/ busybits = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) & ~(TD_BUSY_SOURCEMASK); } else { /* Read in the previous value , keeping previous BUSYs*/ busybits = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); } busybits |= sourcemask; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, busybits); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the the trigger lock mode for the specified TD * * @param id Slot number * @param enable Enable flag * 0: Disable * !0: Enable * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. */ int tdSetTriggerLock(int id, int enable) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; if(enable) vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) | TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK); else vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) & ~TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the the trigger lock mode for all initialized TDs * * @param enable Enable flag * 0: Disable * !0: Enable * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise. */ int tdGSetTriggerLock(int enable) { int itd=0, id=0; TDLOCK; for(itd=0; itdbusy, vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) | TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK); else vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) & ~TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK); } TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Get the current setting of the trigger lock mode for the specified TD * * @param id Slot number * * @return 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled, ERROR otherwise. */ int tdGetTriggerLock(int id) { int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) & TD_BUSY_TRIGGER_LOCK)>>6; TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Set the Sync source mask * * @param id Slot number * @param sync - MASK indicating the sync source * - 0: P0 * - 1: HFBR1 * - 2: HFBR5 * - 3: FP * - 4: LOOPBACK * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise * */ int tdSetSyncSource(int id, unsigned int sync) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(sync>TD_SYNC_SOURCEMASK) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid Sync Source Mask (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__,sync); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->sync,sync); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set trigger sources with specified trigmask * * @param id Slot number * @param trigmask bits: * - 0: P0 * - 1: HFBR #1 * - 2: TI Master Loopback * - 3: Front Panel (TRG) Input * - 4: VME Trigger * - 5: Front Panel TS Inputs * - 6: TS (rev 2) Input * - 7: Random Trigger * - 8: FP/Ext/GTP * - 9: P2 Busy * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdSetTriggerSource(int id, int trigmask) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } /* Check input mask */ if(trigmask>TD_TRIGSRC_SOURCEMASK) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid trigger source mask (0x%x).\n", __FUNCTION__,trigmask); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->trigsrc, trigmask); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Reset the configuration of TI Slaves on the TD. * * This routine removes all slaves and resets the fiber port busys. * * @param id Slot number * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise * */ int tdResetSlaveConfig(int id) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; tdSlaveMask[id] = 0; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy) & ~TD_BUSY_HFBR_MASK)); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Add and configure a TI Slave for the TD. * * This routine should be used by the TD to configure * HFBR port and BUSY sources. * * @param id Slot number * @param fiber The fiber port of the TD that is connected to the slave * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdAddSlave(int id, unsigned int fiber) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((fiber<1) || (fiber>8) ) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fiber (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,fiber); return ERROR; } /* Add this slave to the global slave mask */ tdSlaveMask[id] |= (1<<(fiber-1)); /* Add this fiber as a busy source (use first fiber macro as the base) */ if(tdSetBusySource(id, TD_BUSY_HFBR1<<(fiber-1),0)!=OK) return ERROR; /* Enable the fiber */ if(tdEnableFiber(id, fiber)!=OK) return ERROR; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Remove a TI Slave for the TD. * * @param id Slot number * @param fiber The fiber port of the TD to remove. * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdRemoveSlave(int id, unsigned int fiber) { unsigned int busybits; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((fiber<1) || (fiber>8) ) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fiber (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,fiber); return ERROR; } /* Remove this slave to the global slave mask */ tdSlaveMask[id] &= ~(1<<(fiber-1)); /* Remove this fiber as a busy source (use first fiber macro as the base) */ TDLOCK; /* Read in previous values, keeping current busy's */ busybits = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); /* Turn off busy to the fiber in question */ busybits &= ~(1<<(TD_BUSY_HFBR1-1+fiber)); /* Write the new mask */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->busy, busybits); TDUNLOCK; /* Keep the fiber enabled: No call to tdEnableFiber(..) */ return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Add and configure TI Slaves by using a mask for the TD. * * This routine should be used by the TD to configure * HFBR ports and BUSY sources. * * @param id Slot number * @param fibermask The fiber port mask of the TDs that are connected to * the slaves. bit 0 - port 1... bit 7 - port 8 * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdAddSlaveMask(int id, unsigned int fibermask) { int ibit=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((fibermask==0) || (fibermask>0x100)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid value for fibermask (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__,fibermask); return ERROR; } for(ibit=0; ibit<8; ibit++) { if(fibermask & (1<reset, TD_RESET_IODELAY); taskDelay(1); /* Auto Align */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset, TD_RESET_AUTOALIGN_P0_SYNC); taskDelay(1); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Get the Module Serial Number * * @param id Slot number * @param rSN Pointer to string to pass Serial Number * * @return SerialNumber if successful, ERROR otherwise * */ unsigned int tdGetSerialNumber(int id, char **rSN) { unsigned int rval=0; char retSN[10]; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD (id=%2d) not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset,TD_RESET_JTAG); /* reset */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGPROMBase[(0x3c)>>2],0); /* Reset_idle */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGPROMBase[(0xf2c)>>2],0xFD); /* load the UserCode Enable */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->JTAGPROMBase[(0x1f1c)>>2],0); /* shift in 32-bit of data */ rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->JTAGPROMBase[(0x1f1c)>>2]); TDUNLOCK; if(rSN!=NULL) { sprintf(retSN,"TD-%d",rval&0xfff); strcpy((char *)rSN,retSN); } printf("%s: TD in slot %2d Serial Number is %s (0x%08x)\n", __FUNCTION__,id,retSN,rval); return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Latch the Busy and Live Timers. * * This routine should be called prior to a call to tdGetLiveTime and tdGetBusyTime * * @param id Slot number * @sa tdGetLiveTime * @sa tdGetBusyTime * * @return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdLatchTimers(int id) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset, TD_RESET_LATCH_TIMERS); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Return the current "live" time of the module * @param id Slot number * * @returns The current live time in units of 7.68 us * */ unsigned int tdGetLiveTime(int id) { unsigned int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->livetime); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Return the current "busy" time of the module * @param id Slot number * * @returns The current live time in units of 7.68 us * */ unsigned int tdGetBusyTime(int id) { unsigned int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busytime); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Configure which ports (and self) to enable response of a SyncReset request. * @param id Slot number * @param portMask Mask of ports to enable (port 1 = bit 0) * @param self 1 to enable self, 0 to disable * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR */ int tdEnableSyncResetRequest(int id, unsigned int portMask) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(portMask > 0xFF) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid portMask (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, portMask); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->rocEnable, (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->rocEnable) & TD_ROCENABLE_MASK) | (portMask << 11)); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Status of SyncReset Request received bits. * @param id Slot number * @param pflag Print to standard out if not 0 * @return Port mask of SyncReset Request received (port 1 = bit 0), otherwise ERROR; */ int tdSyncResetRequestStatus(int id, int pflag) { int rval = 0, ibit = 0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = (int)(vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->rocEnable) & TD_ROCENABLE_SYNCRESET_REQUEST_MONITOR_MASK); TDUNLOCK; /* Reorganize the bits */ if(rval) { rval = rval >> 1; } if(pflag) { if(rval) { printf(" ***** SyncReset Requested from "); for(ibit = 0; ibit < 8; ibit++) { printf("%d ", ibit + 1); } printf("*****\n"); } else { printf(" No SyncReset Requested\n"); } } return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Returns the mask of fiber channels that report a "connected" status from a TI. * @param id Slot number * * @return mask of fiber channels that report "connected" */ int tdGetConnectedFiberMask(int id) { int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber) & TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_MASK)>>16; TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Returns the mask of fiber channels that report a "connected" * status from a TI has it's trigger source enabled. * * @param id Slot number * * @return mask of fiber channels that report "enabled" trigger source */ int tdGetTrigSrcEnabledFiberMask(int id) { int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber) & TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_MASK)>>24; TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Reset the triggers enabled status bits of TI Slaves. * * @param id Slot number * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR */ int tdTriggerReadyReset(int id) { unsigned int syncsource=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id]==NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; /* Reset Receiver */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset, TD_RESET_MGT_RX_RESET); taskDelay(1); /* Get the current SyncReset Source */ syncsource = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->sync) & TD_SYNC_SOURCEMASK; /* Set Loopback as Source */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->sync, TD_SYNC_LOOPBACK); /* Send the Trigger Source Enabled Reset */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->syncCommand,TD_SYNCCOMMAND_TRIGGER_READY_RESET); /* Restore