// RSTimeSeries // // Program to periodically run macros to create images that can be used // to infer an AI to tell us whether the data looks OK. This program // will create the image files, but defers to the external "hydra" // program to actually apply it to the model and then take action based // on the result. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "RSAI.h" #include "rs_cmsg.h" #include "rs_info.h" #include "rs_macroutils.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c1 = nullptr; static int VERBOSE = 1; // Verbose output to screen - default is to print out some information map > CHUNK_COUNTER; // key=base_name(i.e. of macro/file) val=map of pads with key=pad number and val=counter // The following is passed to the macros as a means to set the scale for how often // images should be produced. Most occupancy plots will just use this directly as // the number of events processed while making the plot. int MIN_EVENTS_RSAI = 1.0E5; rs_cmsg *RS_CMSG = NULL; rs_xmsg *RS_XMSG = NULL; rs_info *RS_INFO = NULL; pthread_rwlock_t *ROOT_MUTEX = NULL; set MACRO_HNAMEPATHS; bool USE_CMSG=false; bool USE_XMSG=true; // These defined in rs_cmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG; extern map HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; extern map MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; // These defined in rs_xmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG; extern set HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; extern set MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; // configuration variables namespace config { static string ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; static string CMSG_NAME = ""; static string SESSION = ""; static double POLL_DELAY = 10; // time between polling runs static double MIN_POLL_DELAY = 5; // run management //bool KEEP_RUNNING = true; static bool FORCE_START = false; bool DONE = false; bool RUN_IN_PROGRESS = false; int RUN_NUMBER = 99999; string OUTPUT_DIR = "."; string SYMLINK_DIR = ""; } using namespace config; ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////// void BeginRun(); void MainLoop(void); void GetAllHists(uint32_t Twait=2); // Twait is in seconds void ExecuteMacro(TDirectory *f, string macro); void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]); void Usage(void); void signal_stop_handler(int signum); //----------- // signal_stop_handler //----------- void signal_stop_handler(int signum) { cerr << "received signal " << signum << "..." << endl; // let main loop know that it's time to stop DONE = true; } //------------------- // main //------------------- int main(int narg, char *argv[]) { // Parse the command line arguments ParseCommandLineArguments(narg, argv); // register signal handlers to properly stop running if(signal(SIGHUP, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set HUP signal handler" << endl; if(signal(SIGINT, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set INT signal handler" << endl; // when running curl as external process, suppress use // of proxy which will cause failure to connect to influxdb putenv((char*)"HTTP_PROXY="); putenv((char*)"HTTPS_PROXY="); putenv((char*)"http_proxy="); putenv((char*)"https_proxy="); // ------------------- initialization --------------------------------- BeginRun(); // ------------------- periodic processing ---------------------------- MainLoop(); // regularly poll servers for new histograms if( RS_CMSG ) delete RS_CMSG; if( RS_XMSG ) delete RS_XMSG; return 0; } //----------- // BeginRun //----------- void BeginRun() { // Create rs_info object RS_INFO = new rs_info(); // Makes a Mutex to lock / unlock Root Global ROOT_MUTEX = new pthread_rwlock_t; pthread_rwlock_init(ROOT_MUTEX, NULL); // ------------------- cMsg initialization ---------------------------- // Create cMsg object char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); char str[512]; sprintf(str, "RSAI_%d", getpid()); CMSG_NAME = string(str); cout << "Full UDL is " << ROOTSPY_UDL << endl; if( USE_CMSG ) RS_CMSG = new rs_cmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, CMSG_NAME); if( USE_XMSG ) RS_XMSG = new rs_xmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, CMSG_NAME); // set session name to some default if(SESSION.empty()) SESSION="halldsession"; // Create TCanvas, but set ROOT to batch mode so that it doesn't actually open a window. gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "A Canvas", 1600, 1200); // Setup interpretor so macros don't have to include these things. gROOT->ProcessLine("#include "); gROOT->ProcessLine("using namespace std;"); gROOT->ProcessLine("#define ROOTSPY_MACROS"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_SetFlag(const string flag, int val);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern int rs_GetFlag(const string flag);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_ResetHisto(const