#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RSDumpTree.h" #include "rs_cmsg.h" #include "rs_info.h" // GLOBALS rs_cmsg *RS_CMSG = NULL; rs_info *RS_INFO = NULL; pthread_rwlock_t *ROOT_MUTEX = NULL; // configuration variables namespace config { static string ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; static string CMSG_NAME = ""; static string SESSION = ""; static string OUTPUT_FILENAME = "output.root"; static string IN_TREE_NAMES = ""; static double POLL_DELAY = 5; // delay for initial discovery of servers (in sec) static long NUM_REQUESTED_EVENTS = -1; //static timespec_t SYNC_TIMEOUT = {30,0}; // timeout for synchronous requests (in sec) static timespec_t SYNC_TIMEOUT = {10,0}; // timeout for synchronous requests } using namespace config; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]); void Usage(void); void SaveTrees( TFile *the_file ); bool IsGoodTFile( TFile *the_file ) { return ((the_file!=NULL) && !(the_file->IsZombie())); } //------------------- // main //------------------- int main(int narg, char *argv[]) { // Parse the command line arguments ParseCommandLineArguments(narg, argv); // figure out which trees we're supposed to get if(IN_TREE_NAMES == "") { cout << " No trees specified to dump!" << endl << endl; Usage(); return 0; } vector tree_names; const string kDelimiter = ","; size_t current; size_t next = -1; do { current = next + 1; next = IN_TREE_NAMES.find_first_of( kDelimiter, current ); tree_names.push_back( IN_TREE_NAMES.substr( current, next - current ) ); } while (next != string::npos); if(tree_names.size() == 0) { cout << " Could not find any tree names!" << endl << endl; return 0; } cout << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "TTrees to save:" << endl; for(vector::const_iterator str_itr = tree_names.begin(); str_itr != tree_names.end(); str_itr++) { cout << " " << *str_itr << endl; } cout << endl << endl; //exit(0); // make file to store thre trees in TFile* output_file = new TFile(OUTPUT_FILENAME.c_str(), "recreate"); if(!IsGoodTFile(output_file)) { cout << "Couldn't make output file, exiting" << endl; return 0; } // Makes a Mutex to lock / unlock Root Global ROOT_MUTEX = new pthread_rwlock_t; pthread_rwlock_init(ROOT_MUTEX, NULL); // Initialize RootSpy information RS_INFO = new rs_info(); // Create cMsg object char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); char str[512]; sprintf(str, "RSDumpTree"); CMSG_NAME = string(str); cout << "Full UDL is " << ROOTSPY_UDL << endl; RS_CMSG = new rs_cmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, CMSG_NAME); // sleep for a bit while we figure out which servers are out there sleep(POLL_DELAY); // figure out who has what trees //RS_INFO->Lock(); for(map::const_iterator server_it = RS_INFO->servers.begin(); server_it != RS_INFO->servers.end(); server_it++) { RS_CMSG->RequestTreeInfoSync(server_it->first, SYNC_TIMEOUT); //RS_CMSG->RequestTreeInfo(server_it->first); } //RS_INFO->Unlock(); // wait for the requests to finish up //sleep(POLL_DELAY); // collect trees // the handler that receives the tree that we request already locks RS_INFO, // so don't lock it here for now... this isn't the most thread-safe way, // though maybe it doesn't matter too much? //RS_INFO->Lock(); for( map::iterator server_itr = RS_INFO->servers.begin(); server_itr!=RS_INFO->servers.end(); server_itr++) { //_DBG_ << "checking " << server_itr->first << "..." << endl; for( vector::iterator tree_itr = server_itr->second.trees.begin(); tree_itr != server_itr->second.trees.end(); tree_itr++ ) { //_DBG_ << tree_itr->tnamepath << endl; if(find(tree_names.begin(), tree_names.end(), tree_itr->name) != tree_names.end()) { RS_CMSG->RequestTreeSync( server_itr->first, tree_itr->name, tree_itr->path, SYNC_TIMEOUT, NUM_REQUESTED_EVENTS ); } } } //RS_INFO->Unlock(); // for now do the simplest thing, and just wait for the responses to roll in //sleep(POLL_DELAY); // get the trees we want and save them pthread_rwlock_wrlock(ROOT_MUTEX); SaveTrees(output_file); output_file->Write(); output_file->Close(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(ROOT_MUTEX); // finish up delete RS_CMSG; //delete RS_INFO; return 0; } //----------- // ParseCommandLineArguments // configuration priorities (low to high): // config file -> environmental variables -> command line //----------- void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]) { //_DBG_ << "In