// RSArchiver // Program to archive data over RootSpy into ROOT files // The current design of this program is to be #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "rs_cmsg.h" #include "rs_info.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////// rs_cmsg *RS_CMSG = NULL; rs_xmsg *RS_XMSG = NULL; rs_info *RS_INFO = NULL; pthread_rwlock_t *ROOT_MUTEX = NULL; bool USE_CMSG=false; bool USE_XMSG=true; // These defined in rs_cmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG; extern map HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; extern map MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG; // These defined in rs_xmsg.cc extern mutex REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG; extern set HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; extern set MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG; static int VERBOSE = 1; // Verbose output to screen - default is to print out some information // configuration variables static string ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; static string CMSG_NAME = ""; static set HNAMEPATHS; static string TMPDIR = "/home/hdops/tmp"; static string ELOG_NAME = "TLOG"; static bool ELOG_NOTIFY = false; static string ELOG_EMAIL = ""; static uint32_t TIMEOUT_SECS=25; // maximum seconds to wait for histograms or macros before giving up bool DONE = false; int RUN_NUMBER = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////// void signal_stop_handler(int signum); bool GetHists(const set &hnamepaths, bool send_request=true); void RegisterQueuedItems(void); void ExecuteMacro(TDirectory *f, string macro); void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]); void Usage(void); //----------- // signal_stop_handler //----------- void signal_stop_handler(int signum) { cerr << "received signal " << signum << "..." << endl; // let main loop know that it's time to stop DONE = true; } //------------------- // main //------------------- int main(int narg, char *argv[]) { // Parse the command line arguments ParseCommandLineArguments(narg, argv); // register signal handlers to properly stop running if(signal(SIGHUP, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set HUP signal handler" << endl; if(signal(SIGINT, signal_stop_handler)==SIG_ERR) cerr << "unable to set INT signal handler" << endl; // Create a lock for controlling access to ROOT Global ROOT_MUTEX = new pthread_rwlock_t; pthread_rwlock_init(ROOT_MUTEX, NULL); // Create rs_info object RS_INFO = new rs_info(); // ------------------- cMsg initialization ---------------------------- // Create cMsg object char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); char str[512]; sprintf(str, "RSelog_%d", getpid()); CMSG_NAME = string(str); cout << "RootSpy UDL is " << ROOTSPY_UDL << endl; if( USE_CMSG ){ RS_CMSG = new rs_cmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, CMSG_NAME); RS_CMSG->verbose = VERBOSE; } if( USE_XMSG ) RS_XMSG = new rs_xmsg(ROOTSPY_UDL, CMSG_NAME); // Wait for RS_CMSG to launch cMsg threads and ping servers sleep(2); // Request all histogram definitions first so RootSpy will know what to do with them // when the histograms come. cout << endl << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Requesting all histogram and macro definitions ... " << endl; if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RequestHists("rootspy"); if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RequestHists("rootspy"); if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RequestMacroList("rootspy"); usleep(500000); // Initial request of all hnamepaths. Most likely these are macros. // When the macro arrives however, rootspy immediately sends out a // request for any histograms it needs. bool good = GetHists(HNAMEPATHS); if( !good ){ cerr << "Unable to get all hnamepaths in initial set!" << endl; if(RS_CMSG) delete RS_CMSG; if(RS_XMSG) delete RS_XMSG; if(RS_INFO) delete RS_INFO; exit(-1); } // Create TCanvas, but set ROOT to batch mode so that it doesn't actually open a window. gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "A Canvas", 1600, 1200); // Setup interpretor so macros don't have to include these things. gROOT->ProcessLine("#include "); gROOT->ProcessLine("using namespace std;"); // Loop over hnamepaths, drawing each into the canvas and saving the image int ipage=1; vector img_files; map hnamepath_by_img_file; stringstream ss_log; // record messages about why an hnamepath is unavailable for adding to log entry for(string hnamepath : HNAMEPATHS){ cout << endl << "--- Processing " << hnamepath << " ---" << endl; // Get hdef info for this hnamepath set macro_hnamepaths; string macroString; RS_INFO->Lock(); const hdef_t *hdef = NULL; for(auto hdefpair : RS_INFO->histdefs){ if( hnamepath == hdefpair.second.hnamepath ) { hdef = &hdefpair.second; macro_hnamepaths = hdef->macro_hnamepaths; if(!hdef->hists.empty()) macroString = hdef->hists.begin()->second.macroString; // Use first hinfo break; } } RS_INFO->Unlock(); if(!hdef) { cerr << "Hmmm ... could not find hdef for " << hnamepath << " but it should be here!?!? -- skipping" << endl; ss_log << "No hdef for \"" << hnamepath << "\" -- skipped" << endl; continue; } // Get any additional hnamepaths this may require (if it is a macro) bool skip = false; if( ! macro_hnamepaths.empty() ){ bool good = GetHists(macro_hnamepaths,true); if( !good ){ cerr << "Could not find all hnamepaths needed for macro " << hnamepath << " -- skipping " << endl; ss_log << "Could not find all " << macro_hnamepaths.size() << " hnamepaths needed for macro \"" << hnamepath << "\" -- skipped" << endl; skip = true; } } if(skip) continue; // Clear canvas c1->Clear(); // Check if this is a macro or regular histogram if(macroString != ""){ cout << "Executing macro for " << hnamepath << endl; ExecuteMacro(RS_INFO->sum_dir, macroString); }else{ // This is not entirely thread safe! if(hdef->sum_hist) { if( hdef->sum_hist->InheritsFrom("TH2") ){ hdef->sum_hist->Draw("colz"); }else{ hdef->sum_hist->Draw(); } } } // Update canvas and save to PNG file c1->Update(); cout << " - Writing plot " << ipage << " of " << HNAMEPATHS.size() << endl; char fname[256]; sprintf(fname,"%s/rs_page%02d.png", TMPDIR.c_str(), ipage); c1->SaveAs(fname, ""); img_files.push_back(fname); hnamepath_by_img_file[fname] = hnamepath; ipage++; RS_INFO->Unlock(); } // ---------------- Create e-log page and submit ---------------------- char fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "%s/elog_monitoring.html", TMPDIR.c_str()); ofstream ofs(fname); if(ofs.is_open()){ time_t t = time(NULL); ofs << "Hall-D Monitoring Plots for " << ctime(&t); ofs << "

" << img_files.size() << "/" << HNAMEPATHS.size() << " pages generated

" << endl; ofs << "
" << ss_log.str() << "
" << endl; ofs << "
" << endl; ofs.close(); stringstream cmd; cmd << "/site/ace/certified/apps/bin/logentry"; cmd << " --html -b " << fname; cmd << " -l " << ELOG_NAME; if(ELOG_NOTIFY) cmd << " -n " << ELOG_EMAIL; if(RUN_NUMBER>0){ cmd << " -t \"Hall-D Monitoring Plots Run " << RUN_NUMBER << "\""; }else{ cmd << " -t \"Hall-D Monitoring Plots\""; } // attach all plots for( string s : img_files ) cmd << " -a " << s << " -c \"" << hnamepath_by_img_file[s] << "\""; // Save command in tmp directory for debugging ofstream ofcmd((TMPDIR + "/occ_elog_cmd").c_str()); ofcmd << cmd.str() << endl; ofcmd.close(); cout << "Executing:" << endl; cout << " " << cmd.str() << endl; system(cmd.str().c_str()); } cout << endl; cout << "Finished making e-log entry" << endl; cout << "--------------------------------" << endl; // Clean up if( RS_CMSG )delete RS_CMSG; if( RS_XMSG )delete RS_XMSG; delete RS_INFO; cout << "Done" << endl; return 0; } //----------- // GetHists //----------- bool GetHists(const set &hnamepaths, bool send_request) { // Send requests for all of the listed hnamepaths and // then wait until at least one server responds with each. // A check is first made that all histogram definitons are // already present and this will wait up to TIMEOUT_SECS // for them to come in. (They are all requested at the beginning // of the program.) // // Once all definitions are present, requests for the hnamepaths // themselves are sent. A minimum of 2 seconds is spent waiting // in order to give multiple servers a chance to respond. A maximum // of TIMEOUT_SECS is spent waiting. This may also spend less than // 2 seconds waiting if the received times of all relevant histograms // indicate a request was sent out at least 2 seconds earlier. // If all hists are found then true is returned. Otherwise false is // returned. // ------------- Wait for histogram definitions -------------- cout << "Checking for histogram definitions ..." << endl; uint32_t Ntries = 0; while(!DONE){ // Check received hdefs set found_hnamepaths; RS_INFO->Lock(); for(auto hdef : RS_INFO->histdefs){ for(string s : hnamepaths) if( s == hdef.second.hnamepath ) found_hnamepaths.insert(s); } RS_INFO->Unlock(); // Update ticker and finish if appropriate cout << " Received " << found_hnamepaths.size() << " / " << hnamepaths.size() << " definitions \r"; cout .flush(); if(found_hnamepaths.size() == hnamepaths.size()) break; uint32_t sleep_tics = 200000; uint32_t max_tries = TIMEOUT_SECS*(1000000/sleep_tics); // 2 seconds if(Ntries >= max_tries) { cerr << endl << "Timed out waiting for hnamepath definitions!" << endl; return false; } usleep(sleep_tics); Ntries++; } // ------------- Request all hnamepaths -------------- if(send_request){ cout << "Requesting hnamepaths:" << endl; for(string s : hnamepaths){ cout << " " << s << endl; if( RS_CMSG )RS_CMSG->RequestHistogram("rootspy", s); if( RS_CMSG )RS_CMSG->RequestMacro("rootspy", s); if( RS_XMSG )RS_XMSG->RequestHistogram("rootspy", s); if( RS_XMSG )RS_XMSG->RequestMacro("rootspy", s); } } // ------------- Wait for histograms -------------- cout << endl << "Waiting for histograms .... " << endl; Ntries = 0; while(!DONE){ // current time in seconds double now = 0.0; if( RS_CMSG ) now = RS_CMSG->GetTime(); if( RS_XMSG ) now = RS_XMSG->GetTime(); // Register any ROOT items or macros queued up by rs_cmsg RegisterQueuedItems(); // Check received hists set found_hnamepaths; uint32_t Nhists = 0; // total histograms recieved double youngest=0.0; // the hdef whose oldest received histogram is yougest RS_INFO->Lock(); for(auto hdef : RS_INFO->histdefs){ for(string s : hnamepaths){ if( s == hdef.second.hnamepath ){ if( !hdef.second.hists.empty() ){ found_hnamepaths.insert(s); Nhists += hdef.second.hists.size(); double oldest = now; for(auto hinfopair : hdef.second.hists){ double received = hinfopair.second.received; if(received < oldest) oldest = received; } // This keeps track of the hdef whose oldest received // histogram is the youngest of all hdefs. if( oldest > youngest ) youngest = oldest; } } } } RS_INFO->Unlock(); // Update ticker cout << " Received " << found_hnamepaths.size() << " / " << hnamepaths.size() << " (" << Nhists << " hists) \r"; cout .flush(); uint32_t sleep_tics = 200000; uint32_t min_tries = (2*1000000)/sleep_tics; // 2 seconds uint32_t max_tries = TIMEOUT_SECS*(1000000/sleep_tics); // Check if everything is found if(found_hnamepaths.size() == hnamepaths.size()) { if(Ntries >= min_tries)break; // This allows us to break earlier than the minimum time if we see that // all hnamepaths have been found and all have at least one received // histogram that is the minimum age old. The idea is that we must have // already requested that hnamepath that long ago so there is no need to // wait an additional min age. if( (now-youngest) >= (double)min_tries*(double)sleep_tics/1.0E6) break; } // Check if past timeout if(Ntries >= max_tries) { cerr << endl << "Timed out waiting for hists!" << endl; for(auto hnamepath: hnamepaths){ cout << hnamepath << ": " << (found_hnamepaths.count(hnamepath) ? "found":"not found") << endl; } return false; } // sleep for a cycle Ntries++; usleep(sleep_tics); } return true; } //----------- // RegisterQueuedItems //----------- void RegisterQueuedItems(void) { // This was copied from rs_mainframe::DoTimer in the RootSpy GUI program. // That tries to funnel all ROOT operations through the main GUI thread // so in order to actually create ROOT objects, we must process the queues // here. // Register any histograms waiting in the queue if( ! HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.lock(); for(auto h : HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG){ if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RegisterHistogram(h.second, (cMsgMessage*)h.first, true); } HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.unlock(); } // Register any macros waiting in the queue if( ! MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.lock(); for(auto m : MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG){ if( RS_CMSG ) RS_CMSG->RegisterMacro(m.second, (cMsgMessage*)m.first); } MACROS_TO_REGISTER_CMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_CMSG.unlock(); } // Register any histograms waiting in the queue if( ! HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.lock(); for(auto h : HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG){ if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RegisterHistogram(h); delete h; } HISTOS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.unlock(); } // Register any macros waiting in the queue if( ! MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.empty() ){ REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.lock(); for(auto m : MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG){ if( RS_XMSG ) RS_XMSG->RegisterMacro(m); delete