string hnamepath);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_RestoreHisto(const string hnamepath);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_ResetAllMacroHistos(const string hnamepath);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_RestoreAllMacroHistos(const string hnamepath);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("extern void rs_SavePad(const string fname, int ipad);"); gROOT->ProcessLine("void InsertSeriesData(string sdata){}"); // disable insertion of time series data for RSAI gROOT->ProcessLine("void InsertSeriesMassFit(string ptype, double mass, double width, double mass_err, double width_err, double unix_time=0.0){}"); // (same as previous) // Set flag so macros will NOT automatically reset histograms after // a successful fit. This flag is used by RSTimeSeries rs_SetFlag("RESET_AFTER_FIT", 0); // Set flag so macros will automatically reset histograms after // a successful fit. This flag is used by RSAI rs_SetFlag("Is_RSAI", 1); rs_SetFlag("RESET_AFTER_SAVEPAD", 1); rs_SetFlag("MIN_EVENTS_RSAI", MIN_EVENTS_RSAI); // The following ensures that the routines in rs_macroutils are // linked in to the final executable so they are available to // the macros. if(rs_GetFlag("RESET_AFTER_FIT") != 0){ // (should never actually get here) rs_ResetHisto("N/A"); rs_RestoreHisto("N/A"); rs_SavePad("N/A", 0); } } //----------- // MainLoop //----------- void MainLoop(void) { if(VERBOSE>0) _DBG_ << "Running main event loop..." << endl; // Loop until we are told to stop for some reason while(!DONE) { // keeps the connections alive, and keeps the list of servers up-to-date if( RS_CMSG )RS_CMSG->PingServers(); if( RS_XMSG )RS_XMSG->PingServers(); if(VERBOSE>1) _DBG_ << "number of servers = " << RS_INFO->servers.size() << endl; // Request current set of histograms GetAllHists(); // Run macros std::set fnames_written; RS_INFO->Lock(); for(auto &hnamepath : MACRO_HNAMEPATHS){ auto hdef = RS_INFO->histdefs[hnamepath]; if(hdef.hists.empty()) continue; auto the_hinfo = hdef.hists.begin()->second; c1->cd(); c1->Clear(); if(the_hinfo.Nkeys == 1){ ExecuteMacro(RS_INFO->sum_dir, the_hinfo.macroString); }else{ ExecuteMacro(the_hinfo.macroData, the_hinfo.macroString); } // Due to some long standing bug in TPad, the SaveAs method does not work // properly and we are advised to use only TCanvas::SaveAs. See: // https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-7633 // // Thus, if we are to save any pads, then we must save the entire canvas // first and then crop the pads from that. Technically, there should be a way // to do this in memory by getting the TASImage of the canvas directly, but // that looks to be rather complicated. if( ! rs_PadsToSave.empty() ){ // Save whole canvas to temporary file. string tmp_img_fname = OUTPUT_DIR + "/tmp_canvas.png"; c1->Update(); c1->SaveAs(tmp_img_fname.c_str()); // Loop over base filenames. Generally, there will only be one of these. for( auto p : rs_PadsToSave ) { auto &basename = p.first; // Loops over pads to save using this base filename for (int ipad : p.second) { // If the pad has a non-default name, use that. Otherwise, use a zero-padded pad number auto *pad = c1->GetPad(ipad); stringstream default_pad_name; default_pad_name << c1->GetName(); if( ipad != 0 ) default_pad_name << "_" << ipad; string pad_name = pad->GetName(); // Standard filename format includes pad name or number and time "chunk" char fname_base[256]; if( ipad == 0 ){ // Whole canvas excludes pad from fname sprintf(fname_base, "%s_%04d.png", basename.c_str(), ++CHUNK_COUNTER[basename][ipad]); }else if( pad_name == default_pad_name.str() ){ // Use pad number in fname sprintf(fname_base, "%s-%02d_%04d.png", basename.c_str(), ipad, ++CHUNK_COUNTER[basename][ipad]); }else{ // Use pad name in fname sprintf(fname_base, "%s-%s_%04d.png", basename.c_str(), pad_name.c_str(), ++CHUNK_COUNTER[basename][ipad]); } char fname[512]; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", OUTPUT_DIR.c_str(), fname_base); // Get pad of interest if (pad) { // Determine crop parameters for this pad int x1 = pad->XtoAbsPixel(pad->GetX1()); int x2 = pad->XtoAbsPixel(pad->GetX2()); int y1 = pad->YtoAbsPixel(pad->GetY1()); int y2 = pad->YtoAbsPixel(pad->GetY2()); int w = x2 - x1; int h = y1 - y2; // yep, seems backwards doesn't it? // Read in image as TASImage object and crop it auto img = TASImage::Open( tmp_img_fname.c_str() ); img->Crop(x1, y2, w, h); // Write cropped image to file cout << " - Writing file " << fname << endl; img->WriteImage(fname, TImage::kPng); delete img; fnames_written.insert(fname); if( ! SYMLINK_DIR.empty() ){ char fname_sym[256]; sprintf( fname_sym, "%s/%s", SYMLINK_DIR.c_str(), fname_base); cout << " - Creating symlink " << fname << " <- " << fname_sym <Unlock(); // Run hydra if( ! fnames_written.empty() ){ cout << "------- TODO: Run hydra on the following files: " << endl; for( auto