# # $Id$ # $HeadURL$ # # Node assignments for online monitoring # # The node-type may be one of: # # monXXX - monitoring node for monitoring level XXX # # archive - ROOTSpy archiver program # # ET - Secondary ET system. ET system will be created # and instance of et2et started there. sourceET # specifies where the et2et should read events # from. It may be left blank and the best available # will be chosen from the COOL configuration (first # preference given to ET created by ER). If specified # here, sourceET should be one of: 'ER', 'SEB', or # 'PEB'. If sourceET is set, but none of these, then # it and any values that follow are passed to et2et # as command line arguments. # # # # MONITORING NODES: # # type node level # -------- --------- ---------- # mon gluon40 HIGHLEVEL # mon gluon46 HIGHLEVEL # mon gluon100 OCCUPANCY <--- development (SF) mon gluon101 OCCUPANCY # mon gluon102 OCCUPANCY <--- used for RSTimeSeries mon gluon103 OCCUPANCY mon gluon104 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon105 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon106 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon107 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon108 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon109 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon110 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon111 HIGHLEVEL # mon gluon112 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon113 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon114 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon115 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon116 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon117 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to HOSS # mon gluon120 OCCUPANCY # mon gluon121 HIGHLEVEL # mon gluon122 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to Sean's online calibrations # mon gluon123 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to Sean's online calibrations # mon gluon124 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to Sean's online calibrations # mon gluon125 HIGHLEVEL <--- dedicated to Sean's online calibrations mon gluon126 HIGHLEVEL mon gluon127 HIGHLEVEL # mon gluon128 HIGHLEVEL <--- Broken mon gluon129 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon130 HIGHLEVEL <--- used for secondary ET # mon gluon131 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon132 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon133 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon134 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon135 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # mon gluon136 HIGHLEVEL <--- Disabled to reduce traffic on xMsg server # n.b. gluon200 is the GPU node (currently used for RSAI and Hydra) # mon gluon200 HIGHLEVEL # # ROOTSpy Archiver (RSArchiver) # # type node # -------- --------- # archive gluon48 archive gluon122 # # ROOTSpy Time Series (RSTimeSeries) # # type node # -------- --------- timeseries gluon102 # # ROOTSpy AI (RSAI) # # - RSAI will write file to the specified output directory below but # with the RunPeriod and Run number appended like so: # # /gluonraid5/data1/monitoring/AI/hydra_in//RunXXXXXX # # Nothing currently exists to automatically remove these files. # # - The inputdir setting for the hydra configuration line in the next # section specifies a directory to create a symlink in. This is # where hydra will look for input files. # # - Hydra will delete the symlinks it finds there once they are processed. # # # type node outputdir # -------- --------- -------------------------- # ai gluonraid1 ai gluon200 /gluonraid5/data1/monitoring/AI # # Hydra AI (start_hydra.py) # # - The modelpath is the directory where the hydra_models are stored # The default location is /group/halld/hydra_models but could be # changed to something local to reduce reliability on CUE filesystems # and speed up loading. # # - The outputdir is where keepr places files it wants to save # after processing. These are copied automatically to the work disk # on the CUE. # # - The inputdir is the directory where hydra will find the files to # process. This is where RSAI will create symlinks at that hydra # may delete. # # - The feeder/hydra joint dir is directory used by hydra to temporarily # store files that have been preprocessed (e.g. scaled) for prior to # hydra applying the model. # # # type node modelpath outputdir inputdir for hydra to watch feeder/hydra joint dir # -------- --------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- # hydra gluonraid1 /group/halld/Hydra_models /gluonraid1/monitoring/AI/keeper hydra gluon200 /group/halld/Hydra_models /gluonraid1/monitoring/AI/keeper /gluonraid5/data1/monitoring/AI/hydra_in /gluonraid5/data1/monitoring/AI/hydra_in_converted # # SECONDARY ET SYSTEMS # # NOTE: If no ET system file is specified it will default to # /tmp/et_sys_monitoring. To use a RAM disk for the ET system # file, create the mountpoint directory /tmp/ET_RAMDISK and # issue this: # # sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048M tmpfs /tmp/ET_RAMDISK # # # type node:ET system file levels sourceET # -------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- # ET OCCUPANCY,HIGHLEVEL # ET OCCUPANCY,HIGHLEVEL # ET OCCUPANCY,HIGHLEVEL ET OCCUPANCY,HIGHLEVEL