10/16/2019 David Lawrence This directory contains configuration files for the HOSS system used to move raw data to RAID disk as well as copy them to gluon farm nodes for online skim production. The symbolic link "hoss_default.config" should point to the file currently in use. This is what will be used when "start_hoss" is run if no configuration file is specified explicitly. In the files shown here, the following naming convention is used: gen12: This specifies that only older farm nodes from 2012 are used for data processing. gen16: This specifies that only newer farm nodes from 2016 are used for data processing. skim: This indicates that files are copied to RAID, but also to farm nodes where full skims are produced. RAIDonly: This idicates that files are copied to RAID partitions but are not copied to farm nodes for any online processing. RAID+DB: This indicates that files are copied to both RAID and farm nodes, but that full skims are not produced. The raw data files are scanned though for trigger statistics which are then entered into the MySQL DB.