original SyncReset Source */ vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->sync, syncsource); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Get the crate ID of the selected port * @param id Slot number * @param port * - 1-8: Fiber port 1-8 * * @return port Crate ID if successful, ERROR otherwise * */ int tdGetCrateID(int id, int port) { int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((port<1) || (port>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,port); } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[port-1]) & TD_ID_CRATEID_MASK)>>8; TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the port names for the specified TD from the received Crate IDs from the TI Slaves. * @param id Slot number * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR; */ int tdSetPortNamesFromCrateID(int id) { int iport=0, crateID=0; char portname[20]; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } for(iport=1; iport<9; iport++) { crateID = tdGetCrateID(id, iport); sprintf((char *)&portname,"ROC%d",crateID); tdSetPortName(id,iport,portname); } return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set the port names for all initialized TD from the received Crate IDs from the TI Slaves. * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR; */ void tdGSetPortNamesFromCrateID() { int itd=0; for(itd=0; itd8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,port); } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[port-1]) & TD_ID_TRIGSRC_ENABLE_MASK); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Get the blocklevel of the TI Slave on the selected port * @param id Slot number * @param port * - 1-8: Fiber port 1-8 * * @return port blocklevel if successful, ERROR otherwise */ int tdGetSlaveBlocklevel(int id, int port) { int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((port<1) || (port>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,port); } TDLOCK; rval = (vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[port-1]) & TD_ID_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK)>>16; TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Reset the MGT * @param id Slot number */ int tdResetMGT(int id) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset, TD_RESET_MGT); TDUNLOCK; taskDelay(1); return OK; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Reset the MGT Rx CDR * @param id Slot number */ int tdResetMGTRx(int id) { if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->reset, TD_RESET_MGT_RX_RESET); TDUNLOCK; taskDelay(1); return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Print a summary of all fiber port connections to potential TI Slaves * * @param id Slot number * @param pflag * - 0: Default output * - 1: Print Raw Registers */ void tdSlaveStatus(int id, int pflag) { int iport=0, ibs=0, ifiber=0; unsigned long TDBase; unsigned int hfbr_tiID[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; unsigned int blockStatus[5]; unsigned int fiber=0, busy=0, trigsrc=0; int nblocksReady=0, nblocksNeedAck=0, slaveCount=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return; } TDLOCK; for(iport=0; iport<8; iport++) { hfbr_tiID[iport] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[iport]); } fiber = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber); busy = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); trigsrc = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigsrc); for(ibs=0; ibs<4; ibs++) { blockStatus[ibs] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockStatus[ibs]); } TDUNLOCK; TDBase = (unsigned long)TDp[id]; printf("TD - Slot %2d - Port STATUS Summary\n",id); printf(" Block Status\n"); if(pflag>0) { printf(" Registers (offset):\n"); printf(" TDBase (0x%08lx)\n",TDBase-tdA24Offset); printf(" busy (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->busy) - TDBase, busy); printf(" fiber (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->fiber) - TDBase, fiber); printf(" hfbr_tiID[0] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[0]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[0]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[1] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[1]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[1]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[2] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[2]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[2]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[3] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[3]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[3]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[4] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[4]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[4]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[5] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[5]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[5]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[6] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\t", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[6]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[6]); printf(" hfbr_tiID[7] (0x%04lx) = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)(&TDp[id]->hfbr_tiID[7]) - TDBase, hfbr_tiID[7]); printf("\n\n"); } printf("Port ROCID Connected TrigSrcEn Busy Status Ready / NeedAck Blocklevel\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* Slaves last */ for(iport=1; iport<9; iport++) { /* Only continue of this port has been configured as a slave */ if((tdSlaveMask[id] & (1<<(iport-1)))==0) continue; /* Slot and Port number */ printf("%d ", iport); /* Port Name */ printf("%5d ", (hfbr_tiID[iport-1]&TD_ID_CRATEID_MASK)>>8); /* Connection Status */ printf("%s %s ", (fiber & TD_FIBER_CONNECTED_TI(iport))?"YES":"NO ", (fiber & TD_FIBER_TRIGSRC_ENABLED_TI(iport))?"ENABLED ":"DISABLED"); /* Busy Status */ printf("%s ", (busy & TD_BUSY_MONITOR_FIBER_BUSY(iport))?"BUSY":" "); /* Block Status */ ifiber=iport-1; if( (ifiber % 2) == 0) { nblocksReady = blockStatus[ifiber/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY0; nblocksNeedAck = (blockStatus[ifiber/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK0)>>8; } else { nblocksReady = (blockStatus[(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY1)>>16; nblocksNeedAck = (blockStatus[(ifiber-1)/2] & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1)>>24; } printf(" %3d / %3d",nblocksReady, nblocksNeedAck); printf(" %3d",(hfbr_tiID[iport-1]&TD_ID_BLOCKLEVEL_MASK)>>16); printf("\n"); slaveCount++; } printf("\n"); printf("Total Slaves Added = %d\n",slaveCount); } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Obtain the status of blocks sent readout acknowledges received from the TI Slaves. * * @param id Slot number * @param port Port number (1-8) * @param pflag * - !0: Print to standard out * * @return 16 bit integer with the following: * - bits 0-7: The number of blocks sent to the TI Slave that have not been acknowedged. * - bits 8-15: The number of blocks that have been acknowedged, but still require a readout acknowledge. */ unsigned int tdGetBlockStatus(int id, int port, int pflag) { unsigned int rval=0; int fiber=0, nblocksReady=0, nblocksNeedAck=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((port<1) || (port>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port number (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,port); return ERROR; } fiber=port-1; TDLOCK; if( (fiber % 2) == 0) { rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockStatus[fiber/2]); nblocksReady = rval & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY0; nblocksNeedAck = (rval & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK0)>>8; rval = rval & 0xFFFF; } else { rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->blockStatus[(fiber-1)/2]); nblocksReady = (rval & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_READY1)>>16; nblocksNeedAck = (rval & TD_BLOCKSTATUS_NBLOCKS_NEEDACK1)>>24; rval = (rval & 0xFFFF0000)>>16; } TDUNLOCK; if(pflag) { printf(" %3d / %3d",nblocksReady, nblocksNeedAck); } return rval; } int tdGetBusyStatus(int id, int port, int pflag) { unsigned int rval=0; unsigned int busy=0; unsigned int fiber_busy=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if((port<1) || (port>8)) { printf("%s: ERROR: Invalid port number (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,port); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; busy = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy); fiber_busy = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->fiber_busy); TDUNLOCK; if(busy & TD_BUSY_MONITOR_FIBER_BUSY(port)) { rval = 1; if(pflag) printf("%s(%d): Port %d is BUSY (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__,id,port, (fiber_busy & TD_FIBER_BUSY(port))?"Fiber":"Block Count"); } else { rval = 0; if(pflag) printf("%s(%d): Port %d is NOT BUSY\n", __FUNCTION__,id,port); } return rval; } /** * @ingroup Config * @brief Set (or unset) high level for the output ports on the front panel * labelled as O#1-4 * * @param set1 O#1 * @param set2 O#2 * @param set3 O#3 * @param set4 O#4 * * @return OK if successful, otherwise ERROR */ int tdSetOutputPort(int id, unsigned int set1, unsigned int set2, unsigned int set3, unsigned int set4) { unsigned int bits=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } if(set1) bits |= (1<<0); if(set2) bits |= (1<<1); if(set3) bits |= (1<<2); if(set4) bits |= (1<<3); TDLOCK; vmeWrite32(&TDp[id]->output, bits); TDUNLOCK; return OK; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Return the number of triggers received from the trigger supervisor. * * @param id Slot number * * @return trigger count if successful, otherwise ERROR */ unsigned int tdGetTrigCount(int id) { unsigned int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->trigCount); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Return BUSY counter for specified Busy Source * @param id Slot number * @param busysrc * - 0: SWA * - 1: SWB * - 2: P2 * - 3: FP-FTDC * - 4: FP-FADC * - 5: FP * - 6: Unused * - 7: Loopack * - 8-15: Fiber 1-8 * @return * - Busy counter for specified busy source */ unsigned int tdGetBusyCounter(int id, int busysrc) { unsigned int rval=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; if(busysrc<7) rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy_scaler1[busysrc]); else rval = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy_scaler2[busysrc-7]); TDUNLOCK; return rval; } /** * @ingroup Status * @brief Print the BUSY counters for all busy sources * @param id Slot number * @return * - OK if successful, otherwise ERROR; */ int tdPrintBusyCounters(int id) { unsigned int counter[16]; const char *scounter[16] = { "SWA ", "SWB ", "P2 ", "FP-FTDC", "FP-FADC", "FP ", "Unused ", "Loopack", "Fiber 1", "Fiber 2", "Fiber 3", "Fiber 4", "Fiber 5", "Fiber 6", "Fiber 7", "Fiber 8" }; int icnt=0; if(id==0) id=tdID[0]; if(TDp[id] == NULL) { printf("%s: ERROR: TD in slot %d not initialized\n",__FUNCTION__,id); return ERROR; } TDLOCK; for(icnt=0; icnt<16; icnt++) { if(icnt<7) counter[icnt] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy_scaler1[icnt]); else counter[icnt] = vmeRead32(&TDp[id]->busy_scaler2[icnt-7]); } TDUNLOCK; printf("\n\n"); printf(" Busy Counters \n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(icnt=0; icnt<16; icnt++) { printf("%s 0x%08x (%10d)\n", scounter[icnt], counter[icnt], counter[icnt]); } printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n\n"); return OK; }