f : fnames_written ) cout <<"------- " << f << endl; } // sleep for awhile sleep(POLL_DELAY); } } //----------- // GetAllHists //----------- void GetAllHists(uint32_t Twait) { /// This will: /// /// 1. Send a request out to all servers for their list of defined /// macros. /// /// 2. Wait for 2 seconds for them to respond with their macro lists /// /// 3. Send a request for the macro definitions /// /// 4. Wait 2 seconds for them to respond with their macro definitions /// /// 5. Look through the macro definitions and find ones that contain /// the string "rs_CheckAgainstAI" /// /// 6. Send a request for the MACRO_HNAMEPATHS of all macros selected /// in 5. /// /// 7. Wait Twait seconds for them to respond. /// /// Thus, by the time this routine returns a list of macros that may /// participate in the AI DQM will have been obtained /// and all histograms those macros need will have been updated from /// all servers. /// /// n.b. This routine will take a minimum of Twait+4 seconds to complete! // 1. Send a request out to all servers for their list of defined macros. if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Requesting macro and histogram lists ..." << endl; if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RequestHists("rootspy"); if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RequestHists("rootspy"); if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Waiting 2 seconds for servers to send macro and histogram lists" << endl; // 2. Wait for 2 seconds sleep(2); // 3. Send a request for the macro definitions RS_INFO->Lock(); for(auto &p : RS_INFO->histdefs){ hdef_t &hdef = p.second; if( hdef.type == hdef_t::macro ){ if( hdef.macro_hnamepaths.empty() ) { // try to only request each macro once if (VERBOSE > 1) cout << "Requesting macro " << hdef.hnamepath << " ..." << endl; if (RS_CMSG) RS_CMSG->RequestMacro(p.first, hdef.hnamepath); if (RS_XMSG) RS_XMSG->RequestMacro(p.first, hdef.hnamepath, true); } } } RS_INFO->Unlock(); if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Waiting 2 seconds for servers to send macro definitions" << endl; // 4. Wait for 2 seconds sleep(2); // Register any macros waiting in the queue if( ! MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.lock(); for(auto m : MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG){ if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RegisterMacro(m.second, (cMsgMessage*)m.first); } MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.unlock(); } // Register any macros waiting in the queue if( ! MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.lock(); for(auto m : MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG){ if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RegisterMacro(m); } MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.unlock(); } // 5. Look through the macro definitions and find ones that contain "rs_CheckAgainstAI" RS_INFO->Lock(); for(auto &p : RS_INFO->hinfos){ string ¯oString = p.second.macroString; if(macroString.find("rs_SavePad") != string::npos) MACRO_HNAMEPATHS.insert(p.second.hnamepath); // if( p.second.hnamepath == "//CDC_occupancy" ) _DBG_<< "============ " << p.second.hnamepath << endl << macroString << endl; } // 6. Send a request for the MACRO_HNAMEPATHS of all macros selected vector hnamepaths; for(auto &hnamepath : MACRO_HNAMEPATHS){ auto &hdef = RS_INFO->histdefs[hnamepath]; if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Requesting " << hdef.macro_hnamepaths.size() << " histos for " << hnamepath << " ..." << endl; for(auto h: hdef.macro_hnamepaths) hnamepaths.push_back(h); } RS_INFO->Unlock(); if( !hnamepaths.empty() ) { if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RequestHistograms("rootspy", hnamepaths); if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RequestHistograms("rootspy", hnamepaths); } // If Twait is "0", then return now. if(Twait == 0) return; // 7. Give servers Twait seconds to respond with histograms if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Waiting "<RegisterHistogram(h.second, (cMsgMessage*)h.first, true); } HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.unlock(); } // Register any histograms waiting in the queue if( ! HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.lock(); for(auto h : HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG){ if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RegisterHistogram(h); } HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.unlock(); } if(VERBOSE>1) cout << "Nservers: " << RS_INFO->servers.size() << " -- hdefs: " << RS_INFO->histdefs.size() << " -- hinfos: " << RS_INFO->hinfos.size() << endl; } //------------------- // ExecuteMacro //------------------- void ExecuteMacro(TDirectory *f, string macro) { // Lock ROOT pthread_rwlock_wrlock(ROOT_MUTEX); TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory; f->cd(); // Keep a separate TSyle for