// RSArchiver // Program to archive data over RootSpy into ROOT files // The current design of this program is to be #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "RSAggregator.h" #include "DRootSpy.h" #include "rs_cmsg.h" #include "rs_info.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////// rs_xmsg *RS_XMSG = NULL; // This is used by RootSpy libraries as external global rs_xmsg* &RS_XMSG_SOURCES = RS_XMSG; // This is used in this file to make naming more clear DRootSpy *RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS = NULL; rs_cmsg *RS_CMSG = NULL; rs_info *RS_INFO = NULL; pthread_rwlock_t *ROOT_MUTEX = NULL; string ROOTSPY_UDL; string ROOTSPY_AGGREGATOR_UDL; // These defined in rs_xmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG; extern set HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; extern set MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; static int VERBOSE = 1; // Verbose output to screen - default is to print out some information bool DONE = false; #if 0 bool MAKE_BACKUP = false; // These defined in rs_cmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG; extern map HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; extern map MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; // classes to generate optional output formats HTMLOutputGenerator *html_generator = NULL; PDFOutputGenerator *pdf_generator = NULL; // These are used by the recursive CopyROOTDir to keep track of // how many objects of each type are copied int Ndirectories=0; int Ntrees=0; int Nhists=0; // configuration variables namespace config { static string ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; //static string DAQ_UDL = "cMsg://"; static string CMSG_NAME = ""; static string SESSION = ""; static TFile *CURRENT_OUTFILE = NULL; // name of file to keep the current state of monitoring histograms in // by default we also store the final state of the histograms here static string OUTPUT_FILENAME = "current_run.root"; // name of file to optionally store final histogram state in static string ARCHIVE_FILENAME = ""; static string BACKUP_FILENAME = "backup.root"; static double POLL_DELAY = 60; // time between polling runs static double MIN_POLL_DELAY = 10; // run management //bool KEEP_RUNNING = true; static bool FORCE_START = false; bool DONE = false; bool RUN_IN_PROGRESS = false; int RUN_NUMBER = 99999; bool FINALIZE = false; static bool HTML_OUTPUT = false; static string HTML_BASE_DIR = ""; static bool PDF_OUTPUT = false; } using namespace config; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////// void InitializeConnections(void); void MainLoop(void); void InitializeConnections(void); void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]); void Usage(void); //----------- // signal_stop_handler //----------- void signal_stop_handler(int signum) { cerr << "received signal " << signum << "..." << endl; // let main loop know that it's time to stop DONE = true; } //----------- // signal_usr1_handler //----------- void signal_usr1_handler(int signum) { cerr << "received signal " << signum << "..." << endl; vector hinfos; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(gROOTSPY_RW_LOCK); if( gDirectory ) if( RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS ) RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS->addRootObjectsToList(gDirectory, hinfos); uint32_t Nmacros_src = 0; for( auto hi : RS_INFO->hinfos ){ if( hi.second.macroData != NULL ) Nmacros_src++; } map macros; if( RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS ) RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS->GetMacroInfos( macros ); uint32_t Nmacros_dest = macros.size(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(gROOTSPY_RW_LOCK); _DBG_ << "===== I Have " << hinfos.size() << " histograms!" << endl; _DBG_ << "===== I Have " << Nmacros_dest << " macros from dest!" << endl; _DBG_ << "===== I Have " << Nmacros_src << " macros from src!" << endl; } //------------------- // main //------------------- int main(int narg, char *argv[]) { // Parse the command line arguments ParseCommandLineArguments(narg, argv); // register signal handlers to properly stop running if(signal(SIGHUP, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set HUP signal handler" << endl; if(signal(SIGINT, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set INT signal handler" << endl; if(signal(SIGUSR1, signal_usr1_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set USR1 signal handler" << endl; // ------------------- initialization --------------------------------- InitializeConnections(); // ------------------- periodic processing ---------------------------- MainLoop(); // regularly poll servers for new histograms //-------------------------- cleanup ---------------------------------- if( RS_XMSG_SOURCES ) delete RS_XMSG_SOURCES; if( RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS ) delete RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS; return 0; } //----------- // InitializeConnections //----------- void InitializeConnections(void) { // Do this before anything else if(!ROOT_MUTEX){ ROOT_MUTEX = new pthread_rwlock_t; pthread_rwlock_init(ROOT_MUTEX, NULL); } // Create rs_info object (this is used for the sources) RS_INFO = new rs_info(); // ------------------- cMsg initialization ---------------------------- // Create cMsg object char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); char str[512]; sprintf(str, "RSAggregator_src_%d", getpid()); auto XMSG_SRC_NAME = string(str); sprintf(str, "RSAggregator_dest_%d", getpid()); auto XMSG_DEST_NAME = string(str); cout << "====================== Sources xMsg connection ===================" << endl; RS_XMSG_SOURCES = new