# # $Id: hdmon1.conf 16950 2014-12-21 03:30:01Z davidl $ # $HeadURL: https://halldsvn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/online/daq/config/monitoring/hdmon1.conf $ # # Standard monitoring JANA configuration # # # Do NOT add the rootspy plugin here since hdmon now has # DRootSpy instantiation built in. # Use SQLite file that we copy to the local disk so multiple # jobs starting don't clog MySQL server #JANA_CALIB_URL mysql://ccdb_user@hallddb.jlab.org/ccdb JANA_CALIB_URL mysql://ccdb_user@gluondb1.jlab.org/ccdb #JANA_CALIB_URL sqlite:////group/halld/www/halldweb/html/dist/ccdb.sqlite SQLITE_TO_LOCAL /media/ramdisk/ccdb_hdmon.db # Set fixed timestamp so results don't change suddenly with new constants # being entered # JANA_CALIB_CONTEXT calibtime=2021-10-09_00-00-00 # This is a temporary fix. See logbook entry 3652533 2/14/2019 DL #RF:SOURCE_SYSTEM PSC #RF_CALIB:SOURCE_SYSTEM PSC # NOTE: the CCAL_online plugin was added here 3/24/2019 to try and address # an issue with failing to make e-log entries. A log entry (3671501) # suggests the CCAL macros were preventing the log entries. This could # happen if all of the highlevel nodes died. # Since the CCAL_online plugin asks for FCAL showers which in turn ask # for wire-based tracks, adding this plugin causes the rate of the # occupancy online to drop by a factor of 2 for PrimEx running. This # will likely get even worse when the FDC is turned on so this will need # to be removed then. # # 9/14/2019 - Reverted to previous plugin list (sans CCAL_online) PLUGINS occupancy_online,FMWPC_online,timing_online,RF_online,fa125_itrig,cpp_itrig,janactl #PLUGINS occupancy_online,timing_online,RF_online,fa125_itrig,janactl #PLUGINS occupancy_online,timing_online,CCAL_online,DIRC_online,janactl EVIO:ET_STATION_CREATE_BLOCKING 0 JANA:BATCH_MODE 1 THREAD_TIMEOUT 1000000 THREAD_TIMEOUT_FIRST_EVENT 1000000 NTHREADS Ncores EVIO:NTHREADS 16