The following are from the HOSS_transfers table of the HOSS DB. Entries into that DB are made
when a HOSS worker is about to send, copy, or hard link a file. They do not guarantee that
the action succeeded. The labels at the top of each transfer are made based on the first few
characters of the source and destination and not because the transfer type was actually recorded
in the DB.
// Decide on transfer type based on source and destination names
$src_start = substr($row["source"],0, 10);
$dst_start = substr($row["destination"],0, 10);
if( $src_start === $dst_start ){
$transfer_type = 'LINK';
}elseif( strpos($row["destination"], ':') != FALSE ){
$transfer_type = 'RDMA';
$transfer_type = 'LOCAL COPY';