each macro we draw. This used to // allow macros to change the style and have it stay changed // until the next macro is drawn. TStyle savestyle(*gStyle); static std::map styles; if( styles.count( macro ) == 0 ){ styles[macro] = new TStyle(); } *gStyle = *styles[macro]; // Reset color palette to default. Macros may change this // with gStyle->SetPalette(...) but it is not actually a // property of the TSyle object. The SetPalette method just // maps to a static method of TColor which changes the palette // for the current TCanvas. (At least that is how I think this // works!) gStyle->SetPalette(); // reset to default // execute script line-by-line // maybe we should do some sort of sanity check first? istringstream macro_stream(macro); int iline = 0; while(!macro_stream.eof()) { string s; getline(macro_stream, s); iline++; Long_t err = gROOT->ProcessLine(s.c_str()); if(err == TInterpreter::kProcessing){ cout << "Processing macro ..." << endl; }else if(err != TInterpreter::kNoError){ cout << "Error processing the macro line " << iline << ": " << err << endl; cout << "\"" << s << "\"" << endl; break; } } // restore *gStyle = savestyle; savedir->cd(); // Unlock ROOT pthread_rwlock_unlock(ROOT_MUTEX); } //----------- // ParseCommandLineArguments // configuration priorities (low to high): // config file -> environmental variables -> command line //----------- void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]) { if(VERBOSE>0) _DBG_ << "In ParseCommandLineArguments().." << endl; // read from configuration file // TODO: decide how to set config filename on command line // the complication is that the config file settings should have the lowest priority string config_filename = getenv("HOME"); // + "/.RSTimeSeries"; config_filename += "/.RSTimeSeries"; const char *configptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_CONFIG_FILENAME"); if(configptr) config_filename = configptr; // allow for environmental variables const char *ptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_UDL"); if(ptr)ROOTSPY_UDL = ptr; // check command line options static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, {"dir", required_argument, 0, 'd' }, {"link", required_argument, 0, 'l' }, {"run-number", required_argument, 0, 'R' }, {"poll-delay", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, {"udl", required_argument, 0, 'u' }, {"server", required_argument, 0, 's' }, {"session-name", no_argument, 0, 'S' }, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int opt = 0; int long_index = 0; while ((opt = getopt_long(narg, argv,"hR:d:l:p:u:s:A:BF:PHY:v", long_options, &long_index )) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'R': if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); RUN_NUMBER = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); OUTPUT_DIR = optarg; break; case 'l' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); SYMLINK_DIR = optarg; break; case 'f' : FORCE_START = true; break; case 'p' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); POLL_DELAY = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = optarg; break; case 's' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; ROOTSPY_UDL += optarg; ROOTSPY_UDL += "/cMsg/rootspy"; break; case 'S' : SESSION = optarg; break; case 'v' : VERBOSE++; break; case 'h': default: Usage(); break; } } // check any values if(POLL_DELAY < MIN_POLL_DELAY) POLL_DELAY = MIN_POLL_DELAY; // DUMP configuration cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Current configuration:" << endl; cout << " OUTPUT_DIR = " << OUTPUT_DIR << endl; cout << " SYMLINK_DIR = " << (SYMLINK_DIR.empty() ? "":SYMLINK_DIR) << endl; cout << " ROOTSPY_UDL = " << ROOTSPY_UDL << endl; cout << " SESSION = " << SESSION << endl; cout << " RUN_NUMBER = " << RUN_NUMBER << endl; cout << " POLL_DELAY = " << POLL_DELAY << endl; cout << " MIN_POLL_DELAY = " << MIN_POLL_DELAY << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl; // Check if output directories exist and if not, try to make them. // Note that in the GlueX online, these directories should be made // already by the start_monitoring script. auto *dir = opendir(OUTPUT_DIR.c_str()); if( dir == NULL ) { cout << "Output directory does not exist: " << OUTPUT_DIR << endl; if( mkdir( OUTPUT_DIR.c_str(), 0775 ) ) { cout << "ERROR: Unable to create output directory: " << OUTPUT_DIR << endl; }else{ cout << "Output directory created: " << OUTPUT_DIR << endl; } }else{ closedir( dir ); } if( !SYMLINK_DIR.empty() ){ dir = opendir(SYMLINK_DIR.c_str()); if( dir == NULL ) { cout << "Symlink directory does not exist: " << SYMLINK_DIR << endl; if( mkdir( SYMLINK_DIR.c_str(), 0775 ) ) { cout << "ERROR: Unable to create symlink directory: " << SYMLINK_DIR << endl; }else{ cout << "Symlink directory created: " << SYMLINK_DIR << endl; } }else{ closedir( dir ); } } } //----------- // Usage //----------- void Usage(void) { cout<<"Usage:"<