m; } MACROS_TO_REGISTER_XMSG.clear(); REGISTRATION_MUTEX_XMSG.unlock(); } } //------------------- // ExecuteMacro //------------------- void ExecuteMacro(TDirectory *f, string macro) { // Copied from rs_mainframe.cc and modified for here. // Lock ROOT pthread_rwlock_wrlock(ROOT_MUTEX); TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory; f->cd(); // Keep a separate TSyle for each macro we draw. This used to // allow macros to change the style and have it stay changed // until the next macro is drawn. static std::map styles; if( styles.count( macro ) == 0 ){ styles[macro] = new TStyle(); } *gStyle = *styles[macro]; // Reset color palette to default. Macros may change this // with gStyle->SetPalette(...) but it is not actually a // property of the TSyle object. The SetPalette method just // maps to a static method of TColor which changes the palette // for the current TCanvas. (At least that is how I think this // works!) gStyle->SetPalette(); // reset to default TVirtualPad *top_pad = gPad; // execute script line-by-line // maybe we should do some sort of sanity check first? istringstream macro_stream(macro); int iline = 0; while(!macro_stream.eof()) { string s; getline(macro_stream, s); iline++; // This macro should have been parsed upon receipt and all histograms // already requested and received based on special comments. Thus, // we do not need to request them here. // Process line Long_t err = gROOT->ProcessLine(s.c_str()); if(err == TInterpreter::kProcessing){ cout << "Processing macro ..." << endl; }else if(err != TInterpreter::kNoError){ cout << "Error processing the macro line " << iline << ": " << err << endl; cout << "\"" << s << "\"" << endl; break; } } // Optionally add a run number label if( RUN_NUMBER > 0 ){ TLatex *run_number_label = new TLatex(); run_number_label->SetTextSize(1.0); run_number_label->SetTextColor(kBlack); run_number_label->SetTextAlign(22); top_pad->cd(); TPad *pad = (TPad*)gDirectory->FindObjectAny("run_number_label_pad"); if(!pad) pad = new TPad("run_number_label_pad", "Run Number", 0.91, 0.975, 1.0, 1.0); pad->Draw(); pad->cd(); char str[256]; sprintf(str, "Run: %d", (int)RUN_NUMBER); run_number_label->DrawLatex(0.5, 0.5, str); pad->Update(); } // restore savedir->cd(); // Unlock ROOT pthread_rwlock_unlock(ROOT_MUTEX); } //----------- // ParseCommandLineArguments //----------- void ParseCommandLineArguments(int &narg, char *argv[]) { if(VERBOSE>1) _DBG_ << "In ParseCommandLineArguments().." << endl; // allow for environment variables const char *ptr = getenv("ROOTSPY_UDL"); if(ptr)ROOTSPY_UDL = ptr; // check command line options static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, {"run-number", required_argument, 0, 'R' }, {"logbook", required_argument, 0, 'L' }, {"udl", required_argument, 0, 'u' }, {"server", required_argument, 0, 's' }, {"timeout", required_argument, 0, 't' }, {"email", required_argument, 0, 'e' }, {"hnamepath", required_argument, 0, 'H' }, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int opt = 0; int long_index = 0; while ((opt = getopt_long(narg, argv,"hR:L:u:s:e:H:v", long_options, &long_index )) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'R': if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); RUN_NUMBER = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = optarg; break; case 's' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ROOTSPY_UDL = "cMsg://"; ROOTSPY_UDL += optarg; ROOTSPY_UDL += "/cMsg/rootspy"; break; case 't' : TIMEOUT_SECS = atoi(optarg);; break; case 'L' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ELOG_NAME = optarg; break; case 'e' : if(optarg == NULL) Usage(); ELOG_EMAIL = optarg; ELOG_NOTIFY = true; break; case 'v' : VERBOSE++; break; case 'h': Usage(); break; case 'H': HNAMEPATHS.insert(optarg); break; } } if(HNAMEPATHS.empty()){ cout << endl << "You must specify at leat one hnamepath!" << endl << endl; Usage(); } // make sure tmp directory exists struct stat sb; if( !(stat(TMPDIR.c_str(), &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) ) TMPDIR = "."; // DUMP configuration cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Current configuration:" << endl; cout << " ROOTSPY_UDL = " << ROOTSPY_UDL << endl; cout << " RUN_NUMBER = " << RUN_NUMBER << endl; cout << " E-LOG = " << ELOG_NAME << endl; cout << " TMP Directory = " << TMPDIR << endl; cout << " Number of plots = " << HNAMEPATHS.size() << endl; if(ELOG_NOTIFY) cout << "Notification email = " << ELOG_EMAIL << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl; } //----------- // Usage //----------- void Usage(void) { cout<<"Usage:"<