ParseCommandLineArguments().." << endl; // allow for environmental variables const char *ptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_UDL"); if(ptr)ROOTSPY_UDL = ptr; // check command line options static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, {"poll-delay", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, {"udl", required_argument, 0, 'u' }, {"server", required_argument, 0, 's' }, {"output-file", required_argument, 0, 'F' }, {"tree-names", required_argument, 0, 'T' }, {"num-events", required_argument, 0, 'n' }, {"sync-timeout", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int opt = 0; int long_index = 0; while ((opt = getopt_long(narg, argv,"hpusFT", long_options, &long_index )) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'p' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); POLL_DELAY = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = optarg; break; case 'T' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); IN_TREE_NAMES = optarg; break; case 's' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; ROOTSPY_UDL += optarg; ROOTSPY_UDL += "/cMsg/rootspy"; break; case 'F' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); OUTPUT_FILENAME = optarg; break; case 'n': if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); NUM_REQUESTED_EVENTS = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); SYNC_TIMEOUT.tv_sec = atoi(optarg); case 'h': default: Usage(); break; } } } //----------- // Usage //----------- void Usage(void) { cout<<"Usage:"< tree_lists; // for each server, loop through their trees and collect them for( map::iterator server_itr = RS_INFO->servers.begin(); server_itr!=RS_INFO->servers.end(); server_itr++) { //_DBG_ << "checking " << server_itr->first << "..." << endl; for( vector::iterator tree_itr = server_itr->second.trees.begin(); tree_itr != server_itr->second.trees.end(); tree_itr++ ) { //_DBG_ << tree_itr->tnamepath << endl; if(tree_itr->tree) { if(tree_lists.find( tree_itr->tnamepath ) == tree_lists.end() ) tree_lists[ tree_itr->tnamepath ] = new TList(); tree_lists[ tree_itr->tnamepath ]->Add( tree_itr->tree ); } } } //_DBG_ << "merging trees" << endl; // now merge all the trees into new trees and put them in the proper place in the file for( map< string, TList* >::iterator tree_list_itr = tree_lists.begin(); tree_list_itr != tree_lists.end(); tree_list_itr++) { cout << "Will merge the following tree sizes for: " << tree_list_itr->first << endl; TIter next(tree_list_itr->second); TObject *obj; while( (obj=next()) ){ TTree *tree = (TTree*)obj; Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); cout << " " << nentries << " entries" << endl; } TTree *sum_tree = NULL; if(tree_list_itr->second->GetSize() == 1){ sum_tree = (TTree*)tree_list_itr->second->At(0); } else { sum_tree = TTree::MergeTrees( tree_list_itr->second ); } if(!sum_tree){ _DBG_ << "NULL sum_tree pointer for " << tree_list_itr->first << "! (" << hex << tree_list_itr->second << dec << ")" << endl; _DBG_ << "This can happen if all of the trees have zero entries." << endl; TList *li = tree_list_itr->second; TIter next(li); TObject *obj; if((obj=next())){ if(!obj->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) continue; _DBG_ << "Writing empty tree to file..." << endl; sum_tree = ((TTree*)obj)->CloneTree(); }else{ continue; } } cout << "Saving " << sum_tree->GetName() << " (" << sum_tree->GetEntries() << " entries)" << endl; sum_tree->SetDirectory(the_file); sum_tree->Write(); /** // split hnamepath into histo name and path //string &tnamepath = tree_list_itr->first; string tnamepath = tree_list_itr->first; size_t pos = tnamepath.find_last_of("/"); // the path should either be be "/" // or the pathname not starting with '/' string path=""; if(pos != string::npos) { //string hname = hnamepath.substr(pos+1, hnamepath.length()-1); if(tnamepath[0]=='/') path = tnamepath.substr(1, pos); else path = tnamepath.substr(0, pos); if(path[path.length()-1]==':')path += "/"; } else { path = "/"; } _DBG_ << "saving " << sum_tree->GetName() << " in " << path << endl; // get the directory in which to store the histogram // make it if it doesn't exist // (needs better error checking) string &path = tree_list_itr->second.path; TDirectory *the_dir = (TDirectory*)the_file->GetDirectory(path.c_str()); if(!the_dir) { the_file->mkdir(path.c_str()); the_dir = (TDirectory*)the_file->GetDirectory(path.c_str()); } **/ } }