#!/bin/tcsh -f # # starts Afecs platform, rcgui and number of rocs and ts # author vg # set xpos = 1000 set ypos = 50 set yinc = 145 set lines = 8 set color = "-bg blue -fg white -sb -sl 5000" set geom = "-geometry 70x$lines+$xpos+" set PL_t = "-T platform" set RC_t = "-T runcontrol" set EB_t = "-T EB" set TS_t = "-T " set ROC_t = "-T " set codasetup = "source /gluex/setups/setupcoda3 " set codaLsetup = "/gluex/setups/setupcoda3 " set PL_comp = "platform" set RC_comp = "rcgui" set EB_name = "EBN6" set EB_comp = "coda_emu_peb64 " set tsName = "TSN6" set tsHost = "rocfcal1" set TS_comp = "coda_ts_v3 -i -n " set TS_type = " -t TS" set ROC_comp = "coda_roc_v3 -i -n " set ROC_type = " -t ROC" echo "" echo " Starting Afecs platform" set X_c = "$codaLsetup; $PL_comp" set tmp = `xterm -hold $PL_t $color $geom$ypos -e /bin/sh -c "$X_c" >& /dev/null &` echo " Starting runcontrol" set ypos = `expr $ypos + $yinc` set color = "-bg yellow -fg black -sb -sl 5000" set X_c = "$codaLsetup; $RC_comp" set tmp = `xterm -hold $RC_t $color $geom$ypos -e "$X_c" >& /dev/null &` echo " Starting EB" set ypos = `expr $ypos + $yinc` set color = "-bg green -fg black -sb -sl 5000" set X_c = "$codasetup; $EB_comp$EB_name" set tmp = `xterm -hold $EB_t $color $geom$ypos -e /bin/sh -c "$X_c" >& /dev/null &` set xpos = 1500 set ypos = -145; echo " Starting TS" set ypos = `expr $ypos + $yinc` set geom = "-geometry 70x10+$xpos+" set color = "-sb -sl 5000 -bg lightgreen -fg black" set X_c = "ssh -t $tsHost $codasetup;$TS_comp $tsName $TS_type" set tmp = `xterm -hold $TS_t $tsName $color $geom$ypos -e $X_c >& /dev/null &` set hosts = (rocfcal2 rocfcal3 rocfcal4 rocfcal5 rocfcal6 ) #set hosts = (dafarm20 dafarm23 dafarm26 dafarm28 dafarm44 ) foreach host ($hosts) echo " Starting roc on $host ..." set ypos = `expr $ypos + $yinc` set geom = "-geometry 70x10+$xpos+" set color = "-sb -sl 5000 -bg lightgreen -fg black" set X_c = "ssh -t $host $codasetup;$ROC_comp $host $ROC_type" set tmp = `xterm -hold $ROC_t $host $color $geom$ypos -e $X_c >& /dev/null &` end echo "" echo " done" echo "" exit