rs_xmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, XMSG_SRC_NAME); cout << "=================================================================" << endl; cout << "=================== Destinations xMsg connection ================" << endl; RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS = new DRootSpy(ROOT_MUTEX, ROOTSPY_AGGREGATOR_UDL, XMSG_DEST_NAME); RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS->SetSumHistsOnly(); cout << "=================================================================" << endl; if( RS_XMSG_SOURCES ) RS_XMSG_SOURCES->verbose = VERBOSE; if( RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS ) RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS->VERBOSE = VERBOSE; } //----------- // MainLoop //----------- void MainLoop(void) { if(VERBOSE>3) _DBG_ << "Running main event loop..." << endl; // Make initial requests for histogram and macro lists RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestHists("rootspy"); RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); // Loop until we are told to stop for some reason auto tlast = chrono::steady_clock::now() - chrono::seconds(4); // subtract 4 seconds so first iteration happens quicker while(!DONE) { // Main loop iteratates up to 10 times per second if(VERBOSE>7) _DBG_ << "------ MainLoop Iteration ------" << endl; // Check for servers and histograms every few seconds auto tnow = chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto tdiff = chrono::duration_cast>(tnow - tlast).count(); if(VERBOSE>7) _DBG_ << " tdiff = " << tdiff << endl; if( tdiff >= 5.0 ) { if (RS_XMSG_SOURCES) { if (VERBOSE > 1) _DBG_ << " pinging servers ... " << endl; RS_XMSG_SOURCES->PingServers(); // keeps the connections alive, and keeps the list of servers up-to-date if (VERBOSE > 1) _DBG_ << " requesting histograms ... " << endl; RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestHists("rootspy"); // request all histograms if (VERBOSE > 1) _DBG_ << " requesting macros ... " << endl; RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); // request all macros if (VERBOSE > 2) _DBG_ << "number of servers = " << RS_INFO->servers.size() << endl; // Request all histograms from all servers for (auto p : RS_INFO->servers) { auto &s = p.second; if (VERBOSE > 5) _DBG_ << "Requesting histograms from " << s.serverName << endl; RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestHistograms(s.serverName, s.hnamepaths); } // Request all macros from all servers for ( auto p : RS_INFO->histdefs ){ auto &hnamepath = p.first; auto &hdef = p.second; if( hdef.type == hdef_t::macro ) { for( auto pp : hdef.servers ){ auto server = pp.first; RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestMacro( server, hnamepath ); } } } // Copy all macros received from sources into our DRootSpy object for( auto hi : RS_INFO->hinfos ){ if( !hi.second.macroString.empty() ){ auto &hnamepath = hi.second.hnamepath; auto pos = hnamepath.find_last_of("/"); auto name = hnamepath.substr(pos+1); auto path = hnamepath.substr(0,pos); auto ¯oString = hi.second.macroString; // _DBG_<<"++++++++++++ hnamepath=" << hnamepath << " path=" << path << " name="<RegisterMacro(name, path, macroString); } } } tlast = chrono::steady_clock::now(); } // The RootSpy GUI requires all macros and histograms be // processed in the main ROOT GUI thread to avoid crashes. // Thus, when messages with histgrams come in they are // stored in global variables until later when that thread // can process them. Here, we process them. // Register any histograms waiting in the queue if( ! HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ if(VERBOSE>2) _DBG_<< "HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.size()=" << HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.size() << endl; lock_guard lck(REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG); if( RS_XMSG ) { for (auto h : HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG) { RS_XMSG->RegisterHistogram(h); delete h; } } HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); } // Register any macros waiting in the queue if( ! MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ if(VERBOSE>2) _DBG_<< "MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.size()=" << MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.size() << endl; lock_guard lck(REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG); if( RS_XMSG ) { for (auto h : MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG) { RS_XMSG->RegisterMacro(h); delete h; } } MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); } // Send requests to producers for any histograms we were requested to provide set hnamepaths; if( RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS ) RS_XMSG_DESTINATIONS->PopRequested_hnamepaths( hnamepaths ); if( !hnamepaths.empty() ) { _DBG_<<"+++++++++++ Passing requests for " << hnamepaths.size() << " histograms ... " << endl; vector vhnamepaths( hnamepaths.begin(), hnamepaths.end() ); RS_XMSG_SOURCES->RequestHistograms( "rootspy", vhnamepaths ); } // Sleep a small amount of time std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); } if(VERBOSE>3) _DBG_ << "Finished main event loop." << endl; } //----------- // ParseCommandLineArguments // configuration priorities (low to high): // config file -> environmental variables -> command line //----------- void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]) { if(VERBOSE>3) _DBG_ << "In ParseCommandLineArguments().." << endl; // allow for environmental variables const char *ptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_UDL"); if(ptr)ROOTSPY_UDL = ptr; ptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_AGGREGATOR_UDL"); if(ptr)ROOTSPY_AGGREGATOR_UDL = ptr; for( int i=1; i