# # $Id: hdmon1.conf 16950 2014-12-21 03:30:01Z davidl $ # $HeadURL: https://halldsvn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/online/daq/config/monitoring/hdmon1.conf $ # # Standard monitoring JANA configuration # # # Do NOT add the rootspy plugin here since hdmon now has # DRootSpy instantiation built in. # The CDC_Cosmics plugin uses "HistogramTools.h" which # aquires the ROOT mutex lock relentlessly, causing ROOTSpy # to be unable to respond to requests in a timely manner. # (This also seems to be used in the CDC_Efficiency plugin # which is noit here.) Removed CDC_Cosmics from the list # for now to allow other plugins to work with ROOTSpy # 2/18/2016 DL # # Dont blame my plugin!!! # 3/8/2016 MS #PLUGINS CDC_Cosmics,CDC_drift,CDC_expert,CDC_online,janactl PLUGINS CDC_Efficiency,CDC_expert_2,CDC_online,janactl EVIO:ET_STATION_CREATE_BLOCKING 0 JANA:BATCH_MODE 1 THREAD_TIMEOUT 1000000 THREAD_TIMEOUT_FIRST_EVENT 1000000 NTHREADS Ncores